TiPs Variados (logic)

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Scud Hero
#16 por Scud Hero el 06/05/2005
Hola! Soy un auténtico switcher de Cubase a Logic y estos post me ayudan muchísimo, no creas que no los leemos y nos bajamos tus recomendaciones, faelitox. No te desesperes porque la gente no postee, es que gente como yo-neófitos de Logic- simplemente no tenemos nada que decir porque no tenemos ni idea...jejeje. Gracias, gracias...
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    Behringer SU9920
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    Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
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faelitox mod
#17 por faelitox el 09/05/2005
Veamos si este se puede descargar bien en rar, solo se pueden subir cosas comprimidas, el archivo excel no me deja.... de todas formas lo pego aqui pero no queda igual de bien que visto en un cuadro:

1 -------- Global Commands --------
2 Num-* Record
3 *Record Repeat
4 sh Num-* *Record Toggle
5 ct Num-* *Capture Last Take as Recording
6 *Capture Last Take as Recording & Play
7 INTRO Play
8 SUPR Pause
9 Num-0 Stop
11 INICIO Rewind
12 FIN Forward
13 sh INICIO Fast Rewind
14 sh FIN Fast Forward
15 Rewind 1 frame
16 Forward 1 frame
17 al INICIO Rewind by format value
18 al FIN Forward by format value
19 Shuttle Rewind
20 Shuttle Forward
21 Scrub Rewind
22 Scrub Forward
23 Scrub by MIDI Value (-2-)
24 *Play from Beginning
25 *Play from previous Bar
26 *Play from Left Locator
27 *Play from Right Locator
28 *Play from left window corner
29 Goto Left Locator
30 Goto Right Locator
31 Goto Last Play Position
32 Stop Goto Last Play Position
33 Stop Goto Left Locator
34 G *goto Position...
35 Set Left Locator...
36 Set Right Locator...
37 Set Left Locator by Song Position
38 Set Left Locator by rounded Song Position
39 Set Left Autodrop Point by Song Position
40 Set Left Autodrop Point by rounded Song Position
41 Set Right Locator by Song Position
42 Set Right Locator by rounded Song Position
43 Set Right Autodrop Point by Song Position
44 Set Right Autodrop Point by rounded Song Position
45 Set Locators by Objects
46 B Set rounded Locators by Objects
47 J Swap Left and Right Locator
48 Move Locators forward by Cycle Length
49 Move Locators backwards by Cycle Length
50 *Set Locators & Play
51 *Set rounded Locators & Play
52 *Set rounded Locators & Cycle Play
53 *Set rounded Locators & Record
54 *Set rounded Locators & Cycle Record
55 sh INTRO *Play from Selection
56 *Goto Selection
57 Create Marker
58 Create Marker w/o rounding
59 Delete Marker
60 Open Marker List...
61 Open Marker List as Float...
62 Open Marker Text...
63 Open Marker Text as Float...
64 Set Locators by Marker & Enable Cycle
65 Set Locators by previous Marker & Enable Cycle
66 Set Locators by next Marker & Enable Cycle
67 Goto Previous Marker
68 Goto Next Marker
69 Goto Marker Number...
70 Goto Marker Number 1
71 Goto Marker Number 2
72 Goto Marker Number 3
73 Goto Marker Number 4
74 Goto Marker Number 5
75 Goto Marker Number 6
76 Goto Marker Number 7
77 Goto Marker Number 8
78 Goto Marker Number 9
79 Goto Marker Number 10
80 Goto Marker Number 11
81 Goto Marker Number 12
82 Goto Marker Number 13
83 Goto Marker Number 14
84 Goto Marker Number 15
85 Goto Marker Number 16
86 Goto Marker Number 17
87 Goto Marker Number 18
88 Goto Marker Number 19
89 Goto Marker Number 20
90 Select Previous Song
91 Select Next Song
92 Select Song 1
93 Select Song 2
94 Select Song 3
95 Select Song 4
96 Select Song 5
97 Select Song 6
98 Select Song 7
99 Select Song 8
100 Select Song 9
101 Select Song 10
102 Select Song 11
103 Select Song 12
104 Select Song 13
105 Select Song 14
106 Select Song 15
107 Select Song 16
108 Select Song 17
109 Select Song 18
110 Select Song 19
111 Select Song 20
112 C Cycle
113 D Drop
114 Replace
115 S Solo
116 al S *Set Solo Lock Mode
117 sh al S *Reselect Solo-locked Objects
118 Solo off for all
119 Mute off for all
120 Record off for all
121 Y Sync intern/extern
122 *Tap Tempo
123 Set Tempo Alternative...
124 MIDI Machine Control
125 Toggle MIDI Remote (always MIDI remotable)
126 Disable MIDI Remote
127 *Set next higher Format
128 *Set next lower Format
129 K MIDI/Monitor Metronome Click
130 Absolute Record Pre-roll
131 Send Reset Controllers
132 INSERT Send discrete Note Offs (Panic)
133 Send Maximum Volume
134 Z Send Used Instruments MIDI Settings
135 Send All Current Fader Values except Sysex
136 V Send All Current Fader Values
137 *Revert to Current Screenset
138 Copy Screenset
139 Paste Screenset
140 sh L *Lock/Unlock Current Screenset
141 *Next Screenset
142 *Previous Screenset
143 Recall Screenset 1
144 Recall Screenset 2
145 Recall Screenset 3
146 Recall Screenset 4
147 Recall Screenset 5
148 Recall Screenset 6
149 Recall Screenset 7
150 Recall Screenset 8
151 Recall Screenset 9
152 Reclock Song...
153 WavePlayer...
154 Copy MIDI Events...
155 P Extended Sequence Parameters...
156 Import Settings...
157 al ct O Recording options...
158 MIDI options...
159 Chase Events...
160 al ct P Preferences...
161 Import File...
162 ct 2 Open Event Editor...
163 ct 1 Open Arrange Window...
164 ct M Open Track Mixer...
165 ct 3 Open Score Editor...
166 ct 4 Open Transform
167 ct 5 Open Hyper Editor...
168 ct 6 Open Matrix Editor...
169 ct 7 Open Transport...
170 ct 8 Open Environment...
171 ct 9 Open Audio Window...
172 ct 0 Open Sample Editor...
173 Signature/Key Change List Editor...
174 F Open Event Float...
175 Toggle Event Editor...
176 Toggle Arrange Window...
177 Toggle Track Mixer...
178 Toggle Score Editor...
179 Open Transform
180 Toggle Hyper Editor...
181 Toggle Matrix Editor...
182 Toggle Transport...
183 Toggle Environment...
184 Toggle Audio Window...
185 Toggle Sample Editor...
186 Toggle Signature Changes...
187 Start external Sample Editor
188 Open System Performance...
189 Open Synchronisation Window...
190 al ct T Open Tempo List...
191 Open Graphic Tempo...
192 Open Tempo Operations...
193 Open Tempo Interpreter...
194 al ct K Open Key Commands...
195 al ct C Open Object Colors...
196 al ct M Open Movie...
197 Open Movie Again
198 Save used Sound Programs using SoundSurfer/Diver
199 Open Audio Record Window...
200 *Toggle (Mute) Audio Inputs
201 *Toggle (Mute) Audio Tracks
202 *Toggle (Mute) Audio Aux
203 *Toggle (Mute) Audio Outputs
204 DS2416 Routing
205 Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read
206 Set Current Track to Automation Read
207 Toggle Current Track Automation Touch/Read
208 Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read
209 Toggle Current Track Automation Write/Read
210 Toggle Current Track Automation MIDI/Read
211 Set All Tracks to Automation Off
212 Set All Tracks to Automation Read
213 Set All Tracks to Automation Touch
214 Set All Tracks to Automation Latch
215 Set All Tracks to Automation Write
216 Set All Tracks to Automation MIDI
217 Automation Event Edit...
218 Automation Folder...
219 Track Automation Settings...
220 Write To End
221 Write To Right Locator
222 Delete currently visible Automation Data of Current Track
223 Delete All Automation Data of Current Track
224 Delete All Automation Data of All Tracks
225 Move Current Object Data To Track Automation
226 Move Current Track Automation Data To Object
227 Move All Object Control Data To Track Automation
228 Move All Track Automation Data To Object
229 *Refresh Audio Configuration
230 Audio Hardware Setup
231 Audio Configuration...
232 A Set Audio Record Path ...
233 Toggle Auto Input Monitoring
234 Clear Overload Flag in Audio Channel Display
235 Close Window
236 Close Floating Window
237 Close Window or Song
238 Close Song without Save
239 Select Next Window
240 Redraw current window
241 ct N New
242 Initialize Song
243 ct O Open...
244 ct W Close
245 ct S Save
246 al ct S Save Song as...
247 Revert to Saved
248 Page Setup...
249 ct P Print
250 Import...
251 Export Selection as MIDI File...
252 ct Q Quit
253 ct Z Undo
254 sh ct Z Redo
255 Undo History...
256 Delete Undo History
257 ct X Cut
258 ct C Copy
259 ct V Paste
260 Clear
261 ct A Select All
262 ct Num-- Smaller View
263 ct Num-+ Larger View
264 º Zoom Window
265 Tile Windows
266 Tile Windows horizontally
267 Stack Windows
268 Next Plug-In Setting
269 Previous Plug-In Setting
270 Next EXS Instrument
271 Previous EXS Instrument
273 -------- Various Windows --------
274 ESC *Show Tools
275 *Set Next Tool
276 *Set Previous Tool
277 *Set Arrow Tool
278 *Set Scissors Tool
279 *Set Glue Tool
280 *Set Eraser Tool
281 *Set MIDI Thru Tool
282 *Set Text Tool
283 *Set Solo Tool
284 *Set Pencil Tool
285 *Set Crosshair Tool
286 *Set Mute Tool
287 *Set Finger Tool
288 *Set Layout Tool
289 *Set Magnifying Glass Tool
290 *Set Size Tool
291 *Set Voice Separation Tool
292 *Set Camera Tool
293 *Set Velocity Tool
294 *Set Quantize Tool
295 *Set Audio Crossfade Tool
296 *Set Context Menu Tool
297 *Set Toolbox Tool
298 ct FLECHA IZQUIERDA Zoom Horizontal Out
299 ct FLECHA DERECHA Zoom Horizontal In
300 ct FLECHA ARRIBA Zoom Vertical Out
301 ct FLECHA ABAJO Zoom Vertical In
302 *Recall Zoom 1
303 *Recall Zoom 2
304 *Recall Zoom 3
305 *Save as Zoom 1
306 *Save as Zoom 2
307 *Save as Zoom 3
308 Zoom to fit Selection vertically & horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot
309 Zoom to fit Selection horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot
310 Zoom to fit Locators, store Navigation Snapshot
311 Store Navigation Snapshot
312 Navigation: Back
313 Navigation: Forward
314 sh ct FLECHA ARRIBA Page Up
315 sh ct FLECHA ABAJO Page Down
316 sh ct FLECHA IZQUIERDA Page Left
317 sh ct FLECHA DERECHA Page Right
318 1/3 Page Left
319 1/3 Page Right
320 1/8 Page Left
321 1/8 Page Right
322 Page Top
323 Page Bottom
324 Page Left-most
325 Page Right-most
326 H Hide/Show Parameters
327 Grid
328 Plain Background
329 . Catch Clock Position
330 Link Window (Same Level)
331 O MIDI Out Toggle
332 I MIDI In Toggle
333 M Mute Objects
334 F4 Hyper Draw: Disable
335 F1 Hyper Draw: Volume
336 F2 Hyper Draw: Pan
337 sh F1 Hyper Draw: Modulation
338 Hyper Draw: Pitch Bend
339 Hyper Draw: Note Velocity
340 sh F3 Hyper Draw: Other...
341 F3 Hyper Draw: Autodefine
343 -------- Arrange and Various Sequence Editors --------
344 *Go Into Folder or Sequence
345 *Go Out of Folder or Sequence
346 al ct A Deselect All
347 sh T Toggle Selection
348 sh F Select All Following
349 sh I Select inside Locators
350 Deselect outside Locators
351 sh U Select empty Objects
352 Select overlapped Objects
353 sh E Select Equal Objects
354 sh S Select Similar Objects
355 sh H Select Equal Channels
356 sh P Select Equal Subpositions
357 sh M Select Muted Objects
358 *Select First
359 *Select Last
360 FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Select Previous Event
361 FLECHA DERECHA *Select Next Event
362 sh FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Toggle Previous Event
363 sh FLECHA DERECHA *Toggle Next Event
364 Scroll To Selection
365 Q *Quantize Again
366 *Quantize: next value
367 *Quantize: previous Value
368 De-Quantize
369 TABULACION Note Overlap Correction
370 sh TABULACION Note Force Legato
371 Select Top Line
372 Select Bottom Line
373 Lines To Channels
374 Sustain Pedal to Note Length
375 Note Overlap Correction (selected/selected)
376 Note Force Legato (selected/selected)
377 Note Overlap Correction for repeated notes
378 *Delete Similar Objects
379 *Delete but Keep Similar Objects
380 *Delete and Select Next Object
381 Paste at original Position
382 ct B Paste Replace
383 Erase Unselected within Selection
384 R Repeat Objects...
385 ct + Merge Objects/Digital Mixdown
386 Split Objects by Locators
387 al Num-/ Split Objects by rounded Song Position
388 Num-/ Split Objects by Song Position
389 BLOQ DESPL *Pickup Clock (Move Event to SPL Position)
390 sh BLOQ DESPL *Pickup Clock & Select Next Event
391 Set Object Start to SPL Position
392 Set Object End to SPL Position
393 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame +1
394 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame -1
395 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE Bits +1
396 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE Bits -1
397 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame + 0.5
398 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame - 0.5
399 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame + 5
400 *Nudge Event Position by SMPTE frame - 5
401 *Nudge Event Position by Tick +1
402 *Nudge Event Position by Tick -1
403 al FLECHA DERECHA *Nudge Event Position by Format +1
404 al FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Nudge Event Position by Format -1
405 *Nudge Event Position by Beat +1
406 *Nudge Event Position by Beat -1
407 *Nudge Event Position by Bar +1
408 *Nudge Event Position by Bar -1
409 Nudge Event Position by + Nudge Value
410 Nudge Event Position by - Nudge Value
411 Set Nudge Value to Tick
412 Set Nudge Value to Format
413 Set Nudge Value to Beat
414 Set Nudge Value to Bar
415 Set Nudge Value to frame
416 Set Nudge Value to 0.5 frame
417 *Nudge Event Length by Tick +1
418 *Nudge Event Length by Tick -1
419 *Nudge Event Length by Format +1
420 *Nudge Event Length by Format -1
421 Nudge Event Length by Beat +1
422 Nudge Event Length by Beat -1
423 Nudge Event Length by Bar +1
424 Nudge Event Length by Bar -1
425 *Nudge Event Length by SMPTE frame +1
426 *Nudge Event Length by SMPTE frame -1
427 al FLECHA ARRIBA *Event Transpose +1
428 al FLECHA ABAJO *Event Transpose -1
429 *Event Channel +1
430 *Event Channel -1
431 U Positions/Time Ruler in SMPTE units
432 RE PAG Unlock SMPTE Position
433 AV PAG Lock SMPTE Position
435 -------- Arrange Window --------
436 FLECHA ARRIBA *Select previous Track
437 FLECHA ABAJO *Select next Track
438 FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Select previous Object
439 FLECHA DERECHA *Select next Object
440 *Deselect All Objects Except Recording Track
441 *Set Track & MIDI Thru Parameters by Seq./Folder
442 sh C Select Equal Colored Objects
443 ct F Pack Folder
444 sh ct F Unpack Folder
445 Append Track to Track List
446 Append Track to Track List with next Instrument
447 ct ENTRAR Create Track
448 sh ct ENTRAR Create Track with next Instrument
449 Delete Track
450 Delete unused Tracks
451 Tracks for Overlapped Objects
452 Tracks for Selected Objects
453 X Mute Track
454 Mute All Tracks of Folder
455 al X Mute All Tracks With Same Instrument of Song
456 Record Enable Track
457 al ct FLECHA ABAJO Individual Track Zoom In
458 al ct FLECHA ARRIBA Individual Track Zoom Out
459 Toggle Individual Track Zoom
460 Auto Track Zoom
461 al ct FLECHA IZQUIERDA Individual Track Zoom Reset
462 al ct FLECHA DERECHA Individual Track Zoom Reset for All Tracks
463 Make Alias
464 Make Alias but Copy Folder
465 Turn Alias to Real Copy
466 sh ct A Reassign Alias
467 sh O Find Original of Alias
468 sh A Select All Aliases of Object
469 al ct + Audio Crossfade Options for Merge...
470 sh ct + Merge Objects per Tracks
471 < Snip: Cut Time and Move by Locators
472 sh < Insert Time and Move by Locators
473 ct < Splice: Insert snipped part at Song Position
474 ct D Demix by Event Channel
475 Empty Trash
476 Open Trash
477 Create New Instrument
478 Create Trackname
479 ct RETROCESO Delete Trackname
480 Move Selected Objects to track
481 Open SoundDiver for Instrument
482 T Adjust Tempo using object length and Locators
483 Set Region(s) to Recording Position
484 al ct R Convert Regions to Individual Regions
485 al ct F Convert Regions to Individual Audio Files
486 Strip Silence
487 N Normalize
488 Normalize w/o Channel
489 Normalize w/o Channel & Delay
490 sh ct Q Fix Quantize
491 L Toggle Loop
492 ct L Turn Loops to Real Copies
493 sh ct L Turn Loops to Aliases
494 E Erase Duplicated Events
495 Set Optimal Object Sizes rounded by bar
496 Set Optimal Object Sizes rounded by denominator
497 Snap Objects
498 TABULACION Remove Overlaps
499 sh TABULACION Tie Objects by Length Change
500 sh al ct TABULACION Tie Objects by Position Change
501 Replace Overlapped Objects
502 Tie Sequences within Locators
503 Insert Instrument MIDI settings as Events
504 Erase inside Locators
505 Erase outside Locators
506 ct E Erase outside Object Borders
507 Remove Groove Template from list
508 Make Groove Template
509 Import DNA Groove Templates...
510 View Track Automation
511 sh ct D Delay in ms
512 sh ct O Object Content
513 sh ct C Instrument Colors To Objects
514 sh ct N Tracknames To Objects
515 Get complete playlist from VS (DR8/16)
517 -------- Environment Window --------
518 New Standard Instrument
519 New Multi Instrument
520 New Mapped Instrument
521 New Fader/Knobs/...
522 New Keyboard
523 New Monitor
524 New Arpeggiator
525 New Transformer
526 New Delay Line
527 New Voice Limiter
528 New Channel Splitter
529 New Chord Memorizer
530 New MIDI Out Port
531 New Audio Object
532 ct RETROCESO Clear Cables only
533 Clean up Positions
534 Reset Sizes
535 Align Objects
536 Object move left
537 Object move right
538 Object move up
539 Object move down
540 Object Width -1 Pixel
541 Object Width +1 Pixel
542 Object Height -1 Pixel
543 Object Height +1 Pixel
544 sh ct C Hide/Show Cables
545 sh ct P Protect Cabling/Positions
546 *Toggle Channel Display Default of Multi Instrument
547 sh T Toggle Selection
548 Select Used Instruments
549 sh U Select Unused Instruments
550 sh D Select Cable Destination
551 sh O Select Cable Origin
552 goto Layer of Object
553 goto previous Layer
554 sh ct V Send Selected Fader Values
555 Send All Fader Values except Sysex
556 Delete Layer
557 Insert Layer
558 sh ct S Cable serially
559 Apply Buffer Template to Position and Size
560 Apply Buffer Template to Position
561 Apply Buffer Template to Size
562 Apply Buffer Template to Definition
563 Apply Buffer Template to Definition, channel increment
564 Apply Buffer Template to Definition, number increment
565 Apply Buffer Template to Cable(s)
567 -------- Score Window --------
568 Page Edit
569 Explode Folders
570 sh ct P Explode Polyphony
571 Hide/Show Instrument Names
572 Hide/Show Page Rulers
573 Color View: individual
574 Color View: Show Pitch
575 Color View: Show Velocity
576 Color View: Show Polyphony
577 Color View: Force Black & White
578 *Go to Page # ...
579 al ct V Paste Multiple
580 *Paste Multiple at original Position
581 FLECHA DERECHA *Next Event
582 FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Previous Event
583 FLECHA ABAJO *Next Staff
584 FLECHA ARRIBA *Previous Staff
585 Default Syncopation
586 Force Syncopation
587 Defeat Syncopation
588 Default Interpretation
589 Force Interpretation
590 Defeat Interpretation
591 sh ct S Stems: default
592 sh ct INICIO Stems: up
593 sh ct FIN Stems: down
594 sh ct RETROCESO Stems: hide
595 Stem End: Default Length
596 Stem End: Move Up
597 Stem End: Move Down
598 Voice/Staff Assignment: default
599 Voice/Staff Assignment: staff above voice
600 Voice/Staff Assignment: staff below voice
601 sh ct T Ties: default
602 sh ct RE PAG Ties: up
603 sh ct AV PAG Ties: down
604 sh ct B Beam Selected Notes
605 sh ct U Unbeam Selected Notes
606 sh ct D Default Beams
607 Not Independent
608 Independent
609 Independent Grace
610 sh al A Default Accidentals
611 sh # Enharmonic Shift: #
612 sh B Enharmonic Shift: b
613 Flats To Sharps
614 Sharps To Flats
615 Force Accidental
616 Hide Accidental
617 Guide Accidental
618 Reset Note Attributes
619 Reset Line Layout
620 al ct A *Align Object Positions Vertically
621 *Align Object Positions Horizontally
622 *Align Object Positions
623 Split To Channels
624 *Nudge Position Up
625 *Nudge Position Down
626 *Nudge Position Left
627 *Nudge Position Right
628 Open Score Style Window
629 Open Instrument Set Window
630 al ct G Settings: Global Format
631 al ct N Settings: Numbers Names
632 Settings: Guitar Tablature
633 Settings: Clefs & Signatures
634 Settings: Score Colors
635 Score Preferences
636 Selection To New Instrument Set
637 *Partbox: 1/1 Note
638 *Partbox: 1/2 Note
639 *Partbox: 1/4 Note
640 *Partbox: 1/8 Note
641 *Partbox: 1/16 Note
642 *Partbox: 1/32 Note
643 *Next Partbox Symbol
644 *Previous Partbox Symbol
645 *Next Partbox Group
646 *Previous Partbox Group
647 *Attach Symbol: Fermata Up
648 *Attach Symbol: Fermata Down
649 *Attach Symbol: Staccato
650 *Attach Symbol: Staccatissimo
651 *Attach Symbol: Accent
652 *Attach Symbol: Strong Accent
653 *Attach Symbol: Long Accent
654 *Attach Symbol: Tenuto
655 *Attach Symbol: Up-Bow
656 *Attach Symbol: Down-Bow
657 *Attach Symbol: Flageolet
658 *Attach Symbol: Pizzicato
659 *Attach Symbol: Left Hand
660 *Attach Symbol: Right Hand
661 *Attach Symbol: Soft
662 *Attach Symbol: Heavy
663 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 1
664 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 2
665 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 3
666 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 4
667 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 5
668 *Attach Symbol: Jazz 6
669 sh al ct INICIO Insert: Slur Up
670 sh al ct FIN Insert: Slur Down
671 sh al ct C Insert: Crescendo
672 sh al ct D Insert: Decrescendo
674 -------- Event Window --------
675 FLECHA ARRIBA Scroll to Previous Event
676 FLECHA ABAJO Scroll to Next Event
677 sh ct A Length as Absolute Position
678 sh ct L Local Position
679 sh ct E *Numerical Edit of Event Position
680 sh ct D *Duplicate Event and Numerical Edit
681 sh ct V *Copy value to all following events
683 -------- Hyper Edit --------
684 sh ct ENTRAR Create Event Definition
685 sh ct RETROCESO Delete Event Definition
686 Multi Create Event Definition...
687 Convert Event Definition...
688 sh ct C Copy Event Definition
689 sh ct V Paste Event Definition
690 Select All Event Definitions
691 Protect Values toggle
692 sh ct A Auto define toggle
694 -------- Audio Window --------
695 FLECHA ARRIBA Select Previous Audio File
696 FLECHA ABAJO Select Next Audio File
697 BARRA ESPACIADORA Play/Stop Region
698 sh ct F Add Audio File...
699 sh ct R Add Region
700 sh ct RETROCESO Delete File(s)
701 sh ct O Optimize File(s)
702 sh ct B Backup File(s)
703 sh ct C Copy/Convert File(s)
704 sh ct M Move File(s)
705 Select Used
706 sh U Select Unused
707 AV PAG Show All Regions
708 RE PAG Hide All Regions
709 sh ct S Strip Silence
711 -------- Sample Edit Window --------
712 BARRA ESPACIADORA Play/Stop Selection
713 al BARRA ESPACIADORA *Play/Stop All
714 *Play/Stop Region
715 *Play/Stop Region to Anchor
716 *Play/Stop Region from Anchor
717 sh ct B Create Backup
718 Revert to Backup
719 Save A Copy As...
720 sh ct S Save Selection As...
721 sh R Region -> Selection
722 sh ct R Selection -> Region
723 FLECHA IZQUIERDA *Goto Selection Start
724 FLECHA DERECHA *Goto Selection End
725 *Goto Region Start
726 *Goto Region End
727 FLECHA ABAJO *Goto Region Anchor
728 ct R Create New Region
729 sh ct N Normalize
730 sh ct V Change Gain...
731 sh ct I Fade In
732 sh ct O Fade Out
733 sh ct RETROCESO Silence
734 Invert
735 sh ct < Reverse
736 Trim
737 sh ct T Time and Pitch Machine...
738 sh ct G Groove Machine...
739 sh ct E Audio Energizer...
740 sh ct C Sample Rate Convert...
741 Silencer...
742 sh ct M Audio to MIDI Groove Template...
743 sh ct A Audio to Score...
744 sh ct Q Quantize Engine...
745 Search Peak
746 Search Silence
748 -------- EXS24 Instrument Editor --------
749 Select zones pointing to selected group(s)
750 Toggle Selection
751 Previous Zone/Group
752 Next Zone/Group
753 Open file selector for selected zone
754 New Zone
755 New Group
756 View: All / Toggle Mode
757 View: Next Zone Parameter
758 View: Next Group Parameter
759 Move Audiofiles
760 Copy Audiofiles
761 *Move audiofiles of all instruments...
762 *Backup/Copy audiofiles of all instruments...
763 *Move audiofiles of all USED and ACTIVE instruments of current song...
764 *Backup audiofiles of all USED and ACTIVE instruments of current song...
765 *Shift selected zone(s) left
766 *Shift selected zone(s) right
767 *Shift selected zone(s) left (inc. root key)
768 *Shift selected zone(s) right (inc. root key)
770 -------- Keyboard Input --------
771 Note 'C'
772 Note 'C#'
773 Note 'D'
774 Note 'D#'
775 Note 'E'
776 Note 'F'
777 Note 'F#'
778 Note 'G'
779 Note 'G#'
780 Note 'A'
781 Note 'A#'
782 Note 'B'
783 Rest
784 Next note will be sharp
785 Next note will be flat
786 Chord Mode
787 Erase
788 Step backwards
789 Step forward
790 Octave 0
791 Octave 1
792 Octave 2
793 Octave 3
794 Octave 4
795 Octave 5
796 Octave 6
797 Octave - 2
798 Octave - 1
799 Octave + 1
800 Octave + 2
801 1/1 note
802 1/2 note
803 1/4 note
804 1/8 note
805 1/16 note
806 1/32 note
807 1/64 note
808 1/128 note
809 Next three notes are triplets
810 Next two notes are a dotted group
811 Velocity 16 (ppp)
812 Velocity 32 (pp)
813 Velocity 48 (p)
814 Velocity 64 (mp)
815 Velocity 80 (mf)
816 Velocity 96 (f)
817 Velocity 112 (ff)
818 Velocity 127 (fff)
819 Sustain inserted note(s)
820 Quantize note starts on/off
822 -------- Setup Window --------
823 as Icons
824 as List
825 *Open selected device(s)
827 -------- Install Window --------
828 Scan for selected models
829 Scan all models
830 Add selected models
832 -------- Controller Assignments Window --------
833 Empty Controller Assignment
834 Learn Message

Nadie mas se anima a poner cosillas...jejeje ;-)
#18 por eamblar el 09/05/2005
Gracias de nuevo amigo!!.

No he podido descargarlo tampoco, pero como lo has puesto directamente no hay problema.
Hay una cosa que no entiendo.
Por ejemplo está claro que:
7 INTRO Play
8 SUPR Pause

pulsas "intro" y es play, o pulsas "supr" es pause, pero hay otras que no consigo entender como son por ejemplo:

29 Goto Left Locator
30 Goto Right Locator
31 Goto Last Play Position
o tb
219 Track Automation Settings...
o tb
158 MIDI options...

No entiendo cual es el comando que hace ir al localizador derecho o izquierdo.
Te importaría explicarnoslo?
faelitox mod
#19 por faelitox el 09/05/2005
Claro no problem, puff lo que pasa que aquí se ven fatal los comandos...a ver si encuentro una forma de que se vea mejor... lo suyo es tenerlos en papel y un cuadrito, lo que he puesto ha quedado muy lioso....Hay funciones que solo las podrás hacer con comandos de teclado, por eso es bueno tenerlas en papel y mirarselas un poco, una muy recomendable es la de : capture last take as recording (esta de las primeras) aprendetela sin falta jejjee

Estos que he puesto son los que vienen por defecto en logic, los que no tienen nada están sin asignar, no tienen tecla, las tienes que configurar tu en :

Options --> Preferences --> key commands

Ahí veras mejor la lista que en este post... Lo mejor será que te hagas tu mismo el cuadro :

Desde la ventana de Key commnds -- Options --> Copy key commands to clipboard

Luego abres el excel y le das a ctrl-v

le pones formato de cuadro y ya lo tienes perfecto.... ;-)

Donde pone num* o nada esta sin definir... solo tienes que seleccionarlo y darle a :

Learn Key - para asignar una tecla
Learn sep key - para cuando quieres darle un comando de dos teclas
Learn midi - para que se accione por un mensaje midi que ejecutes desde tu teclado controlador

Una vez has terminado no olvides guardar las preferencias desde la ventana de key commands:

Options---> save preferences

Puedes hacer copias de seguridad de tus preferencias, copiando el archivo:

Logic 5.PRF

esta en la carpeta windows, o por si tienes dos ordenadores, asi no hace falta que definas los commandos en los dos, con copiarlo valdra...

Tienes para pasar un rato asignándote teclas... luego hazte una chuleta que se te olvida jejej ;-)

Un saludo!
#20 por latrituradora el 20/07/2007
Hola, Aunque no contestemos..estamos aki....esperando novedades..muchas gracias por todo!! cuenta,cuenta...
#21 por calderi el 05/08/2007
Faelitox, tienes una legión de seguidores, no te canses de poner cosas, aunque para los más torpes nos suenen a chino. Gracias en nombre de todos.
Alanml mod
#22 por Alanml el 07/08/2007
Hacía tiempo que no pasaba por aquí y veo que hay lago más de movimiento cuando tenga menos trabajo me pondré a traducir los trucos que vienen cada mes con la SOS de logic y trucos de mezcla :P

Un Abrazo a todos
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