Ardour entra y sale de problemas económicos

El Flauta
#1 por El Flauta el 16/02/2009
Hola a todos quienes gusten de usar Linux y Ardour en sus proyectos :)

Últimamente he recibido algunos mensajes por vía del grupo de usuarios de Ardour de Facebook, que dan cuenta de la suspensión del apoyo de la SAE al proyecto... y la feliz reacción por parte de los usuarios que gozan de fondos económicos; no vi la noticia ni en los blogs ni en el foro de Hispasonic, así que bueno, pensé que podría ser bueno comentarla.

Acá están los mensajes en cuestión: Si bien están todos en el sitio oficial, quizá sea más cómodo si los pongo acá mismo :wink: El primnero es de la página, y los dos restantes provienen del grupo Facebook.


Submitted by paul on Wed, 2009-02-04 12:13

(slight edit for clarification) SAE have informed me that although their plans for Ardour have not changed, their sponsoring of Ardour development will stop at this time. This puts me (Paul, Ardour’s lead developer) in the position of being paid solely by the donations and subscriptions made by the Ardour community. This is currently insufficient to support myself, let alone my family, so I am obviously looking for other opportunities to earn a living. Although I intend to try to improve the revenue that Ardour itself generates, this is unlikely to be sufficient for some time to come. I am therefore in a position to serve as consultant/contractor on other projects, and will be happy to handle inquiries about this via email ( I intend to continue doing some work on Ardour to provide support and continuing incentives to those who are already paying for that via donations & subscriptions.


Sean Burns
el 10 de febrero a las 21:19

From Paul Davis, the creator of Ardour:

"""SAE have ended their financial support for Ardour development but have not (currently) cancelled their plans to use Ardour with their students. They believe that the program has reached (or is very, very close to) the level needed for them to do this, and they do not wish to pay for further developments at this time.""""

This sounds like a classic cut and run. And Paul is left high and dry. From what I gather, they didn't even give a decent notice to him either.

Please subscribe or donate to the Ardour project if you can!

Take care,


Sean Burns
el 15 de febrero a las 5:50

From the Site:

""""""Given the enhanced level of financial support this month, (Status February 14th, 199 subscribers (US$1645/month) + donations = US$3530 ), I wanted to give people some insight into what’s coming in the near future. Although development efforts have shifted to 3.0, there will be a new release soon in the 2.X series. This will include two significant features: track templates and better, fully open source VST support. Track templates allow you to save the setup of a track or bus and then re-use it again when creating tracks in the same or other sessions. Improvements in VST support come from the work done by Torben Hohn on FST. Many plugins that used to not work or work unreliably will now function correctly. Most significantly, perhaps, Ardour will be able to use the clean-room reverse engineered “Vestige” header that replaces the need for the VST SDK. This will allow binary releases of Ardour with VST support. Work on wrapping the new release up will be delayed a bit by my return to the USA from Berlin, but I hope to get this out within the next 2 weeks."""""

Never underestimate the power of people and the spirit of giving!

Take care,
Sean Burns


Por lo demás, en el último mensaje se entregan bastantes adelantos en cuanto a lo que serán las próximas novedades del programa [-o<

Saludos de El Flauta en este, su primer mensaje en los foros
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Soyuz mod
#2 por Soyuz el 17/02/2009
Pues qué penoso... habrá que dar cuenta de ello.
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