Estamos buscando empleados para Nueva York...

  • 1
#1 por djproaudio el 27/06/2007
Por favor, desculpe, que me español no sea tan amplio cuando escribo. Verbalmente y por escrito entiendo el español bien.

Nuestra compañía está empleando para nuestra oficina en Nueva York (Brooklyn) para la venta de equipos de musica, dj, y producción.

Some english is required, pero, nuestro foco está en nuestros clientes que hablan español.

Ninguna experiencia requerida, le entrenaremos. ¡Solo tenga un amor y un conocimiento de la música electronica y del equipo!

- Justino
OFERTAS Ver todas
  • -13%
    Maschine Mikro MK3 B-Stock
    196 €
    Ver oferta
  • -10%
    Numark Mixstream Pro+ B-Stock
    649 €
    Ver oferta
  • -19%
    Behringer X-Touch Compact
    259 €
    Ver oferta
#2 por faelitox el 27/06/2007
Si me pagais la visa, yo me apunto :D
#3 por undercore el 27/06/2007
#4 por Keimax el 27/06/2007
Podrías entergar más información al respecto, por favor.
#5 por jagoff el 27/06/2007
Si, harian falta mas datos al respecto
Teto Ruiz
#6 por Teto Ruiz el 27/06/2007
New york, new york... :-({|=
#7 por saustut el 27/06/2007
hola,djproaudio, si pones tu mail,me pondre en contacto contigo para hablar del tema!!
me interesaria venir.

mi mail:
#8 por durt el 27/06/2007
Tengo preguntas:

¿Qual es el sistema de contratación?
¿Alojamiento, visado, desplazamiento, sueldo neto?

¿Dirección del comercio o página web?

#9 por DiegoC el 28/06/2007
#10 por djproaudio el 28/06/2007
Desculpe por no poniendo más información, pero como dije, mi español por escrito no es muy bueno.... so, no puedo expresarme, o nuestros requisitos correctamente.

If you don't mind english, then I can post more detailed information.

Esto es un foro donde hablan español, y respetaré eso.


Este trabajo es para alguin que puede viajar a los Estados Unidos fácilmente, o para cualquier persona en los Estados Unidos, o si usted sabe a alguien en los E.E.U.U. - Pensé que esto sería un buen lugar a pedir ayuda.

He recibido varios mensajes privados, así que la respuesta ha sido buena hasta ahora.

- Justino.
#11 por Xabi el 28/06/2007
Post the job information in english please... Publica la información en inglés. Es una oferta de trabajo y vale la pena una excepción.
#12 por djproaudio el 28/06/2007
Xabi, gracias.

Ok, Aquí va...

We are New York based DJ & Pro Audio company looking for Sales & Customer Service representatives who speak, read, and write fluent Spanish for our mail order & internet operations. DJs, producers, remixers, musicians, are welcomed to apply.

The job entails assisting our spanish speaking mail order customers from around the world, so you will be dealing with many dialects from other spanish speaking countries. We will also need your assistance in translating of our web site to ensure our customers are properly served.


- Knowledge of music (electronic preferred, but not required)
- Knowledge of production equipment, dj gear, or both
- Knowledge of musical instruments (guitars, etc) is not required, but is a plus!
- Knowledge of Email & the Internet A MUST!
- Basic english is a plus, but not required. However, everyone here speaks english, some speak spanish, but not very good (like myself).

We will train you for everything else.

Unfortunately, we cannot sponsor any working Visas at this time. However, if you are hired, and you require a work visa, we will work with you in obtaining one, that is, if we feel you are worth the investment.

This job is mainly for someone who can travel to the U.S. easily. Or for someone currently living or vacationing in the U.S., or perhaps you know someone in the U.S. looking for work. If you live in Spain, and are planning to come to the U.S., if you are hired, we can reimburse you for your travel expenses. We will also help you in obtaining a place to live, and any other assistance you might need from us.

Pay is based on experience. If you have no experience, and we have to teach you everything, then your pay will be reflected accordingly. If you come to us with audio sales experience, then you will be paid accordingly. Expect a salary ranging from US$26,000 to $35,000 for a 40 hour work week, plus bonuses and commissions. For full time employees, our company offers 2 weeks paid vacation, health insurance, and various other benefits.

We have been in business since 1997, and have recently enjoyed an explosion of success in this market. Our company offers Audio/Video Repair, Equipment Rental, Installations, Vinyl Sales, Used Equipment, Online Sales, and we will soon be opening up a retail location in the Williamsburg area (Brooklyn). We are expanding our international operation, in particular, the spanish speaking countries.

We also produce various events, dealing in music from Industrial/Goth, Techno, House, Hip Hop, Indie Rock, Rockabilly, Punk/Ska, and just about anything that sounds good. So if you love music, you'll love working for us!

If you are interested in applying for the position, please contact me via PM and I will respond accordingly.

Thank you.

- Justino.
#13 por Waxko el 28/06/2007
It sounds right, isn't?
#14 por Tecladista el 28/06/2007
Oye que buena honda que esté pasando esto aqui en Hispa.

Buena honda DJProaudio" espero encuentres las personas correctas. Aqui hay mucha calidad!
#15 por Sejoh el 29/06/2007
Sounds really interesting , i´ll send you a PM.
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