LE 6.7 y M-Powered 6.8 juntos, se puede?

#1 por wtfight`_´r el 17/11/2006
Hola Amigos, tengo instalado el LE 6.7 (con la M-audio 410) y ahora he comprado el M-Powered 6.8 (lo voy a actualizar al 7.1) mi pregunta es si puedo tener instalados los dos o tengo que desinstalar el LE para instalar el M-Powered, un saludo wtfight`_´r. :wink:
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#2 por Bens el 17/11/2006
Tengo entendido que es a partir de la versión 7.1 que se pueden tener ambos juntos.

#3 por wtfight`_´r el 18/11/2006
Alguna opinión mas, me llega el programa y tengo que instalarlo, un saludo wtfight`_´r. :wink:
#4 por Bens el 18/11/2006
Alguien escribió:
What’s New in Pro Tools 7.1
Pro Tools M-Powered 7.1 includes the following new or enhanced features:
Default Track Timebase when Creating New Tracks
When creating tracks with the New Track command, the Track Timebase (samples or ticks) will default to the timebase that
was last used for the track type in the New Track dialog.
In addition, when creating new audio tracks with the Import > Audio to Track command or by dragging audio files into the
timeline, the Track Timebase (samples or ticks) will default to the New Track dialog’s last used timebase for audio tracks. Exceptions
are tick-based file formats (such as ACID and REX files), which will default to ticks.
Support for Co-Installation of Pro Tools LE and M-Powered on the Same Computer
Pro Tools LE 7.1 and Pro Tools M-Powered 7.1 can be installed on the same Digidesign-qualified computer.
To co-install Pro Tools LE and M-Powered on the same computer:
Install your Pro Tools LE or M-Powered system according to the instructions in its
Getting Started Guide

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