Roger Linn Design - LinnDrum II (en proceso...)

Mr. Nobody
#1 por Mr. Nobody el 26/07/2015
Sintesis Digital (y analogica???) + Sampling + 3D expresion

A Digital Drum Machine and Performance Instrument for Beat-Oriented Music
Updated November 16, 2014:
LinnDrum II is a drum machine I've been developing for a while now. During development of Tempest with Dave Smith, Dave and I realized that we really needed two products-- one analog machine (Tempest) and another digital machine, which I'm calling LinnDrum II.
Tempest has turned out much, much better than I originally expected. In fact, I ended up putting most of my best LinnDrum II design ideas into it. Plus I have to admit that the beautifully complex sounds and real-time tweakability of Dave's analog+sample voices give it a pretty amazing sonic palette, and its real-time performance operating system and 90 panel controls make it a monster of a performance instrument that I'm very pleased with.
As of late 2014, LinnDrum II is on the back burner while I focus on LinnStrument. When I get back to it, it won't be yet another MPC-style box but rather something new. Think the real-time live performance workflow of Tempest with the expressive 3D touch sensing of LinnStrument.
- Roger Linn
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#2 por Jovihu el 26/07/2015
Esto es en lo que se convirtió la tempest.
Mr. Nobody
#3 por Mr. Nobody el 26/07/2015

[-X ;)

Lee bien el enlace, son proyectos paralelos.
Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody
#5 por Mr. Nobody el 13/08/2015

Una buena pista... "La LinnDrum II estará disponible a través de Roger Linn Design y la LinnDrum II Analog (Tempest) a través de Dave Smith Instruments"
Mr. Nobody
#6 por Mr. Nobody el 30/11/2015
Ha aparecido algo raro que antes no estaba...

"Linndrum II Analog Drum Machine - Dave Smith Instruments
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Otros que no duermen pensando lo mismo...

Y ahora lo que se venia hablando... Nueva confirmacion de que falta menos para la espera:

A frotarse las manitas!!!

Como no llegue pronto, al final cae una Elektron, ya por necesidad. Esperemos que sea la panacea en sintesis, sampling y expresion [-o<
Mr. Nobody
#7 por Mr. Nobody el 07/03/2016
Mr. Nobody
#8 por Mr. Nobody el 21/06/2017
Modelo previo de la Tempest... (bfffffff... soy tu padre :desdentado: )

Mr. Nobody
#9 por Mr. Nobody el 08/10/2017
Cada vez más cerca...

Confirmado en su web...

During Tempest development, here's a much more elaborate design we considered. I'm still working on a drum machine but it won't be like this. It will have a combination of the real-time live performance workflow of Tempest plus samples and the expressive 3D touch sensing of LinnStrument.

Ya comentado anteriormente en #1
Mr. Nobody
#10 por Mr. Nobody el 08/10/2017
Por cierto... este hilo es el resultado nº1 de Google al buscar "Roger Linn Linndrum 2 o II". :ook:
Mr. Nobody
#11 por Mr. Nobody el 04/02/2018
Este modelo temprano es pre-Tempest, pero la pongo por si se le parece a la futura LD2: (by
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Mr. Nobody
#12 por Mr. Nobody el 05/03/2019
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