Hola Enroque!
Que tal? escribi a Magix y me respondieron que ellos pueden enviarme a Lima Peru, el programa Sequoia en caja, ellos se encargan de pagar el envio que son 200 dolares mas, pero ellos dicen que como yo no soy un consumidor aleman, para seguridad de ellos, primero tendria que pagar el importe del programa ($ 2.975) y ellos me ofrecen una total garantia de que recibire el programa en su caja en en plazo de 3 semanas aproximadamente
En un mundo en que hya trampas y estafas por internet o al momento de hacer compras, que me recomendarias al respecto? pues yo antes no he echo una compra de tal magnitud x internet
De antemano te agradesco por tu respuesta y/o sugerencia.
Juan Pastor
Aqui copio el email que envie a Magix y la respuesta que recibi de ellos:
Good morning
My name is Juan Pastor, from Lima Peru, I would like adquire the software Sequoia 11 in box. Here in Peru there is not a offcial seller from Magix.
I've seen in the Magix web site USA section that Sequoia's price is $ 2,975.00 well I want to know if is possible buy it from Peru and get the software in box, in that case I have next questions:
1. How much I will extra pay by the shipping from Miami to Lima?
2. What is the final price what I will pay?
3. How long time takes get the software arrives to Peru from the time of buy?... 3 or 4 weeks?
4. I must to pay the 50% of the final price at time of buy it? and whe the Sequoia in box arrives to Lima Peru I shall pay the 50% resting of final pirce... or what is the Magix's conditions has when this kind of purchases happens?
Thanks for you time in reading this email, I would like get answers from you to may do the purchase.
God bless
Juan Pastor
Tel. +51 1 3322564
Cel. +51 1 988108415
Cel. +51 1 986773872
Dear Juan Pastor,
Many Thanks for your interest in Sequoia and please apologize the late response. It is true that we have a distributor only in Brazil for Samplitude and Sequoia, so I would like to offer you a direct shipping of the Sequoia package if you want to proceed.
1. I offer you free shipping w/ UPS - MAGIX will be taking over the cost of app. 200.- USD for you.
2. The final price will be 2,975 USD
3. With UPS I would expect 3 weeks of shipping to Lima
4. We charge every non-German customer the full price in advance for our own security. Of course you will get full guarantee of delivery. In the case, that for whatever reason you should not get your product, I will take care of you, block the software so that it gets useless and send you a new package. So there is no risk. We can charge your credit card or wait for your bank transfer before sending out Sequoia.
Many thanks for your interest and all best whishes from Berlin,
Emannuel Hoisl
Sales Manager Broadcast
Friedrichstraße 200
10117 Berlin
Web: +49 (0)30- 29 39 2-173
+49 (0)30- 29 39 2-400
+49 (0)175- 5 80 55 32
HRB Berlin 92660 I Executive Board: Juergen Jaron CEO I Dieter Rein COO
Tilman Herberger CTO | Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Karl-Heinz Achinger