Esta es una obra maestra, cortesía de supercoco_loco:
"jjjjjj, good, heavys also moves all the melena, jjj, except the bald ones, jjjj, not, decia in case the raperos when moving therefore the hands but that an original own dance imitate the style of others. , in addition artistico_ enchants the fantastic dance to me break dances of hip hop,… and also it is good for being something flipao, jjjj,"
joe pues si que llegas tarde, en el propio hilo que abrio soyuz para dar a conocer la nueva funcion ya nos dimos cuenta de que era "un generador de chistes"
prueba con un mensaje tipo movil
jjaajajaj que bueno, parece que al darle a ese boton nos convertimos en latin kings
Juas, que gran descubrimiento!!!!
Another one with curiosity, I would be for a Numark TTX, is that the one to leave trapitos clean above is coñazo and little estéico on a par.