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Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule

Last_Monkey Madrid
el 23/05/2023
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Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
  • Micrófono Golden Age Premier (U47). GA-47 Extended M7 capsule
Hola vendo esta bestia de micrófono.
Es la gama más alta de Gap, la Premier.

¡Puro sonido U47!

Número de serie 003.

Es la version mas potente de Golden Age.
Ésta es la línea superior de micrófonos premier U47 de Golden Age Premier.

Éste no es el GA-47, ni el GA-47 MkII, ni el GA-47 XT (HV o HM).

Éste es el GA-47 XT M7, el tope de gama, con la cápsula M7.
Cuenta con una selección especial de la cápsula y todos los componentes.
Una de las réplicas mas cercanas al Neumann U47.
El micrófono está literalmente nuevo.
•GA-47XT M7
•High End, no compromise components and build quality
•An exclusive M7-style capsule.
•Built in many details according to the vintage U47 including the polar pattern switch below the grille and switchable capsule head
•Hand Made in small series
Capsules selected with very tight tolerances
•Point-to point wiring with silver-plated copper wire, a printed circuit board is only used for the ground connections
•All soldering points made with Mudorf Msolder Supreme SilverGold solder (Sn88, 6Cu, 1,8Ag, 9,5Au)
•Solid wood microphone box, tweed style system flight case.
•Every mic, box and psu has a badge with the serial number
•The GA-47XT M7 targets users who are looking for the ultimate U47 style sound combined with the flexibility of a removable capsule head.
•The GA-47XT M7 has a removable capsule head in the same format as the vintage U47, meaning that it´s possible to use vintage heads on the GA-47XT M7 or one of GAP heads on a vintage U47.
It also has the polar pattern switch on the front of the microphone below the grille and an aviation style cable socket for an even stronger vintage vibe.
•The M7 version uses an exclusive M7-style capsule that is very expensive to produce. There has also been some modifications made inside the mic to achieve a sound that is very close to a vintage U47 unit in great condition.
•GA-47XT M7 build info:
•Microphone body and grille
•The microphone body is made of brass, the grille is made of iron. The grille, which is a critical component affecting the sound character, is similar to the one in the U47.
•Capsule Heads:
•In order to get a good consistency between units, for each production run of GA-47XT M7 capsule heads, approximately five times the needed number of capsules are evaluated in order to find capsules with specifications that lie within the tight tolerances.
•The sensitivity of the front and back side of the capsules do not differ more than 0,3 dB. The sensitivity between different capsules do not differ more than 0,5 dB.
•The tight manufacturing tolerance lead to a very good consistency between different GA-47XT M7 units.
•The capsules are dual-sided ones, providing the GA-47XT M7 with both Cardioid and Omni polar patterns.
•The GA-47XT M7 uses a NOS Telefunken 800 series super low noise pentode tube connected in triode mode in order to decrease distorsion and noise. This tube is modern glass derivative of the VF14M used in the vintage U47.
•Output transformer:
•The GA-47XT M7 transformer is especially designed with a 6.5:1 dual bobbin transformer by a reputed transformer factory. •It is a replica of the BV8 transformer used in the vintage U47. It uses a high quality core material.
•Capacitors and resistors:
•The coupling capacitor is a SOLEN one, made in France. It is an axial capacitor made from MKP material with copper pins. It has a delicate, full sound and a wide frequency response. Other used capacitors are SIEMENS low loss polystyrene film capacitors.
•The resistors are ALLEN BRADLEY carbon film resistors made in the USA with vintage and warm sound.
Mic interior and cabling
•The electronic circuit is uses point-to point wiring, only the ground connections uses a circuit board.
•Teflon insulated, silver-plated copper wire is used for the internal connections.
•Power supply transformer and electrolytic capacitors
•The vintage style power supply PSU uses a high power R-style transformer with a low noise level and a minimal stray field. The electrolytic capacitors are of a high quality, audio quality type.
•A simple but effective circuit uses dual-stage filtering for the filament voltage. The high voltage is precisely filtered and stabilized using a special regulator component.
•A ground lift switch is included to help solving mains ground loop noise issues in some environments.
•Mic cable:
•The cable is specially produced using 4n pure oxygen-free copper, Teflon insulation, tin foil and 98% kitmesh, ie with a very high braided density of the cable shield. It has a very open and smooth sound.
•The GA-47XT M7 mount and a box made of solid wood for the microphone.
GA-47XT M7
Polar pattern: Cardioid and Omni
Frequency range: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Sensitivity: 12 mV/Pa
Rated impedance: 200 ohm
Capsule: S47d, 34 mm, M7/K47-style
Maximum SPL: 140 dB
Equivalent Noise Level: 10dB

Os dejo el enlace a la web :

Si quereis un U47 a precio de regalo, éste es vuestro micro!

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Características declaradas por el vendedor

Estado: Impecable

Año de fabricación: 2023

País de fabricación: Suecia

Color: Plateado

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