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Eproms 2732 - 2764 para drum machines

ERDE80 Madrid
el 26/12/2015
El anuncio ha sido retirado.
Eproms 2732 - 2764 para drum machines
  • Eproms 2732 - 2764 para drum machines
4K EPROMS (2732)

4K EPROMs se usan en:

Oberheim DMX
Linn Drum
S.C.I. Drumtraks

8K EPROMS (2764)
8K EPROMs Se usan en:

Oberheim DMX
Oberheim DX
Oberheim Stretch
Linn 9000
S.C.I Drumtraks
Simmons SDS-1
Simmons SDS-9

Sonidos estriados de los archivos originales.


DMX Kick 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Snare 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Hi-Hat 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Small Toms 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Large Toms 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Percussion 1 - Tambourine/Rimshot 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Percussion 2 - Shaker/Claps 2732 4096 bytes
Standard DMX Cymbals

Description EPROM File size

DMX Ride2A 1 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Ride2A 2 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Ride2A 3 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Ride2A 4 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Crash 1 of 4 2732 4096 bytes
DMX Crash 2 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Crash 3 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Crash 4 of 4 2732 4096 bytes

New DMX Cymbals/DX Cymbals

The following sounds are from a later version of the DMX cymbal card. These are the same cymbal sounds used in the Oberheim DX.

Description EPROM File size

DMX Cymbal/3 Ride 1 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Ride 2 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Ride 3 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Ride 4 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Crash 1 of 4 2764 8192 bytes
DMX Cymbal/3 Crash 2 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Crash 3 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

DMX Cymbal/3 Crash 4 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Stock DX Sounds

Description EPROM File size

Kick 64 (Same sound as DMX Kick) 2764 8192 bytes

DX Hi-Hat 2764 8192 bytes

DX Tom 2764 8192 bytes

DX Conga 2764 8192 bytes

Fat Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Timbale 2764 8192 bytes

DX Cowbell 2764 8192 bytes

DX Tambourine/Rimshot 2764 8192 bytes

DX Shake 2764 8192 bytes

Other DX and DMX Sounds

Description EPROM File size

DMX Cowbell/Claves 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Click/Clap 2732 4096 bytes

DMX Old style Shaker/Claps 2732 4096 bytes

Conga 2732 4096 bytes

Claves (4K): Longer sample than standard 2732 4096 bytes

DX Tom 1 of 2 2732 4096 bytes

DX Tom 2 of 2 2732 4096 bytes

Beat Kick 2764 8192 bytes

Beat Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Punch 2764 8192 bytes

Bones 2764 8192 bytes

Shot 2764 8192 bytes

Long Noise 1 of 2 2764 8192 bytes

Long Noise 2 of 2 2764 8192 bytes

Long Hi Hat 1 of 2 2764 8192 bytes

Long Hi Hat 2 of 2 2764 8192 bytes

Scratch 2764 8192 bytes

Electric Kick 2764 8192 bytes

Electric Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Electric Snare 3 2764 8192 bytes

Electric Tom 3 2764 8192 bytes

Linn LM1 sounds

Description EPROM File size

Bass 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Cabasa 1 x 2716 2048 bytes

Conga 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Claps 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Cowbell 1 x 2716 2048 bytes

HiHat 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096

Rimshot 1 x 2716 2048 bytes

Snare 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Tamborine 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 2 x 2716 2048 bytes

alternate 1 x 2732 4096 bytes

Linn 9000 Sounds

Description EPROM File size

Bass 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Cymbal bell 2764 (1 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (2 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (3 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (4 of 4) 8192 bytes

(combined) 27256 32768 bytes

Cabasa 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Hand claps 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Conga 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Cowbell 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 by

Crash cymbal 2764 (1 of 6) 8192 bytes

2764 (2 of 6) 8192 bytes

2764 (3 of 6) 8192 bytes

2764 (4 of 6) 8192 bytes

2764 (5 of 6) 8192 bytes

2764 (6 of 6) 8192 bytes

(combined) - 49152 bytes

Hi Hat 2764 (1 of 2) 8192 bytes

2764 (2 of 2) 8192 bytes

(combined) 27128 16384 bytes

Ride cymbal 2764 (1 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (2 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (3 of 4) 8192 bytes

2764 (4 of 4) 8192 bytes

(combined) 27256 32768 bytes

Snare 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Side stick 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Tamborine 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Tom 2764 (1 of 1) 8192 bytes

Linndrum Lm2 Drum Sounds

Description EPROM File size

Bass1 2732 4096 bytes

Bass 6 2732 4096 bytes

Snare 2732 4096 bytes

Snare 23 2732 4096 bytes

Side Stick 2732 4096 bytes

Linn Cowbell 2732 4096 bytes

Clap (2) 2732 4096 bytes

Finger Snap (1 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Finger Snap (2 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Linn Percussion - Shaker/Claps 2732 4096 bytes

Cabasa 1 2732 4096 bytes

Tamborine 2732 4096 bytes

Conga 2 (1 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Conga 2 (2 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (1 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (2 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (3 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (4 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (5 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (6 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (7 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Crash 1 (8 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (1 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (2 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (3 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (4 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (5 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (6 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (7 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Ride 1 (8 of 8) 2732 4096 bytes

Hi Hat 1 (1 of 4) 2732 4096 bytes

Hi Hat 1 (2 of 4) 2732 4096 bytes

Hi Hat 1 (3 of 4) 2732 4096 bytes

Hi Hat 1 (4 of 4) 2732 4066 bytes

Tom 1 (1 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 1 (2 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 6 (1 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 6 (2 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 7 (1 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Tom 7 (2 of 2) 2732 4096 bytes

Roland TR 606

Description EPROM File size

TR-606 Bass 2732 4096 bytes

TR-606 Snare 2732 4096 bytes

TR-606 Hi-Hat 2732 4096 bytes

TR-606 Tom 2732 4096 bytes

TR-808 sounds

TR-808 Bass 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Bass 2 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Clap 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Reverse Clap 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Cymbal 27256 32768 bytes

TR-808 Reverse Cymbal 27256 32768 bytes
TR-808 Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Reverse Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Snare 2764 8192 bytes

TR-808 Reverse Snare 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 sounds

TR-909 Bass 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Clap 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Clap 2 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Crash 27256 32768 bytes

TR-909 Closed Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Open Hat 2764 8192

TR-909 Ride 27256 32768 bytes

TR-909 Rim 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Snare 2764 8192 bytes

TR-909 Snare 2 2764 8192 bytes

Drumulator Simmons and Digidrums Sounds

Description EPROM File size

Drumulator 808 Rom A 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 808 Rom B 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 808 Rom C 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 808 Rom D 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 909 Rom A 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 909 Rom B 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 909 Rom C 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator 909 Rom D 27128 16384 bytes
Drumulator SDSV Rom A 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator SDSV Rom B 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator SDSV Rom C 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator SDSV Rom D 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator STOCK Rom A 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator STOCK Rom B 27128 16384 bytes

Drumulator STOCK Rom C 27128 16384 bytes
Drumulator STOCK Rom D 27128 16384 bytes

Digidrums Alt Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums El Tom 2 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums El Tom 3 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums El Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums El Snare 2 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums El Snare 3 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums Clave 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums Deep Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums Congo 2764 8192 bytes

Digidrums Euro Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDSV Bass 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDSV Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDSV Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDS7 Bass 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDS7 Tight Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDS7 Bright Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Simmons SDS9 Snare
Simmons SDS9 Rim A/B 2764 8192 bytes

SCI Drumtraks Sounds

Description EPROM File size

Wood Block / African Bell 2764 8192 bytes

Wood Block 2732 4096 bytes

African Bell 2732 4096 bytes

Bass Drum 2732 4096 bytes

Conga Slap / Agogo Bell 2764 8192 bytes

Conga Slap 2732 4096 bytes

Agogo Bell 2732 4096 bytes

Crash Cymbal 2764 x 4 32768 bytes

Crash Cymbal 1 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Crash Cymbal 2 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Crash Cymbal 3 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Crash Cymbal 4 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

Mouth click / Finger Snaps 2764 8192 bytes

Mouth Click 2732 4096 bytes

Finger Snaps 2732 4096 bytes

Perc1 (Hand Claps / Tambourine) 2764 8192 bytes

Hand Claps 2732 4096 bytes

Tambourine 2732 4096 bytes

Perc2 (Cowbell / Shaker) 2764 8192 bytes

Cowbell 2732 4096 bytes

Shaker 2732 4096 bytes

Ride Cymbal 2764 x 4 32768 bytes

Ride Cymbal 1 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Ride Cymbal 2 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Ride Cymbal 3 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Ride Cymbal 4 of 4 2764 8192 bytes

Snare / Rim shot 2764 8192 bytes

Snare 2732 4096 bytes

Rim Shot 2732 4096 bytes

Talking Drum 2764 8192 bytes

Timpani 2764 8192 bytes

Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Alesis HR-16

Description EPROM File size

24" Power Kick 2764 8192 bytes

22" Deep Kick 2764 8192 bytes

22" Power Kick 2764 8192 bytes

20" Swift Kick 2764 8192 bytes

22" Dbl HD Kick A 2764 8192 bytes

22" Dbl HD Kick B 2764 8192 bytes

22" 60s Kick 2764 8192 bytes

22" Gated Kick 2764 8192 bytes

Electronic Kick1 2764 8192 bytes

Electronic Kick2 2764 8192 bytes

8x14" Wood Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Ambient Wood Snare 2764 8192 bytes

13" Brass Picolo 2764 8192 bytes

Gated Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Electronic Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Rimshot Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Side Stick Snare 2764 8192 bytes

Brush Hit Snare 2764 8192 bytes

10" Power Tom 2764 8192 bytes

16" Pwr Floor Tom 2764 8192 bytes

10" Dbl Head Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Description EPROM File size

14" Dbl Head Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Electonic Tom 2764 8192 bytes

Closed Hi Hat A 2764 8192 bytes

Closed Hi Hat B 2764 8192 bytes

Half Open Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

Open Hi Hat 2764 8192 bytes

Foot Closed Hat 2764 8192 bytes

Ride Cymbal 27128 16384 bytes

Ride Cymbal Bell 27128 16384 bytes

Crash Cymbal 27128 16384 bytes

Timbale 2764 8192 bytes

High Conga Slap 2764 8192 bytes

Low Conga Slap 2764 8192 bytes

Small Wood Block 2764 8192 bytes

Large Wood Block 2764 8192 bytes

Rosewood Claves 2764 8192 bytes

Cabasa 2764 8192 bytes

Maracas A 2764 8192 bytes

Maracas B 2764 8192 bytes

Shakers 2764 8192 bytes

Agogo Bell 2764 8192 bytes

Medium Cowbell 2764 8192 bytes

Large Cowbell 2764 8192 bytes

Triangle 2764 8192 bytes

Tamborine 2764 8192 bytes

Hand Claps 2764 8192 bytes

Finger Snaps
Drum Sticks 2764 8192 bytes

Acetone Rhythm Ace
Acetone Rhythm King
Acetone Rhythm Master
AJK Percussion Synth
AJK Percusyn
Akai XR-10
Akai Linndrum
Akai Mpc60
Akai MPC-2000
Akai XR-1
Akai XR10
Alesis D4fx
Alesis DM5
Alesis Hr16
Alesis Hr16b
Alesis Sr16
BASS 677 multisamples
Boss Dr Rhythm110
Boss Dr55
Boss Dr70
Boss DR-110
Boss DR-202
Boss DR-220
Boss Dr220a
Boss DR-220e
Boss DR-550
Boss DR-550 MkII
Boss DR-660
Buchla Modular System 200
Casio MT-18
Casio MT-100
Casio MT-500
Casio MT-800
Casio PT-1
Casio PT-30
Casio PT-68
Casio PT-82
Casio Rapman
Casio RZ1
Casio Sk-1
Casio VL-1
Coron Drum Synce DS-7
Doepfer MS-404
EKO Rhythm Box
Electro Harmonix Drm15
Electro Harmonix Drm32
Electro-Harmonix Spacedrum
Emu Drumulator
EMU E-drum
Emu Modular
Emu Sp12
Ensoniq Asr-x
Fairlight IIx
Fricke MFB 502
Fricke MFB 512
Hammond Autovari 64
Hammond Rhythm
Hohner Automatic
Hohner Rhythm 80
Jomox Xbase-09
Kawai R50
Kawai R50e
Kawai R-100
Kawai XD5
Korg ddd5
Korg DDM110
Korg DDM220
Korg KPR77
Korg KR-55
Korg KRZ
Korg M1
Korg Minipops
Korg MS-20
Korg Poly-800
Korg prophecy
Korg Pro-Wave
Korg Rhyth-55
Korg SR-120
Korg T3
Korg x5
Kurzweil K2000 ROM
Linn 9000
Linn Drum LM1
Linn Drum LM2
Linn Linn-9000
Luxor Passet
Maestro Rhythm King
Maestro Rhythm MRQ-1
Moog Concertmate MG-1
MXR Computer Rhythm 185
Novation Drumstation
Oberheim Dmx
Oberheim DX
Quasimidi 309
Rhodes Polaris
Roland CompuRhythm 1000
Roland CompuRhythm 8000
Roland CompuRhythm-78
Roland CR-1000
Roland CR-8000
Roland D-10 L.A
Roland D-70
Roland D-110
Roland DDR30
Roland f30 drums
Roland JD800
Roland JD-990
Roland Juno106 Typhoon
Roland JV 1080
Roland JV80
Roland JX3P
Roland MC09
Roland MC-202
Roland MC303
Roland MT32
Roland PB-300 Rhythm Plus
Roland R-5
Roland R-8
Roland S50
Roland SC-88
Roland SH-09
Roland Sh-101
Roland System-100
Roland TD-7
Roland TD-10
Roland TR-33
Roland TR-55
Roland TR-66
Roland TR-77
Roland TR-505
Roland Tr-606
Roland Tr-626
Roland Tr-707
Roland Tr-727
Roland Tr-808
Roland Tr-909
Ruby Orla
Sakata Dpm48
Sequential Circuits Drumtraks
Sequential Circuits TOM
Serge Modular
Siel MPD-40
Simmons Clap
Simmons SD-8
Simmons sds5
Simmons sds7
Simmons sds8
Simmons sds9
Simmons SDS-400
Sonor Mini Mammut
Sound Master, Memory Rhythm SR-88
Suzuki RPM-40
Univox Micro-Rhythmer 12
Vermona Drum
Vermona ER-9
Virtual MPC Electronics
Visco SpaceDrum
Vox Drumbox
Watford Electronic Drumbox
Wersi WM 24
Wurlitzer Swinging Rhythm
X Drum LM8953
Yamaha CS-5
Yamaha CS6
Yamaha EL-605
Yamaha EM-90
Yamaha EX5
Yamaha EX7 Drums
Yamaha MR10
Yamaha PS-55
Yamaha PSR
Yamaha RM 50
Yamaha RX
Yamaha RX 21
Yamaha RX5
Yamaha RX-7
Yamaha RX11
Yamaha RX21
Yamaha RY-10
Yamaha RY30
Yamaha SY22
Yamaha Sy35
Yamaha Tg33
Yamaha TX16W

Se pueden instalar en los eproms cualquier sonido de las cajas de ritmos descritas.
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