esa es la lista de alpine ridge verdad?espero no haberme liado. En la lista de la titan ridge no sale mi placa, solo en la alpine. Y ahora veo que la alppine rev 2 lleva agotado un buen tiempo y no parece que vuelva a salir a corto plazo.
Mirando en otros foros he dado con alguno que ha probado la titan y le va bien en x299 pero hay otro que dice que tenía fallos y que despues de cambiarse a la alpine no ha tenido problemas. os paso el link.
Is there anyone with an Gigabyte X299 motherboard with Titan Ridge PCIe card and can see any thunderbolt parameters in the BIOS ?
I contacted Gigabyte support that told me :
The GC-TITAN RIDGE is compatible with GIGABYTE motherboards of that include a Thunderbolt™ header on below Intel platform: H370/B360-series
Please use the GC-Alpine Ridge 2.0"
But the Card is working ... Mystery
I've had to uninstall the Titan Ridge card from my X299 system. It was causing all sorts of stability issues (BIOS would get stuck at "Detect HDD" unless I completely powered down the system first, my computer would freeze up and not turn the display back on if I left it for too long, etc, etc). None of these issues are present with the Alpine Ridge card, so I've reverted until the community has more time to work out the Titan Ridge.
esa es la lista de alpine ridge verdad?espero no haberme liado. En la lista de la titan ridge no sale mi placa, solo en la alpine. Y ahora veo que la alppine rev 2 lleva agotado un buen tiempo y no parece que vuelva a salir a corto plazo.
Mirando en otros foros he dado con alguno que ha probado la titan y le va bien en x299 pero hay otro que dice que tenía fallos y que despues de cambiarse a la alpine no ha tenido problemas. os paso el link.
Is there anyone with an Gigabyte X299 motherboard with Titan Ridge PCIe card and can see any thunderbolt parameters in the BIOS ?
I contacted Gigabyte support that told me :
The GC-TITAN RIDGE is compatible with GIGABYTE motherboards of that include a Thunderbolt™ header on below Intel platform: H370/B360-series
Please use the GC-Alpine Ridge 2.0"
But the Card is working ... Mystery
I've had to uninstall the Titan Ridge card from my X299 system. It was causing all sorts of stability issues (BIOS would get stuck at "Detect HDD" unless I completely powered down the system first, my computer would freeze up and not turn the display back on if I left it for too long, etc, etc). None of these issues are present with the Alpine Ridge card, so I've reverted until the community has more time to work out the Titan Ridge.