Patch Samplitude 11.1 pro ya disponible

#1 por Lensker el 31/05/2010
¡Y no es broma!
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#2 por Poeta el 31/05/2010
:D Pues si que es verdad, ya la estaba esperando, y por lo que veo han estado currando :mrgreen: 50 Mb de update...

Espero que ahora empezara a ir mas fino

Samplitude 11.1

-updated video decoder for improved format compatibility
-numerical shifting of video objects possible (like audio objects)
-"Save complete VIP": new option added to include videos

Playback /Recording / Sync

-improved performance for 24 bit recordings. To deactivate use:
Old24BitRecordWriting =1
-diverse Multi-CPU optimization (e.g. with complex routings and trackspeed)
-maximum CPU number for audio processing can be set in performance settings (default: 3)
-improved performance of many EQ116 instances in Hybrid-Engine after loading of projects
-new ini-Patch to send muted Pre-AUX-Sends in Hybrid Engine (see Customization)
-Solo-Safe and AUX routing dialog didn’t work for AUX sends routing to left -fixed
-new experimental latency compensation for Hybrid-Engine
(see General/Customization)
-reduces latency for monitoring of audio/VSTi
-known issues:
-VSTi with inbuilt sequencer at playstart/stop and loop points
-missing re-initialisation after Bouncing/Freeze, happens after next play start
-crashes and playback problems with very long wave files (>6h) in destructive editing -fixed
-after closing of Wave-Editing, Wave-Project was still played back instead of project -fixed
-"Record without Playback": objects grow identical during multi-track recording
-PreRecord: graphics were recalculated after record stop -fixed

-wrong SMPTE-/APP-Sync if project start time was used -fixed
-active MIDI Clock with VIP BPM shifted MIDI playback about 50ms to front -fixed
-diverse fixes for SMPTE & APP Sync
-more stable sync even there are wrong frames (APP)
-Sync/MMC: Problem if sync settings were left without OK -fixed

-long audio files and projects are loaded faster now
-RIFF64 Marker are supported
-length display in bouncing dialog
-ISRC were lost after CD Bouncing -fixed
-PowR Dithering was sometimes not applied for real time CD burning -fixed
-CD Import: File error if invalid character was included in import file name -fixed
-CD Text Dialog: Edit fields now limited to maximum number of characters
-Format setting of MP3, FLAC, MPG and OGG are now remembered
-MP3 Encoder: Mono 160kBit jetzt verfügbar
-"Stereo to 2Mono" also works for object multi selections
-„Save complete VIP as...“: improvement of disc space calculation
-Batch Processing: new option to process "Left & Right" files as stereo
-Batch Processing: ID3V2 was lost during Batch Processing -fixed
-11.0.2 editing of Root-VIP didn't work any more -fixed
-Drag&Drop of file to time line didn’t drop anything -fixed

Mixer / Effects
Insert buttons in mixer now toggling all FX (FX Inserts + Plugins)
-for tracks and master
-optical indicator for active effects that would turn on when insert button is turned on (*)
-for old projects a deactivated FX button is activated and individual plugins are bypassed instead
-problem with deactivation of all inserts in project after closing of plugin dialogs -fixed
-Mixer-Skin-Update for identical behaviour of fixed Master slots (CANIS, StarGray)
-Master-EQ in Hybrid-Engine didn’t work with deactivated inserts -fixed
-Object Editor
-Object-Editor-Bypass works now for AUX Sends
-Refresh after usage of AUX-Routing-Dialog
-FX Routing: Reset for FX-Settings

Bypass for FX-Inserts
-is toggled in dialog
-with latency compensation
-marker in slot with :

Master FX Inserts
-now available in virtual wave project edit mode
-"Dynamics" included in FX Inserts -> "Use Advanced Dynamics in Mixer" is not relevant any more and has been removed
-FX Insert menu available in master routing dialog
-projects are initialised with a minimal configuration of inserts

-AUX button in mixer now works as AUX-Bypass (right-click for routing dialog)
-Increment devices for multi-selection of outputs (stereo only)
-diverse GUI fixes for VST plugins (e.g. JBridge, Melodyne)
-optimized drawing in mixer, especially for peakmeter and for scrolling
-sometimes problems with mixer scroller and active automation -fixed
-problems with ALT-Shortcuts in mixer -fixed

-"Write only existing curves" also applies to EQ dialogs and mixer
-Copy&Paste: problems with AUX curves > 0dB
-Copy&Paste: problems with minimal value and VST plug-ins
-problems with "Record MIDI Controller" and v10 loop behaviour -fixed
-MIDI Controller curves can be written with automation fader in track editor

-updated Vandal plugin
-new presets
-help file included (from VST version with registration procedure, which can be ignored)

-"Phase invert" button didn't update stereo dialog -fixed
-problem with distortion dialog -fixed
-Elastic Audio: Detection in direct mode did not consider project standard pitch -fixed
-handle draw error -fixed
-problems in mono tracks -fixed
-diverse problems (e.g. crashes) -fixed
-problem with noise print creation for different sample rates -fixed
-problems with sample rate conversion for 16-bit files -fixed
-problem with HQ Resampling and values close to 1.0 -fixed
-for destructive FX calculation additional samples can be calculated before object start and after object end

-MIDI Input Device for a track can be set to
-if „Snap to beat/bars (relative)“ is set, * is added to beat display
-Timestretch TS Mouse Mode: the pitch-handle is now also available for MIDI objects
-updated presets for the "Create MIDI Object" command
-Quantization settings: improved link between VIP Q and MIDI Editor Q (e.g. Swing)
-Tempomap: improved tempo marker feature: Time Signature changes can be combined with a Bar Position Marker
-Crash/Exception Guard if there were no active MIDI out devices available at all –fixed
-pitchbend reset also for loops
-aftertouch reset identical to pitchbend

MIDI Chasing
-Play Stop Reset of MIDI Pitchbend and Aftertouch for VST(i) didn’t work -fixed
-Sustain, Pitchbend, Aftertouch are now reset to neutral values on loop cycle if there are no chasing values available for the loop start position.
-In some situations note-on chasing resulted in too many notes being played -fixed

-MIDI-Thru monitoring while recording any MIDI controller automation was monitoring wrong values -fixed
-MIDI volume automation curve (for CC7) was sometimes not played back -fixed
-ReWire MIDI CC automation didn't work -fixed
-A new midi track now considers the default volume fader mode

SMF MIDI File Import/Export
-SMF MIDI file Drag&Drop considers drop position more exactly
-now always uses the active track as target (either as insert position for new tracks to be created or as starting point to import into existing tracks)
-now offers the explicit option "create new tracks" for multi-track import. Otherwise the already existing tracks will be used for import
-"Do not show again" option for the import dialog is fixed, and the latest settings are remembered also after closing the program
-SMF Import via the File manager: BPM adaption and positioning sometimes didn’t work correctly -fixed
-SMF MIDI Export file requester now points to the current project folder by default

MIDI Editor
-Quantize operations and the MIDI Editor grid now consider time signatures correctly (for example, a 1/4 Q after a 3/8 signature was offset about one eights). This also fixes some problems with correct triplet recognition for score display.
-the MIDI Editor doesn't block shortcuts for "Loop On/Off" and "Metronome On/Off" any more
-the MIDI Editor "MIDI Panic" command couldn't get assigned to a shortcut -fixed
-the MIDI Drum Editor shortcut didn't work -fixed
-the MIDI Editor „stop“ command now considers the global "stop at position" setting and doesn't reset the loop range anymore
-MIDI Event List Editor: auto scrolling now really goes to top when scrolling to the object start
-There are new menu commands to change the event's velocity in the MIDI Editor, so you can also assign some shortcuts for quick velocity editing on-the-fly
-Step input now considers any active groove template

Audio Quantize
-there are new menu commands for both Hard Audio-Q and Soft Audio-Q, so you can assign different shortcuts for each Q variant

Hardware Controller
-Performance problems at mixer resize with HWC

-alternative menu structure
-can be loaded in System_Options/Keyboard_Menu, in Shortcut Editor click upper load button and load the menu settings from /Customize/Menu v12
-concept for v12 menu
-only reference is stored in program ini

-Option Administration: INI Patches
-collection of useful ini-settings in folder „Customize“
-load with "Load" button in option administration
-short info text is displayed
-buttons to apply or reset option
-INZ-Files can be used with Drag'n'Drop into the program window
-Toolbars: command to reset one or all toolbars added to context menu

Folder tracks
-no automatic record activation for busses in folder tracks
-problems with sorting of folder tracks and multi selection -fixed

Revolver tracks
-faster toggle, especially for multi track selection
-hanging notes if MIDI objects were replaced during playing -fixed

-manager graphical problems when docking was enabled -fixed
-graphical problems for undocked windows when XP-Style of Windows was turned off

-sorting rules are remembered
-File Manager
-display of format settings is calculated in background and is not slowing down list display any more
-problem with looped playback and activated BPM-Sync and additional looped VIP playback -fixed
-File manager/Clipstore: with active autoplay and drag&drop of files to the arranger, playback was triggered again -fixed
-.SAM files were not included in media filter and couldn’t be opened -fixed
-Memory leak with BPM Sync -fixed
-Load file: File preview is resampled if necessary and does not change sample rate of audio card any more
-new context option "Rename file"
-Marker manager: Font did not change -fixed
-status buttons in manager lost their visual state after skin change -fixed

-if „Lock all objects“ is active, objects can still be moved with held ALT-Key
-Track selektion
-Arranger: only if track number or track name is selected
-deselection by clicking to space above tracks
-ungroup command also does deselection of a track multi selection
-Mixer track selection by click to track number or track name
-Insert Space now consideres Auto Crossfade Mode
-Copy&Paste from destructive Wave Editing into VIP possible
-larger click area for handles of vertical scroller
-„Insert/Append tracks“ now scrolls to new tracks
-Time Display/Edit fields: Object time can be edited
-snap for Transport slider + FFWD+FBWD buttons (Bypass with ALT)
-tempo of current stop position is displayed (but: editing still changes global tempo!)
-notification if memory usage exceeds 1 GB RAM, after that current memory usage is shown in status bar

-Bugfixes for Crossfades in looped objects (drawing, mouse handling)
-Cutting in overlapped objects -fixed
-problems with marker ripple if project is enlarged during this action -fixed
-unneeded requester after sample rate change in -fixed
-Camo/Canis: colored peakmeter
-several fixes in Camo/Canis/StarGray/Samplitude10/48-Track-Mixer
-diverse fixes for time line range area (e.g. corrections for range/marker areas with second time line visible)
-missing graphic refresh after closing of sync dialogs -fixed
-audio metronome was visible in peakmeters of Economy Engine -fixed
-problems with tempo markers after change of project sample rate -fixed
-after some actions (like installation of Vandal VST-Version) program couldn’t find presets any more -fixed
-Surround Visualisation was not correct after project change -fixed
-time stamps got lost after commands „remove unused samples“ and „L/R Split“ -fixed
-progress bar during loading and resampling of audio file was not working -fixed
-Record mode "Rec/-": Record time was only shown in transport after opening time display once -fixed
Matt Cameron
#3 por Matt Cameron el 01/06/2010
Lensker escribió:
¡Y no es broma!

#4 por CollinPowell el 01/06/2010
¿Seguirán cascando los VIP de la versión 10? :evil:
#5 por Poeta el 02/06/2010
:evil: Ellos lo saben, supongo que habran buscado el problema..

Con la version del Sam 10, empezo a ir super fina y con un rendimiento excelente de los proyectos que movia, en el 2º update, con este espero que sea igual....

[-o< [-o
#6 por sapristico el 07/06/2010
jodddder, por fin han corregido muchas cosas!! MIDI ALL!!!!....falta lo del learn mejorable, pero por lo menos ya han ido paliando muchos puntos negros que se habían mencionado por aquí siguen así, el año que viene cae. A menos que Reaper me arrebate for ever and ever...aah.
#7 por fernando_srap el 22/09/2010
y como se instala eso??
#8 por I.Lobo.Audiovisual el 23/09/2010
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Es un autoejecutable en el que solo tienes que pulsar "next" 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:
#9 por fernando_srap el 23/09/2010
ahhh..ok...yo pensaba que se trataba de hacer un script o algo asi...menos mal..gracia w.studios
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