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Es t-800 modelo 101
Por lo visto hubo gazapo en la última con el tema..
A huge mistake made by the writers of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. In the movie, Arnold's character refers to the previous Terminator from Terminator 2 as "a different T-101" when in fact the actual designation of it is T-800 Model 101.
Arnold's character in T3 is a T-850 because the 800 series has only one compact nuclear power cell, while the 850 series has two hydrogen fuel cell power sources, among other differences.
Por lo visto hubo gazapo en la última con el tema..
A huge mistake made by the writers of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. In the movie, Arnold's character refers to the previous Terminator from Terminator 2 as "a different T-101" when in fact the actual designation of it is T-800 Model 101.
Arnold's character in T3 is a T-850 because the 800 series has only one compact nuclear power cell, while the 850 series has two hydrogen fuel cell power sources, among other differences.

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