Bulk Dump (Yamaha CS2X)

#1 por Lamprolog el 25/05/2003
Holas compañeros.

Sabe alguien como se hace un "bulk dump" del cs2x utilizando el cubase SX ?

Grabar lo que toco, sale, pero cuando le meto al bulk dump simplemente no hace nada. No graba nada.

Algun parametro raro en el Cubase ?

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#2 por Lamprolog el 25/05/2003

Yo me lo guiso, yo me lo como: :roll:

Recording a bulk dump in Cubase SX

In any programmable device, all settings are stored as numbers in computer memory. Change those numbers, and you will change the settings.

Normally, MIDI devices allow you to dump (transmit) all or some settings in the device's memory, in the form of MIDI System Exclusive messages. Return these messages, and you get the settings back. This is (among other things) a way of making backup copies of the settings of any instrument.

If your instrument allows the dumping of a few or all of its settings via MIDI by activating some function on the front panel, this dump will most probably be recordable in Cubase SX.

1. Open the Preferences dialog from the File menu and select the MIDI-Filter page.

As described in the section Filtering MIDI , this allows you to govern which MIDI event types should be recorded and/or thru-put.

2. Deactivate the Sysex checkbox in the Record section, but make sure the Sysex checkbox in the Thru section is activated.

With this setting (shown in the figure above) SysEx messages will be recorded but not echoed back out to the instrument (which could lead to strange results).

3. Activate recording on a MIDI track and initiate the dump from the front panel of the instrument.

4. When done recording, select the new part and open the List Editor from the MIDI menu.

This allows you to check that the System Exclusive dump was recorded - there should be one or several SysEx events in the part/event list.


Sacado del help del Cubase.

Gracias por dejaros marear :wink:
#3 por Jordimatik el 25/05/2003
En el manual debe venir bien detallado el proceso pero como dices que ya lo has intentado supongo que habrás seguido las instrucciones.
Si no funciona deberías hecharle un ojo al filtro MIDI del CS2x (mira el manual) y configurarlo para que deje pasar todos los datos y lo mismo con el filtro Midi del Cubase SX que debes configurar para que entren todos los datos.
#4 por Jordimatik el 25/05/2003
Vaya, ya he vuelto a tardar demasiado, jeje.
#5 por Lamprolog el 25/05/2003

Escribiamos a la vez. Leyendo, leyendo, se ha solucionado.

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