¿alguien ha mandado su música a pandora.com?

Juan Bauti (aka Skinny)
#1 por Juan Bauti (aka Skinny) el 17/01/2007

supongo que ya conoceis http://www.pandora.com, es una radio personalizada donde puedes escuchar música por estilos favoritos, y descubrir un montón de artistas. hay un post por ahí en las catacumbas del foro (creo que incluso lo creé yo)...

el caso es que estoy interesado en mandarles mi música porque he leido que ellos estan abiertos a recibir CDs y a incluir sus temas en la radio si pasan la "criba"... pero tengo dos dudas, una es que no sé si es sólo para USA y Canadá, y la otra es que en el caso de que sea para todo el mundo, si alguien ha enviado su música a esa gente o si sabe de alguien que lo haya hecho y esas cosillas...

en la FAQ ( http://blog.pandora.com/faq/ ) viene esta info sobre el asunto de mandar CDs:

Q: Can I send you my band's music?

Sure! Feel free to send us a copy of your record, but first please read the info and follow the guidelines below (that'll give everyone the best chance of encountering more great undiscovered music in the Music Genome Project):

Music Genome Project Submissions Process:


A CD (or a CDR, if it's in really cool home-made, hand-made artistic regalia) with your music on it. It must have a valid UPC barcode. If you don't have a UPC, you can register one here for about $15.
A few pages of biographical information and related stuff about your music if you have it. We're interested in knowing more about you: press quotes, tour date information similar artists, and so on.
Please include your band name and an email address on everything you send us. We don't want to mix it up or lose it. You get bonus points if the CD you send is easy to open, i.e. free of plastic wrap and tape.
Also, you'll need to fill out and sign our music submission agreement form, available here. This assures us that you are authorized to submit the material you're sending.
If you are a music label, please feel free to send info on your artists.
Send to:
Attn: Music Genome Project Indie Submission
360 22nd Street, Suite 440
Oakland, CA 94612

WE LISTEN. We love music, and we understand that many excellent records are out there just waiting to be discovered. We listen to EVERYTHING that we receive. Period.

WE DECIDE. Sadly, we cannot add every CD that we receive to the Music Genome Project. Our Senior Music Analysts (who are all excellent musicians and artists, and also generally cool people) are responsible for auditioning your submissions for inclusion. We will not contact you to tell you whether or not your music has been received or enrolled. We know it sounds a bit cold, but we're just too swamped to do more. Please understand. If you are concerned about ensuring that your CD has arrived, we suggest you send your package through the USPS with return receipt so you know that we got it.

pues eso, si alguien me puede contar algo más sobre este asunto... le estaría sumamente agradecido :wink:
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Juan Bauti (aka Skinny)
#2 por Juan Bauti (aka Skinny) el 17/01/2007
ah, se me olvidaba preguntar si alguien conoce algun equivalente europeo a pandora.com, tal vez sería interesante tambien y sería menos lio mandarles música.

#3 por andromeda_scar el 17/01/2007
se7en beatlab
#4 por se7en beatlab el 17/01/2007
esta radioblog buscar la direccion en el google... pero no suena tan bien
#5 por undercore el 17/01/2007
lo que era solo para USA y canada es referente a los sellos discograficos, por problemas legales no podian emitir temas de discograficas que no fuesen de stos pises, pero no se si con los que no tenemos contrato :-k
se7en beatlab
#6 por se7en beatlab el 18/01/2007
si alguien llega a subir algo en pandora avise.... ya me imagino abrir pandora y poner "Undercore" o cualqueir hispasonico y poder escuchar ahi tambien!!! ohh siii
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