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Studio Electronics ATC-X

numind Bizkaia
el 03/12/2024
Studio Electronics ATC-X
  • Studio Electronics ATC-X
  • Studio Electronics ATC-X
  • Studio Electronics ATC-X
!!! This version is the ATC-X with the frontal membrane of ATC-Xi !!!!

Studio Electronics ATC-X, Quad filter System with 4 Filters: classic Oberheim®, Moog®, Roland® 303, Arp® 2600 filters.


Electronica and Hiphop sounds emerge equally with transcendental control and flexibility from this updated ATC-1 and it's crisp, relevant set of STUDIO ELECTRONICS "X Model" strength patches and improved sound engine.

The ATC-X's "Quad Filter System" design enhances creativity and trims costs, sacrificing none of the warm and greasy thickness that defined the ATC-1.

Discrete hardware analog distortion and crossmod, externally patchable ringmod circuits, programmable S.E.M. modes and a triangle/square combi L.F.O. waveform round out the reeducation of this star pupil of ANALOGIA INC. Now it's ready to teach you the analog street knowledge it's perfected.


Voices: One.
Audio Outputs: One
External Inputs: Two: filter and ring mod.
Interface: 1 digital rotary encoder and 50 membrane switches.
Display: 3 digit green LED.
Memory: RAM: 512 patch locations in RAM.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Dimensions: 2 rack spaces, 10 inches deep.
Power: 90 - 250 volts AC auto switching.



Two voltage controlled discrete analog oscillators—waveforms: triangle, sawtooth and variable width square; simultaneous waveforms output; syncing of Osc 2 to Osc 1; Oscillator 2 audio frequency modulation.


One voltage controlled discrete analog filter: 24db (classic Moog® style) in "Quad Filter System-Mini Mode" and four voltage controlled discrete analog filters in "Quad Filter System-4 Filters": classic Oberheim®, Moog®, Roland® 303, Arp® 2600 style; 12db filter modes: low pass, bandpass. Filters do not operate in series or parallel. (Unlike our legacy ATC-1, the filters are not plug-in cartridges, rather internaly mounted circuit boards.)


Three multiple stage envelope generators: attack, decay, sustain and release with inverting and multiple triggering; assignable 3rd. Envelope 1 fixed to filter frequency. Envelope 2 fixed to amplifier level.


Two low frequency oscillators––waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth, square, noise, random; parameters: destination, depth, key trigger, phase, midi sync.

Cross Modulaton (also listed in VCOs)

Oscillator 2 audio frequency modulation. Destinations: Osc 1 frequency, filter frequency.

Ring Modulator

Discrete analog external carrier input for external signal processing (bypasses Oscillator 2 function). Patchable via back panel connections.

Distortion Circuit

Discrete analog distortion (the heart of an MXR 90), programmable level controls per patch.

Additional Features

White noise generator, external input processor, exponential glide––parameters: time, autoglide interval, destination.

Modulation Destinations

LFOs 1 and 2 and envelope 3: VCO 1 and 2 frequency, pulse width and mix level, VCF frequency and resonance, noise level, Xmod mod amount, LFOs 1 and 2 rate and depth, VCA level.

MIDI Controllers

Dynamics, modwheel, bender, pressure: one destination and amount per; modwheel and pressure: all LFO 1, 2 and envelope 3 destinations including envelopes 1 and 3 amount, dynamics: envelopes 1, 2 and 3 amount; bender: pitch and filter frequency. Fixed continuous controller assignments for all key functions.

MIDI Specifications

In and out, receives program change, bank select, glide on/off, glide time, volume and sysex.
Características declaradas por el vendedor

Estado: Excelente

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