TASCAM US-2400 (daw controller)

350 €

Por vic el 05/04/2024 en Lleida

Expiración: 02/10/2024 | Visto 616 veces


The US-2400 features 24 touch-sensitive moving channel faders and a touch-sensitive motorized master fader, each with 10-bit resolution for precise level control. Each channel has dedicated select, solo and mute controls.

Twenty-four rotary encoders are provided, selectable to control pan or aux sends. Plus, all 24 encoders can send standard MIDI controller messages for control of plug-in parameters. Each encoder has a ring of LEDs that can display the current setting or can be set to display channel meters during recording and playback. A set of solid-feeling transport buttons are also provided, as well as a shuttle wheel and a joystick for surround panning. A new software application, Soft LCD, adds on-screen display of track names, parameters and other information being controlled by the US-2400.

Compare it to any other control surface on the market today (and the extra expanders you'd have to buy to get 24 motorized faders) and you'll discover that the US-2400 gives you more control for the money.

Spec description:

* Compatible with Pro Tools, Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo, Logic and Digital Performer
* Twenty-five touch sensitive 100mm moving faders, each with 10-bit resolution
* Select, Solo and Mute keys
* 24 encoders control pan, aux level or channel strip functions like EQ & Aux
* LED ring displays around encoders display parameters or channel meters
* Footswitch jack for punch-ins
* Fader bank switching and In/Out point buttons
* Function keys provided for window shortcuts
* Solid-feeling transport controls
* Smooth Jog/Shuttle wheel

* Driverless operation - doesn't require

software installation

* SoftLCD displays 24 channels of data sent by your DAW app on your computer monitor just like a giant hardware scribble strip

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