Error al sincronizar audio y midi

#1 por ElLocoDelHardetchno el 07/04/2005
hola tropa, a ver si alguien me puede echar una mano. el asunto es el siguiente: cambio una pista de audioInst a standard drum, y solo poner unas notas y darle al play en loop me sale el siguiente mensaje: "error while trying to sincrhonize audio and midi, sample rate 45330 regnized", alguien sabe lo q significa esto?¿ ah! y otra dudilla: como mapeo mi propio standard drum?... agradecere cualquier ayuda puesto q vengo del mundo reason, y como comprendereis... logic se me come vivo. merci.
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faelitox mod
#2 por faelitox el 11/04/2005
A cuanto tienes configurada la tarjeta 16 - 44 ?

Te pego un miniarticulo de como crear tu instrumento mapeado esta en ingles...:


ok... but what if the item is a drum-box or sampler... where each key/note is a different sound as opposed to a played-across-the-keyboard 'Instrument'... In that Case... Create an Object of the Class MAPPED-INSTRUMENT--- (Menu: NEW/Mapped-Instrument... now... as soon as you do that... a Window appears with the keys and all the parameters to create any type of map you want... (THIS IS NOT the drum View.. just where you set the note numbers etc..) ... so this keyboard-Map appears... close it...You'll see a MAPPED-INSTRUMENT Icon on the Layer... name it.... LETS SAY WE NAME IT : 'DRUMBOX' ... set it's port, channel etc again by hi-liting the Icon on the LAYER & adjusting parameters in the Left-side panel that appears...

Ok... so we have a named Mapped-Instrument.. To access the 'Start-up' Keyboard map detail-view again to adjust parameters, double-click on the 'DRUMBOX-Object' ICON on the LAYER...

oK.... NOW MAKing SURE THE (MappedInstr.) icon-BOX on the Left of the Layer area IS ticked for the DRUMBOX mapped-instrument, close the environment...

go to arrangepage... create new track... hold down with mouse/pointer on the track.. list-opens... select DRUMBOX.... create/draw a music part say 1-bar long adjacent to the DRUMBOX track with the Pencil-Tool... now... Select ARROW-POINTER from toolbox with the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON.... RIGHT button..

Hold down CNTRL & Double-RIGHT-click on the music-part... an EDIT sreen appears... like little teeth/grid horizontal... it will be defaulted to say: MIDI CONTROLS or GM DRUM KIT on the upper-Left info-panel... SELECT THE DRUMKIT... THE rest is pretty obvious... see the: 'Logic-Item' page in 'PC-SECTION/S/WARE', for details of the drum edit protocol....

As you select each note/name you can re-name it, set various parameters including how thick the notes are the Pen-Tool draws... if you click to the left, just infront of each drum note/name on the vertical-grid list, a round icon with a line thru it appears... that is LINKING, any notes linked cant play together like hat-openings etc...

The rest is straightforward... go to Arrange area, select track, hold down mouse pointer on track, list appears, select DRUMBOX... create a music-part, and go into edit screen & pencil in notes to create patterns...

or map/re-map & play notes on the drum-box/sampler from a master keyboard etc by playing into Logic track assigned to DRUMBOX.... Ingoing-Outgoing Notes are mapped - (remember?... double-click the 'DRUMBOX' Mapped-Instrument-'Object' on the DRUMBOX LAYER to fine-tune, but you can do most tasks in DRUM-MAP EDIT WINDOW using the Left-side panel....

#3 por ElLocoDelHardetchno el 14/04/2005
jelou faelitox, supongo q si, q mi configuracion debe ser la q hay puesta por defecto, 16-44, puesto q miro en preferences y lo unico q le puedo especificar es que tengo drivers asio, mi tarjeta es una apestosa soundblaster audigy 2 por eso, q lo sepasss... puede traer problemas el logic con este tipo de tarjetas? ah y en cuanto al tema mapeado merci, pero me he leido el temilla aquel d mapear con el exs24 y la verdad es q me funciona bastante bien, mas entendedor, je je, con algun problemilla en la calidad del sonido... , pero bueno, eso ya es otro asunto en el foro. saludos faelitox.
faelitox mod
#4 por faelitox el 14/04/2005
Si la verdad que mejor hacerlo con el Exs24, porque la calidad del midi es peor que la de unos buenos wavs.

Puede que sean los drivers lo que te esten dando problemas pero no te se decir...

Un saludo!
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