Doepfer Dark Energy II

Jorge G.
#1 por Jorge G. el 14/03/2012
Ya hicieron públicas las caracteristicas del segundo modelo de Dark Energy:

The Dark Energy (I) has to be discontinued because an important electronic part (CEM3394) is no longer available. We are working on the redesign of the Dark Energy at full speed. The new Dark Energy II will look like the Dark Energy I at first sight. Only the function of some controls and switches will differ from the Dark Energy I. These are the most important differences between Dark Energy I and II:

-12dB multimode filter with lowpass, notch, highpass and bandpass (instead of 24dB lowpass of Dark Energy I)
-the previous LM control of the filter becomes the filter type control (continuous crossfade lowpass - notch highpass - bandpass)
-the LM function of the filter is no longer available
-the waveform switch is used to select between saw and clipped/distorted saw (in the center position the saw is off)
-the basic waveform of the VCO is saw (not triangle like the Dark Energy I).
-because of the pure analog circuit and the temperature control it takes about 30 minutes until the VCO is in tune.
-the VCA has a exponential scale (not the combined linear/exponential scale of Dark Energy I)

All other functions will remain unchanged. Even the price will be the same (currently Euro 428). The Dark Energy II will be probably available summer 2012.
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Le Grind
#2 por Le Grind el 18/03/2012
Pues ya podrían mejorarlo un poco con otro VCO, qué menos!...
Me parece una buena sobrada 430 euros (mas IVA supongo claro) un sinte de un solo oscilador y que encima te quitan ahora la forma de onda triangular, te quedas por lo que dice ahi con saw y saw-distorsionada... y a correr.
Que bueno, a lo mejor se fijan en Moog, que está sacando sintes del palo a un precio también elevado...

En fin, siempre nos quedará Manfred.... :silbar:
#3 por Razaroja el 29/03/2012
Parece que el único cambio del panel será el filtro multimodo:


Le Grind
#4 por Le Grind el 30/03/2012
Lo que si podría cambiar es el precio, A LA BAJA...
No sé de que va esta gente... entonces si tuviera 2 osciladores y otros dos subosciladores? o tres osciladores? :-k
Y si fuera polifónico? 9.000 euros o algo de ese pelo, asi proporcional... :D/
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