Felicidades a todos

#76 por Sisu el 10/09/2013
There are nothing more madrileño than ir al Retiro e introducir las pelotas on the lake to feel the Carpa's mouths.

Relaxing coffee más cigarette, muñeco de barrete.

The M-30 is more petada right now than Sonia Monroy's rabbit

Good Morning! Oh my God, so cold in Madrid, i've got the pezones duros like the garbanzos of a cocido madrileño.

Pau Gasol has the biggest huevos colganderos that i've ever seen.

Sometimes i walk around the alrededores of the Great Vía, where you can see girls with a troncho between her legs like a watermelon

In Madrid, for example, tenemos great museos like the thyssen, cuya dueña tiene more plastic in her face than Falete's consolatory

In Madrid tenemos great dj's like Little Paquirri, a paralitic mental guy, the best example of integración.
Creo k no necesita traduccion
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Gracias a todos
#77 por Gracias a todos el 10/09/2013
Sisu escribió:
petada right now than Sonia Monroy's rabbit

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