quisiera conseguir buenos codos con sonido profundo... me entendeis verdad?
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-53%Soundbrenner Pulse, metrónomo de pulsera
-20%Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen
Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
http://www.nomadfactory.com/products/bl ... index.html
Analog Compressor
The BT Compressor CP-2S emulates analog tube compressors in terms of looks, functions and sound. This variable-ratio compressor provides a choice of various compression types, including RMS (”Low”), Peak compression (”Mid”), and HiPeak (”High”). A compressor’s functions are easy to describe with words, but the warm analog sound of the CP-2S is something you need to hear for yourself.
Analog Compressor
The BT Compressor CP-2S emulates analog tube compressors in terms of looks, functions and sound. This variable-ratio compressor provides a choice of various compression types, including RMS (”Low”), Peak compression (”Mid”), and HiPeak (”High”). A compressor’s functions are easy to describe with words, but the warm analog sound of the CP-2S is something you need to hear for yourself.
http://nomad-factory.com/products_dl_ac ... VST_PC.zip
aqui puedes bajarte la demo del pack blue tubes....
aqui puedes bajarte la demo del pack blue tubes....
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