hay quien dice que el ReBirth no se parece a la tb-303
el único problema es que trabaja a un máximo de 48 Khz y 16 bits por lo que puede darte problemas si intentas sincronizarlo con proyectos a 96 khz.
yo te recomendaría ese, es con el que empecé.
ahí has de encontrar toda la info sobre ReBirth y el Torrent que ha dispuesto Propellerheads para que te descargues.
Visita el foro, está hasta arriba de gente preguntando por lo mismo, "por que no funciona la imagen de CD que he bajado?"... al parecer se arregla con renombrar el CD con noseque nombre.
si sabes un poco de ingles esto te ayudará:
getting the free download and all its problems
stage1 download the torrent file in this website rebirth cdrom image
stage2 us your bit torrent client to download all of the program, will arive in the form off a zipped winrar file
stage3 open with winrar, this will unzip but the file will still be archived.
stage4 open with winrar again (the unzipped file) and this will give u all the component files unwrapped completely
stage5 use nero start smart open create data disc and add all of the component files and click next
stage6 in the next diolog box enter RB338V20 in the disc name section
stage7 goto burn disc at the bottom
stage8 install from the insall file on the disc
stage9 run the program from the shortcut bar keeping the disc in the drive and enjoy as the dirty tecno tunes flow from your fingertips
I nearly died trying to get this program so i hope that this step by step guide helps everyone out there not to take 4 days over this like i did