Susa19 esta caliente...spam...

  • 1
#1 por alexrm1x el 11/05/2011
Joder con las Hispasó llega este mensaje privado de la usuaria susa19....

Hello My name is Susan Bilan am from Philippines and i am looking to have a real friendship and some one i can trust and talk more with as i have some thing very important i will like to shear with you if it is ok for you to be my friend this is my private email address email me or send me your email so we can talk more byee.

Que os parece?
Os llegan mensajes de este tipo desde dentro de Hispasonic?

Pensé que sería difícil registrarse en un foro y hacer SPAM, por las medidas de confirmación de email, etc....

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#2 por Born® el 11/05/2011
A mi no me ha llegado nada y si me llega eso no le doy mi correo ni de coña.
el_que_te_dije Baneado
#3 por el_que_te_dije el 11/05/2011
yo le doy el de algún colega jajajajaja
ROTO2.1 home edition
#4 por ROTO2.1 home edition el 11/05/2011
el_que_te_dije Baneado
#5 por el_que_te_dije el 11/05/2011
#4 Es panchita,así que en vez de tres en el grupo,podéis ser 4
Liquid Proj3ct
#6 por Liquid Proj3ct el 11/05/2011
A mi me llego exactamente el mismo mensaje del mismo usuario. Le pregunte en ingles si era real y se tomo la molestia de decir que si. Luego le di mi correo de spam, y no vi nada en las 48h posteriores, mas que el mismo spam de siempre.
Liquid Proj3ct
#7 por Liquid Proj3ct el 11/05/2011
Rectifico, acabo de mirar en mi correo para spam y me ha llegado esto:

Alguien escribió:
Good Day,
My name is Madam Susan Bilan . A complete citizen of the Philippines,widow to the late Mr Desmond Bilan who died of ulcer and he has been buried. I inherited a total sum of $3.3 million dollars from my late husband, the money is concealed in a metallic trunk box is deposited with a security and finance company in Cote D' Ivoire Due to the instruction he laid down before he deposited the box, that he needed maximum security/safety of my consignment and no body nor government organization can trace where about of the box until were ready and prepare to claim it.This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure.This means that the security company does not know the content of this trunk box.

My main purpose of sending you this mail is because of the way I found you and perhaps trustworthy to give you this priority of shipping the box of money to any address that you think is very secure and save in your country with your percentage of which we shall chat on soon. In fact, since the death of my husband, his brothers has been seriously chasing me around with constant treats, trying to suppress me so that they might have the documents of his landed properties and confiscate them. They have successfully collected all his properties, yet they never stopped there, they told me to surrender all bank account of my late husband,which I did, but I never disclose to them this deposit with the security company in Abidjan- Cote d'Ivoire, because this is where my future and destiny lies upon.

The family of my late husband never aware of the secret existence of this deposit which my late husband made with the security company and they can never be aware of it. Out of fear of and the pressure from my late husbands, I decide to look for a trustworthy person who could assist me retrieve this box of money from the security company for onward lodgement into his account for the purpose of future investment.Considering my situation as a widow and come to my rescue.There is a need for urgent action because I'm paying $50 dollars per day as a demurrage to the security company for safe keeping this consignment. I give thanks immensely for your co-operation as I look forward to hear from you soon.

All the best,
Madam Susan Bilan.

Que aproveche :)

edit: por alguna razon el correo entro directamente a la bandeja de no deseado de hotmail
#8 por moitochove el 11/05/2011
A mí también me ha llegado el primer mensaje. Se ve que a Susan le va la marcha.
Soyuz mod
#9 por Soyuz el 11/05/2011
Ya ha sido eliminada... es novedad esto de que los bots de spam se registren en hispa y envíen privados...
el_que_te_dije Baneado
#10 por el_que_te_dije el 11/05/2011
Es que a excepción de LSonido,los músicos tienen fama de tener gran corazón :paletas:
Liquid Proj3ct
#11 por Liquid Proj3ct el 12/05/2011
Soyuz escribió:
Ya ha sido eliminada... es novedad esto de que los bots de spam se registren en hispa y envíen privados...

Estas seguro de que era un bot? Te lo digo porque antes de facilitarme mi correo para spam le pregunte si era real por privado y me respondio. Mas bien pienso que es una persona haciendo el "duro trabajo" de registrarse para dar un buen timo o algo parecido.
#12 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 12/05/2011
El timo nigerianio , nada nuevo bajo el sol y no ,no lo hacen bots , suele ser gente la que hace ese "duro" trabajo XD
El Rey de España
#13 por El Rey de España el 12/05/2011
alexrm1x escribió:

No se vosotros pero si la dirección del mail corresponde con su fecha de nacimiento (cosa que suele ser habitual) . . . os la dejo para vosotros, yo una tipa de 46 años no la quiero :mrgreen: . . . esta susanita es una Mature en toda regla.
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