el primero es el tipo de tarjeta,visa,mastercard....etc
el segundo el nombre del poseedor de la tarjeta,
el tercero el número de la tarjeta
y los otros dos?????
alguien sabe??
"security code" si no recuerdo mal son los numerillos que hay detrás de la tarjeta, al lado de donde se supone que va una firma. (...alguien las firma?)
y "Valid thru" es la fecha de caducidad de la tarjeta.
entonces no hay que escribir el numero secreto por ninguna parte,no??
eso esque me daba mal rollo...
esque por detrás hay un montón de números y no se cuál es...
hay uno más corto,de 8 cifras,y otro mucho más largo, de 18 cifras.
luego por delante hay otro número pequeño de 4 cifras...no se cuál será el security code.
FAQ: What is the credit card security code?
The credit card Security Code, also called the Bank code or the Card Identification Number (CIN), is a special security code feature on the American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard or Visa credit card.
By requiring the Security Code to be entered with the customer's credit card, you are verifying that the order is being placed by the card holder. The Security Code offers protection to the card holder as well. The Card Identification Number (CID) is not raised, so they are not scanned into standard credit card readers. In theory, these numbers are only visible to the card holder.
American Express
Look for the 4-digit code printed on the front of your card just above and to the right of your main credit card number. This 4-digit code is the credit card Security Code.
Flip your card over and look at the signature box. You should see a 16-digit credit card number followed by a special 3-digit code. This 3-digit code is the credit card Security Code.
Flip your card over and look at the signature box. You should see a 16-digit credit card number followed by a special 3-digit code. This 3-digit code is the credit card Security Code.
Flip your card over and look at the signature box. You should see a 16-digit credit card number followed by a special 3-digit code. This 3-digit code is credit card Security Code, like VISA and MasterCard.
Pues dependerá del tipo de tarjeta.