Pro Tools en Cubase SX...!

#1 por jolumala el 05/02/2005
Wenas compis!

Pues aquí estoy con un pequeño problema...

Tenemos varias sesiones de Pro Tools con unos temas de nuestro grupo, y necesito poder utilizarlas en Cubase para poder trabajar con ellas en mi estudio...

El problema es que están grabadas con la versión de Pro Tools LE 5.1 o algo así, y la persona que las tiene no sabe cómo exportarlas para que pueda abrirlas con Cubase...

Sabéis si esa versión de Pro Tools da opción a exportarlo como OMF...? (me da a mi en la nariz que no...) de todas maneras agradecería que alguien pudiera echarme una mano con este asunto...


... :shock:
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#2 por Sergioso el 05/02/2005
si consolida todas las pistas desde el compas cero, solo tendrias que importarlas en cubase, y asi tienes todas las pistas sincronizadas perfectamente.
un saludo
#3 por weld el 05/02/2005
Echa un vistazo....

Espero te sirva.
#4 por jolumala el 05/02/2005
Gracias a ambos por vuestras respuestas...

Lo de consolidar las pistas ya había rondado por mi cabeza, pero tampoco quiero pedirle ese curro a mi amigo...

En cuanto al programita ese del enlace de Weld, habría que probarlo...

De todas maneras, por vuestras respuestas me va quedando claro que no hay manera de hacerlo desde Pro Tools, no?

Bueno, sigo investigando...


... :shock:
#5 por weld el 05/02/2005
Format Characteristics

The Pro Tools 5.0 session format was actually not designed for cross platform usage. For this reason a huge effort was taken during our implementation of this format to provide best cross platform compatibility.
Several archived versions of the Pro Tools 5.0 session format can be opened directly by EDL Convert.

How do I create a Pro Tools 5.0 session from within Pro Tools 6?

From the file menu select "Save Session Copy In..." and choose "Pro Tools 5.0 Session" as the target format.
Please be sure to add a *.pt5 extension to the session title. This will make the project handling easier on the PC platform.
#6 por weld el 05/02/2005
En referencia sobre archivos OMF.....

Format Characteristics

There are two format versions: OMF v.1 and OMF v.2.
Where possible stick to OMF v.2. It has an enhanced feature set against version 1, which allows to include volume and panorama automation data as well as a clip gain parameter.
An OMF file can generally be frame- or sample-based. Video applications tend to expect frame based OMF files, audio related applications will expect sample-based OMF files because of the higher accuracy of event placement.

External Mode, Internal Mode

OMF Files can either reference external media files (external mode) or embed all media data into a single OMF file (internal mode).
OMF files that have the media data embedded can have a tremendous file size. OMF files that reference audio files externally are rather small - most of the time not more than a few kb.

To Embed or Not To Embed? - That is the question... What should I use - Internal or External Mode?

A simple rule: If your are crossing platforms: Embed!
The target application will be able to locate the files (well..., guess why...); although it is not impossible for Mac programs to interpret a file path written on a Windows system and the other way around, locating the referenced files is often a problem. Some applications search at least the folder where the OMF file is located; so, if you want to avoid embedding the referenced media data, it is a good idea to transfer the audio files and the OMF file to the same location.
If you stay on the source project's platform: No need to embed...

Embedding is only half the way to go; the later extraction will also take some time. If you started your project on the windows platform reading applications usually are able to locate the referenced audio files.

Audio File Format

The OMF specification declares AIFF and the Wave format as required formats. These formats are used when media data is embedded. (internal mode)
On the Mac - when in external mode - often SDII files are referenced.

Have a Good luck.....mucha suerte o mucha mierda que equivale a lo mismo
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