
#1 por CollinPowell el 24/02/2008
Para todos aquellos que utilicen Nebula, en esta web se pueden compartir programas creados por los usuarios. Por ahora no tiene mucho movimiento, pero ya hay disponibles programas de reverb Lexicon y alguna otra cosa más. Hay que darse de alta, y los programas se bajan con torrents.

OFERTASVer todas
  • -37%
    Behringer SU9920
    69 €
    Ver oferta
  • -26%
    Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
    444 €
    Ver oferta
#2 por enriquesilveti el 25/04/2008
[code]Just released!!! Brent 1073 EQ program for Nebula2 and Nebula3 users. Goto http://www.nebula-programs.com and grab it. [/code]

http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... la&start=0
#3 por Artist_Unknown el 25/04/2008
Aarrrrrrrg! y los maqueros no tenemos que fastidiar sin nebula :cry:
#4 por enricmarshal el 25/04/2008
va ombre que son 4 duros...
#5 por Artist_Unknown el 27/04/2008
enricmar escribió:
va ombre que son 4 duros...

#6 por walnut59 el 30/04/2008

Acaban de publicar también varios programas de previo Brent Averill acongojantes, y parece que a partir de ahora va a ser un goteo constante de programas de altísima calidad... eso sí, a cambio piden al menos uno de los siguientes requisitos a los usuarios:
- Aportar programas
- Mantener el ratio subida/descarga de los torrents en niveles aceptables
- Donar

Pero vale muuucho la pena.
#7 por enriquesilveti el 09/05/2008
Artist_Unknown escribió:
Aarrrrrrrg! y los maqueros no tenemos que fastidiar sin nebula :cry:

Regalarle una MAC al desarrollador para que se enrolle. :lol:
#8 por enriquesilveti el 12/05/2008
Retro Analog Studio Suite 1 Now Available!!!
Library Creator: Michael Angel, http://www.CDSoundMaster.com/
Thank you for all of the feedback on the Free Retro Analog Studio Suite 1 presets!

Now available for sale, the complete Preset Program Library Collection for Nebula Commercial users.
This works with Nebula2 and Nebula3, so if you are only using a Free version of Nebula, now is a great time
to become a Commercial Nebula user!
If you are not a registered Nebula user, go to Acusticaudio.net and sign up for your free version of Nebula!
Then, if you like what you see, purchase Nebula2 Commercial or Nebula3 Commercial in order to use this Library.
Nebula users: make sure to upgrade to the newest version of Nebula2 and Nebula3 to run this library!

Retro Analog Studio Suite 1
Price: $39

This collection is the result of a great deal of research, and is made to provide you with a wealth of very realistic equalizers, preamps, tape tracks, and compressors. What is unique about this collection is that the focus is not on individual pieces of gear, but rather in providing the user with authentic complete signal chains modelled after several idealized, All-Analog Studios of the past. I have set the price point low enough to encourage new users to come on board and buy Nebula Commercial.
I also hope to inspire recordists to see their DAW environment in a new light, and to equip them with a collection that would likely cost a fortune if released by any other means. I hope you enjoy!!!

There are 4 categories of presets included:
RAE: Retro Analog Equalizers
RAC: Retro Analog Compressors
RAP: Retro Analog Preamps
RAT: Retro Analog Tape

Over 30 Presets !!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to audio samples here:
#9 por enriquesilveti el 24/05/2008
API releases

We finished a long sampling session (several days). The resulting packages:
- API550b EQ (4 bands in Clean + 3K versions)
- API3124 preamps (Clean, Driven, Cranked up)
- API Chan (Analog chain of 312 preamp module + 512b eq) -> Lovely sound! Very Happy

I will need a few days to optimize and tweak everything but you can expect the first package before weekend!

More info at http://www.nebula-programs.com
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