Rosegarden4 vs Ardour
OFERTASVer todas
-32%Casio AP-650 MBK Celviano
Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
-37%Behringer SU9920
LMMS están a punto de publicar la version final 1.0.0 Te recomiendo le eches un vistazo cuando e publique. Este es un correo de hace unos dias en la propia lista de LMMS
"in preparation of our final 1.0.0 release here comes the third release
candidate as version 0.9.92. A source tarball as well as Windows
builds can be downloaded at
This release incorporates many bugfixes and some small improvements
compared to 0.9.92 (see git shortlog v0.9.91..v0.0.92 for details).
Furthermore the new theme has seen more updates."
"in preparation of our final 1.0.0 release here comes the third release
candidate as version 0.9.92. A source tarball as well as Windows
builds can be downloaded at
This release incorporates many bugfixes and some small improvements
compared to 0.9.92 (see git shortlog v0.9.91..v0.0.92 for details).
Furthermore the new theme has seen more updates."
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