Pues na, resulta que mirando un indice de personajes "Españoles" en ingles en wikipedia fui a parar a la pagina de Torrente escrita en ingles en wikipedia y me encontre con esto:
Coming to America?
Santiago Segura has said several times that there will be more Torrente movies if they still due well at the (Spanish) box office. The idea of making an American remake in the United States was offered for the first time in 2002 by US filmmaker Oliver Stone, who suggested Robert de Niro for the lead role. Stone had seen the first two movies during a film festival in Europe and declared his admiration for the character, meeting Segura and befriending him. This first negotiations, however, didn't end well, but the rights to make an American version were finally purchased by New Line Cinema in 2006 and two American writers, Mike Bender and Doug Chernack, were hired to draw a first version of the script. It has not been revealed if the new movie would be a real remake, in which the new Torrente will be a US version of the Spanish one, or a movie featuring a mission of the horrendous Spanish policeman in US soil. In any case, it seems that Segura will not repeat in the role if there is any American version.
Y me dije: Coño! que curioso... y entonces meti en IMDB y puse torrente para ver las fichas de las pelis de torrente por curiosidad y... encontre esto:

Mirar la fecha...mieditooooooooooooor
La pagina la tienen todavia cerrada al publico pero se lee claramente "Torrente (2010)" sera la version americana?