hola... nadie me puede ayudar? ... estan los botones de transporte ahi, pero no sé configurarlos para que funcionen... ayuda por favor... gracias.
Solucionado. Copio el mensaje del servicio de soporte técnico de novation, por si hah alguien en una situación similar, en dos dias me han solucionado lo que me he pasado meses buscando... no, si es que a veces un arbol no te deja ver el bosque...
"You need to ensure that the transport buttons on the ReMOTE LE are set to send the correct MIDI messages to control the transport in Cubase and then you need to make sure Cubase is set to listen for those messages. There are different types of messages you could use but I advise using MIDI Machine Control (MMC) messages. To ensure the transport buttons on the LE are set to send these messages press the EDIT button and then press one of the transport buttons to access its settings. Scroll through the settings using the octave buttons and make sure they are set as follows:
Control: MMC
Device ID: 0
MMC Command: [set this according to how the button is labelled]
Set all of the transport buttons, then press 'write' 3 times to save the template and 'play' to return to play mode. Note that these settings are saved with the template and not globally so you will have to repeat the above process for all templates that you use.
In Cubase select 'Sync Setup' from the 'Transport' menu. Check the 'MMC Active' box and set the MMC Input to 'ReMOTE LE' (it may be labelled as 'USB Audio Device' if you have not installed the Novation drivers). Cubase should now listen for MMC messages from the ReMOTE LE."
Y jastah!!