Actualizaciones de Studio One 6

#1 por Dogbert el 08/11/2022
Actualización 6.0.1 (noviembre 8 2022):

Improvements and additions:
● Added Studio One Prime and Demo Activation
● Updated remote control mappings for Autofilter
● Removed file size limitation for importing MIDI files
● Copy & Paste channel settings from one to multiple tracks

The following issues have been fixed:
● [ATOM] Bank Mode should not disable Sample Control Mode
● [ATOM SQ] “Performance Monitor” command not displayed in User Mode
● [Audio Batch Converter] Preset subfolders not listed
● [Audio Batch Converter] Rack devices can no longer be rearranged via drag and drop
● [Compressor] Makeup Gain knob is initially disabled
● [Fader Flip] "Hide Unassigned Faders" hides assigned Faders
● [Import Song Data] Aux channels are not properly imported
● [Import Song Data] Instrument track channel assignment not restored
● [NI Kontakt] MIDI CC is not recorded
● [macOS] Application language resets to system language on update
● [macOS] Improper Track notes formatting

● [Mixer Scenes] Input channels are not recalled
● [Mixer Scenes] Only the first disabled plug-in is recalled
● [Pattern Editor] Bottom Pattern area triggers notes
● [Presence XT Editor] Loading a song which recalls .soundx files triggers import request of the samples used
● [Pro EQ³] Enabling bands doesn't always enable corresponding curves
● [Pro EQ³] Graphics issue in 6dB shelving mode
● [Pro EQ³] LLC does not work for specific audio settings
● [Pro EQ³] No latency compensation in High Quality mode
● [Pro EQ³] Side-chain FFT curve not displayed with high sample rates

● [Project Page] Text labels cut off for FFT mode, Slope, etc.
● [Record & Mix Template] All automatically imported tracks are named 'Spur 1' when language is German
● [Room Reverb] Default quality setting is ECO instead of HQ
● [Scratch Pads] Zooming and duplicating takes too much time
● [Show Page] Time signatures don’t follow when setlist items are moved
● [Softube Console 1] Touch automation not working reliably in certain cases
● [SoundCloud] Audio files downloaded with wrong filename extension
● [StudioLive DAW Mode] Scribble Strips don't display channel count correctly
● [Track Presets] Bus remapping by name should not be case-sensitive

● [Video] Export issue with HEVC codec
● [Video] Mute button will stop all audio output when using Windows Audio
● [Video] Player window close/maximize icons not visible at certain luminance settings
● Bouncing in a 64-bit float document generates 32-bit float audio files
● Cannot move folder regions unless the folder is open
● Channel Macro Controls XY-pad show/hide button missing
● Clip gain overrides the Arrow Tool action when "Disable events under automation envelopes" is turned off
● CMD+TAB may cause unwanted secondary Tool selection
● Converting files in Pool doesn't keep mono files mono
● Copying or moving folder bus track/s results in false automation data
● De-Esser behaves inconsistent at different sample rates

● Different result when saving vs. applying Track Presets with Bus
● Different results when quantizing single vs. multiple selected notes
● Duplicating Instrument Parts during playback may cause audio stuttering
● Editing automation not possible right after bouncing an instrument track
● Editing grouped audio tracks is not working correctly
● Editor key command (F2) may not work anymore when mixer got detached
● Empty Event FX insert has no drop zone in Inspector
● Empty folder in Browser disappears but shows up again on refresh
● Enharmonic is wrong when dragging chords from Instrument Track to Chord Track
● "Export Stems" of a mono track results in dual mono file when "Preserve mono tracks" is enabled
● Fade-out inside a crossfade is not played properly in certain cases

● FaderPort 8+16 loses connection when loading certain 3rd party plugins
● Humanize dialog sliders do not use exact values
● Importing with Spot function doesn't create tracks in between existing tracks
● In the track list, option+click is slower than using the key command “show/hide all tracks”
● Inserting Arranger Section creates two entries in history log
● Logarithmic fade-out handle cannot be accessed in a crossfade
● Long initial delay for dialog to appear when adding a new song
● Lyrics editor non-functional in Japanese version
● Macro Toolbar sub menu is too wide
● Markers are not visible on light background

● Merging notes may cause left-over lyrics events
● Mouse wheel action is inverted for Note Length in the Select Notes dialog
● Potential crash on applying Audio Bend when working with events across grouped tracks
● Potential realtime export error when performed right after offline export
● Potential artifacts when using Transpose feature on 48 KHz audio
● Pro EQ & Room Reverb crash at very high sample rates (768 KHz)
● Program Change sends duplicate messages
● Rearranging song with time signatures may cause long processing time
● Refresh option in Browser not working
● Stem export results in dual mono file export when it should be stereo
● Rename File in Pool does not remember "Rename Event" status
● Selecting all tracks is much slower with a macro compared to mouse action
● Setting program change value with mouse switches to bank change after maximum value
● Several settings not saved in template
● Snap not working with some Scratch Pads

● “Split at grid” and “Merge / dissolve audio part” take a very long time if audio contains Melodyne data
● Start Page Artist Profile section shows Loupe Tool for data entry
● Strip Silence "Close Threshold" value not updated when linked to "Open Threshold"
● Studio One v5 user templates do not appear in v6
● Tab key not working on the 'New' window
● Template icons have bad contrast in default light theme
● Tempo and signature ignored on MIDI file import
● Time Scale tool doesn't work properly in certain cases
● Transforming Instrument Part to Audio Part changes Mute state
● Transposing Instrument Parts stops key-switch triggers when note events are used to switch
● Truncated audio after bouncing Audio Part containing chord data
● Unable to add automation nodes in certain cases
● Unchecking side-chain output resets routing to Main output
● Unexpected behavior of Ripple Edit in certain cases
● User avatar is rendered with poor quality
● Using "Zoom Full" command while focus is on Chord or Arranger Track may zoom out too far
● When editing notes with part automation on different tracks, automation is merged onto a single track
● When "Solo through listen bus" is enabled, soloing tracks doesn't isolate channels in the export stems dialog
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    Universal Audio Volt 2 Studio Pack
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    Behringer SU9920
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    Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
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#2 por Dogbert el 14/12/2022
Actualización 6.0.2, diciembre 13 2022.

Improvements and additions:
● Updated and localized user manuals
● Improved Smart Template compatibility in Studio One Prime
● Added PreSonus Studio 2|4 device template

The following issues have been fixed:
● [Console] VCA channel fader turns green when channel view is narrow
● [Apple Silicon] No support for REX file format
● [Pro EQ³] Transform to rendered audio fails when linear phase low cut (LLC) is engaged
● [Score Editor] Tied-to notes split at end of measure are added after first note(s) in next measure
● Applying "Adjust Loudness" on audio export may deliver unreliable results in certain situations
● Audio event in Editor cannot be moved if track is in a folder
● Autoscroll should work when nudging beyond the visible timeline

● Wrong results when importing and editing the same MIDI file multiple times
● Copying automation data between lanes not possible
● Crash when right-clicking video file in Pool
● Context menu item 'Expand Folder Track' is disabled in certain situations
● Cannot change Note Editor tool when mouse cursor is hovering the arrangement
● Pasting text into lyrics lane on Show Page inserts multiple copies

● Studio One Prime demo song does not install correctly
● Sound Variations not moving with selected notes on nudging
● Special characters rendered incorrectly when dragging text file into lyrics track
● Splitting event fails at the start time of another selected event
● Missing translations in activation window
#3 por Dogbert el 22/03/2023
Actualización 6.1, marzo 22 2023.

New features and improvements:

● Live notifications for Sphere collaborators
● Custom colors for tracks and channels
● Timecode display inside video player
● [Show Page] Lyrics display in Performance View
● [Project Page] Album mode for loudness normalization
● [Project Page] Project templates
● [Smart Templates] Video file support for Drop Zone
● [Pro EQ³] Solo mode for shelf filters should be high/lowpass
● [Vocoder] Improved Noise algorithm and control

● Change Macro Toolbar pages via command
● Extended options for Loop Marker Display
● FaderPort 8 + 16 support for new pan modes
● Import lyrics with notes from MIDI file
● MIDI file import improvements
● Moving Lyric Events should follow "Ripple Edit" option
● Scratch Pad lyrics now independent from Arrangement lyrics
● Show full lyrics on hover
● Single step Undo for Macros
● Support for 32-bit FLAC files
● Sync point for Audio Events and Instrument Parts

Updated Studio One Remote app (1.7)
○ Support for new pan modes
○ Lyrics display
○ New look and feel

New commands:

● Event – Set Sync Point to Cursor
● Event – Set Sync Point to Mouse Cursor
● Event – Toggle Sync Point
● Event – Set Color of Selected Events
● Track – Set Color of Selected Tracks
● Track – Set Color of Selected Channels
● View – Next Macro Page
● View – Previous Macro Page
● View – Select Macro Page
● Transport – Toggle Loop Display
● Help – Usage Data Settings

The following issues have been fixed:

● [Browser] Shortcuts do not work because of active search
● [Impact XT] Labels missing on drop-down menus
● [macOS] Certain audio interface settings (float/integer) are not transferred from the OS
● [MixFX] Porta Cassette crashes when bus is set to Mono
● [Start Page] When deleted, shared songs are not removed from the list

● [Console] "Assign in Ascending Order" for outputs may select unwanted channel types
● [Console] In maximized main window, send slots disappear when dragging Console divider upwards
● [Console] Send divider will appear in unwanted positions when adding channels while the Console is hidden
● [Console] "Add Insert to Selected Channel" doesn't work for all channel types
● [Note Editor] Vertical zoom doesn’t work when applied by key commands
● [Pro EQ³] Sidechain spectrum not shown when re-opening a song
● [Project Page] "Transform to Rendered Audio" is available despite absence of plug-ins
● [Score Editor] Song notes created in Studio One 5 are not displayed when the song end marker has been moved
● [Smart Templates] Added error handling for unsupported video formats
● [Smart Templates] “Play Now – Piano” doesn't load instrument samples in Studio One Artist
● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog drop zone layout changes between templates
● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog expand state is not stored correctly
● [Video] Potential glitches in exported video when export range is original video length

● “Mixdown selection” bounces entire Event
● Graphical glitch when importing certain picture formats to artist profile
● C-2 note is not displayed in every editor in certain cases
● [Compressor] Knee value field missing
● Video playback is not latency compensated
● When using a touch display, context menu won't open on long-press
● Crash when disabling Instrument Track with plug-in that has sidechain input enabled
● Crash when using Japanese (Kana) for key commands
● Customization panel has wrong order of elements

● Duplicating ranges of automation on folders ignores preferences and duplicates events
● Inspector show/hide button of Pattern Editor not visible on small screens
● “New…” window won’t show up instantly when called under certain conditions
● Moving a track by drag and drop may take more than 30 seconds in certain cases
● Performance Monitor checkbox doesn't move while scrolling horizontally
● Sound Variations don't follow note sizing
● Vocoder / Ampire knobs get stuck on first mouse move
● VST3 plug-in user interface state not properly recalled in certain cases
#4 por Dogbert el 30/03/2023
Version 6.1.1 Release Notes (March 30, 2023):

The following issues have been fixed:

● Audio Cache files for sample rate conversion and stretching not created
● Level drop on mono tracks with certain 3rd party plug-ins
● “Add Tracks” dialog no longer lists instruments and busses as audio input sources
● “Add Audio Track” menu items not working when using application languages other than English or German
● [macOS] Audio Device Controls missing in Console for PreSonus audio devices
● [macOS] User templates not shown when folder renamed to “Templates”
● [macOS] Crash on quit when custom color window is open
#5 por Dogbert el 25/05/2023
Version 6.1.2 Release Notes (May 25, 2023):

The following issues have been fixed:

● Selected layers not playing back initially after recording takes
● [Ampire/Pedalboard] Pitch Shifter does not read automation
● [Automation] Pencil Tool shows inconsistent behavior with Cmd/Ctrl key
● [Custom Colors] Color palette hides behind context menu
● [Custom Colors] Color pop-up in channel editor has no color selector
● [Custom Colors] Preset save dialog hidden behind color palette
● [Presence XT] Truncated instrument text description
● [Pro EQ³] Certain LLC settings may interrupt audio rendering
● [Pro-EQ³] Wrong latency reported when LLC filter is used in High Quality setting
● [Pro-EQ³] Threshold settings not saved in dynamic mode

● [Score Editor] Choosing notes in step record may add unwanted rests
● [Score Editor] Lyrics are not properly aligned to notes with certain values
● [Show Page] Certain sections do not work in Performance View
● [Start Page] Potential crash when clicking on a Song in Songs tab
● [Sync Points] Splitting an Event doesn't create an additional Sync Point
● [Track Presets] Instrument tracks don't connect to inputs from inserts of other tracks
● [Track Presets] Multi-outs may load in wrong order
● [VST2] Offline mode not reported correctly to plug-ins on bounce
● [Windows] Downgrading Studio One can lead to scripting errors

● Mono tracks can no longer be inputs for other mono tracks
● Track Notes cannot be enlarged after reducing track controls to smallest width
● Clip Gain Envelope with sudden changes adds unwanted fades
● Crash on transforming Audio Track back to Instrument Track with pattern
● Degrading performance while instantiating plug-ins in certain situations
● Dragging instrument parts to Chord Track not working properly in certain situations
● Input controls missing in Inspector when mixer is closed
● Instruments don't follow bus hierarchy when inserted via command
● Panning no longer works for instruments in Low Latency Monitoring path

● [Multi Instrument] Part Automation (Modwheel, Sustain Pedal, etc.) ignored in mixdown
● Plug-in automation appears off visually after opening song
● Potential crash on processing delay compensation
● Potential crash when editing transposed audio event during loop playback
● "Select All" selects lyrics of Arrangement and Scratch Pad
● Sidechain input lost after transforming Instrument to Audio Track and back
● Update check not working for external Language Pack from PreSonus Exchange
● Visual representation of notes disappear when changing timebase
#6 por Dogbert el 18/07/2023
Version 6.2 Release Notes (July 18, 2023):

New features and improvements:

● “PreSonus Sphere” renamed to “Studio One+”

● Arrangement and Editing
o Auto Zoom in Arrangement and Editors
o Independent editing of Takes on Layers
o Additional tools on Layers (Eraser, Paint, Mute, and Bend Tool)
o Move and copy ranges between Layers
o Consolidated Takes and Layers menu
o “No overlap” option applied to Events on Layers
o Option to display Layer name for Tracks and Channels
o Improved naming and numbering of Takes on Layers
o Event FX context menu for Audio Events
o Crossfades for selected ranges
o Improved “Tape” time-stretch editing
o Song End marker with Stop function
o Scale Highlighting in Note Editor
o Color Note Events by Scale
o Distribute Lyrics to Notes in Score View
o Stretch Part Automation when resizing Notes
o Arrow Tool options for Note Editing
o Modifier for temporary Split Tool
o New “Event Editors” folder in Browser for ARA-enabled plug-ins

● Mixing
o Copy FX plug-ins including automation
o Linked Polarity buttons on stereo Channels
o Disabling Folder Track disables linked Bus
o Mute/Solo link between Folder Tracks and linked Busses
o Search bar in "Add Insert" dialogs

● Macro Toolbar and Organizer
o Link to assign keyboard shortcuts from Macro Organizer
o Multiple sort options for Macro lists
o Text search for filtering Macros by name
o Consolidated Macro Toolbar settings menu

● General
o [Studio One+] Extended live notifications for Community messages
o Customization preset selector for additional smart templates
o Edit channel assignment for multiple selected tracks simultaneously
o Delete command with no event or range selected now deletes selected track(s)
o Event badge on Folder Events is now shown when folder is collapsed
o New option to disable Dropout Protection completely - not recommended for
regular use
o “Send MIDI Clock” option for hardware controllers
o Added Sensel Morph and Expressive E Osmose devices
o Additional presets for Ampire and Pedalboard

The following issues have been fixed:

● [macOS] Random crash when trying to open the panner pop-up from context menu
● [Track Presets] Some Pitchlist presets are not restored properly
● [Windows] SoundCloud client freezes when uploading from the Project Page
● “Add Tracks” dialog audio output list order changes when the master and listen bus positions are reversed

● Applying crossfades for short ranges is not accurate
● Audio not playing back when switching time stretching mode in certain situations
● Can’t create custom folder in Browser under "Track Presets"
● Deleted Volume and Pan automation of a bus folder return after reopening song
● Drag and drop stomp effects from Ampire to Pedalboard does not transfer parameters
● Event playback drops out after transforming to rendered audio in certain situations
● Focus issue with certain user macros created in Studio One 5.x
● Inspector panel size is not remembered correctly
● Japanese translation errors

● Lyrics not syncing correctly with 2nd and 3rd notes in 1/8 Note Triplets
● Note event editing via numeric input not working below bar 1
● Metronome routed to Main Out no longer enabled on Listen Bus by default
● Mono button on Main Out doesn't work when Listen Bus is active
● Plus symbol is shown when removing effect via drag&drop
● Ripple Edit on video track causes overlaps instead of swapped events
● Scripting error in Tascam Model 12 device
● Track/Channels are not muted when muting folder or bus
● User interface becomes unresponsive when FX Chain loads too long
● X-Trem presets can set Pan mode on mono track

New commands:
● Edit - Toggle Note Audition
● Track - Layers follow Events
● Track - Unpack Last Take to Layer
● Track - Add Bus for Folder Track
● Track - Add VCA for Folder Track
● Track - Layer follows Events
● Zoom - Toggle Auto Zoom
● Zoom - Toggle Auto Zoom Full
● Zoom - Toggle Auto Zoom Horizontally
● Zoom - Toggle Auto Zoom Vertically
● Zoom - Zoom Full Vertically
#7 por Dogbert el 03/08/2023
Version 6.2.1 Release Notes (August 1, 2023)

[Listen Bus] Metronome is enabled by default
“Delete” key won’t remove selected track/s, use hotkey instead (default: Shift+T)

The following issues have been fixed:
[Mixer] Potential crash when opening the popup menu for Scenes section
[macOS] Potential crash on launch after changing license
Preview Player is not routed through Main Out Insert FX
Capture files do not locate files correctly after renaming
[Drum Editor] Audition notes might play wrong pitches
[Windows] "Ctrl+A" does not select all text
[Project Page] Track Meters are black
Potential crash when moving Bend Markers
Certain Note Events are too dark on light background
#8 por Dogbert el 26/09/2023
Version 6.5 Release Notes (September 26, 2023):

New features and improvements:

● Recording and Mixing
o Spatial audio recording, editing and mixing with up to 9.1.6 channels
o Integrated Dolby Atmos Renderer
o Parallel headphone output for Binaural monitoring
o NEW Surround Panner and Spatial Object Panner
o Support for 3rd-party Panner Plug-ins
o Surround Panner in Sends
o Extended export/mixdown for multichannel audio
o Dolby Atmos (ADM) export with multiple simultaneous downmix formats
o Extended Audio I/O Setup
o Dolby Atmos Renderer panel in Mixer

● Plug-ins and Instruments
o Updated plug-in set with multichannel support
o Speaker mapping for native and 3rd-party plug-ins
o Flanger/Phaser with additional surround modes
o Surround Chorus
o Updated Mix Tool with multichannel level controls, mute and solo options
o NEW Surround Delay
o NEW OpenAir2 convolution reverb with location images
o New impulse response library with true 7.1.4 HDIRs
o IR Maker supports up to 9.1.6 for capturing custom impulse responses
o Improved Bitcrusher

● Arrangement and Editing
o Loop length tooltip shows loop length in ruler timebase
o Drag & drop copying of plug-ins in Inspector
o New commands to apply automation to song start/end
o Tab through automation lanes when renaming
o Legato command extends note events to Part end

● Score Editor
o Display chords from Chord Track
o Rhythm Slashes
o Custom string tunings
o Display and edit guitar bends
o Tablature Rhythmic Display
o Reset option for drum maps
o Reworked text editor for lyrics

● Mastering
o ARA plug-in support on Project Page
o Merge option for multichannel audio files

● Start Page
o New “Mix in Surround” Smart Template
o Interactive Dolby Atmos tutorial
o Demo song “Rhythm of the Night” with binaural mix

● General
o Studio One Remote 1.8 Update
o DAWproject format support (import and export)
o Public beta version for Ubuntu Linux
o Support for NI Kontrol S-Series MK3
o Ableton Live and FL Studio keyboard shortcuts

New commands:
● Console – Next Panner Stereo Mode
● Console – Toggle Panner Object Mode
● Console – Collapse all Micro Views
● Console – Expand all Micro Views
● Console – Show Object Channels
● Console – Hide Object Channels
● Score – Fill with Rhythm Slashes
● Score – Align Chord Symbols
● Score – Align Fingerings
● Score – Clear Recorded Velocities
● Score – Flip Attachments
● Score – Remove Accidentals
● Score – Remove Articulations
● Score – Remove Dynamics
● Score – Remove Lyrics
● Score – Remove Measure Rests
● Score – Remove Pedal Markings
● Score – Remove Rehearsal Marks
● Score – Remove Slurs
● Score – Remove Tempo Marks
● Score – Remove Text Boxes
● Score – Remove Tuplets
● Score – Remove rit. and accel.
● Score – Reset Font Style
● Score – Reset TAB numbers
● Score – Select Chord Symbols
● Score – Select Highest Notes
● Score – Select Lowest Notes
● Score – Select Lyrics
● Score – Select Voice 1
● Score – Select Voice 2
● Score – Select Voice 3
● Score – Select Voice 4
● Score – Swap Voices
● Score – Toggle Rhythm Slash
● Song – Export Spatial Audio
● Song – Spatial Audio Setup
● Automation – Apply currently selected automation to Song Start
● Automation – Apply currently selected automation to Song End
● Track – Add Audio Track (surround)
● View – Next Macro Page
● View – Previous Macro Page
● View – Select Macro Page
● View – Open Video Track
The following issues have been fixed:

● "Save to New Folder" doesn't always create an enclosing folder
● “Manage Workspace” link is empty when no workspace is selected
● [Chord Track] Multiple parts dropped on the Chord Track simultaneously are potentially identified incorrectly
● [macOS] Potential freeze on quit after certain video edits
● [Start Page] Long news headlines are truncated
● [Show Page] Crash with empty setlist when clicking and dragging the setlist track
● [Windows] Installation: Item is not moved to the "Installed Content" list
● [Windows] Long processing time after stopping playback and writing automation
● Auto Zoom prevents focussing of Events in Editors
● Automation is not being applied correctly when a part has been enlarged from its start position
● Certain backups available on the server not showing up in Studio One
● Chord display shows the wrong result for enharmonics
● Crash on closing iLok license requester for AU plug-ins
● Icon needs to be hidden when visibility linking option is disabled
● MIDI monitor shows non-existing MTC when "Send to" port is switched to "None"
● Notes get stuck when switching Chorder presets
● Notes recorded during precount in the Scratch Pad show bad start and length values
● Potential crash on “Export Mixdown” with long song
● Potential freeze on quantize in songs with bent audio on layers
● Potential transmit error when merging song from Notion Mobile
● [macOS] PreSonus Revelator device icon missing in multi mode
● Solo doesn't override mute automation
● Some chord alterations are not handled correctly
● Track icons lost during track transform
● VCA group not referencing VCA position on Mix Scene recall
● When inserting multi-out VST2 FX, audio signal drops by ~12dB
● When navigating folder tracks using up/down arrow keys, focus does not follow for the Expand Folder Track key command
● Wrong channel order when an automation track is added inside a folder

Known issues:
● “Follow Chords” won’t work with audio events consisting of more than 2 channels
● Playing songs with spatial audio and high track count causes issues when using a StudioLive Series III mixer as audio interface in DAW mode. Disable DAW mode before loading the song.
● [macOS] Potential crash on quit when a touch monitor has been used
#9 por Dogbert el 01/11/2023
Version 6.5.1 Release Notes (November 01, 2023):


o Speaker Mapping in plug-in header now allows swapping channels via drag & drop
o Vertical snapping now restored when dragging Events to other Tracks
o [Linux] Warning when audio device is in use by another application


The following issues have been fixed:

o [Bit Crusher] Downsampling sounds different after reactivation
o [DAW Mode] StudioLive S-Series mixer freezing when loading song with >100 channels
o [DAWproject] Certain audio parts not time-stretched
o [Linux] Freeze when creating song from smart template with audio files
o [Linux] Graphical glitches with time cursor and animations
o [Linux] JACK and ALSA devices block each other
o [Linux] File system permission issues with shared data folders
o [macOS] Crash on right-clicking channel when another channel with pinned Overview is selected
o [macOS] No multichannel option for AU plug-ins displayed when available
o [macOS] Potential crash when dropping many chords on instrument track
o [macOS] Potential crash when loading certain picture files
o [macOS] Video thumbnail creation can get stuck when source file contains invalid data
o [Console] Clipping indicator does not light up
o [Note Editor] "Legato" shouldn't extend Note Events to Part end in all cases
o [Pattern Editor] Text input of individual step count broken
o [ProEQ³] Toggling quality mode changes band frequency
o [Show Page] Lyrics for next song do not automatically show up in performance view
o [Surround Delay] Potential error when stepping through presets
o [Surround Panner] Changing channel focus disengages ControlLink device focus
o [Windows] "Enter" key does not insert line break in Lyrics Editor
o [Windows] GUI in certain 3rd-party plug-ins not entirely responsive
o [Windows] Macro Page commands don't use Macro Page of currently focused area
o [Video] Certain exports fail when set to Dolby AC3
o Presence XT “Artist Instruments” presets not showing up
o Audio file channel mapping not recalled
o Automation node pop-up doesn't automatically focus on data field
o Can't drag audio event with crossfade to Chord Track
o Canceling "Transform to Audio Track" of Multi Instrument does not delete all bounces
o Certain 3rd-party panner not listed as surround panner
o Crash when initializing certain Dante PCIe-R boards
o Diminished 7 chords are not recognized
o Export Spatial Audio dialog settings not stored when all checkboxes unchecked
o Lyrics display does not update when editing Lyrics events
o "Manage Plug-ins" does nothing when browser shows search results
o Merging audio events does not retain clip boundaries
o MPE Note Off is generated immediately after Note On
o Multichannel plug-in routing not correct with certain speaker setups
o Note resizing stretches part automation
o Panner open state is not recalled after loading a song
o Plug-in extension Solo not working for groups
o Potential crash when quitting the application while searching the file system
o Potential crash when switching from Atmos to Surround in Song Setup dialog
o Quantizing 50% does not move notes individually
o Renderer channel isn't expanding on double click
o Selection doesn't follow entirely when selecting empty Instrument Tracks
o Selection skips Tracks after closing a folder
o "SkyDust3D" Track Preset reloads wrong output configuration
o Surround Delay presets are not displayed after installation, manual re-indexing is needed
o Undoing "Move to Cursor" irreversibly corrupts Part Automation
o Unexpected results when multiple crossfades are edited simultaneously
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