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Alguien escribió:Acoustic Testing
At the completion of a design project, we conduct subjective critical listening tests to determine that the monitor system installations meet our standards for acoustic accuracy. Additionally, we measure the main monitor system's frequency response at the engineer's position (and at other locations such as the producer/sofa location) to confirm the system's frequency response characteristics. When performing a control room assessment, we first test the signal paths the be sure that all channels and gain pots are aligned properly, before proceeding to test the monitor/room response.
We can also provide TEF analysis (Time Delay Spectrometry) to measure a room's time domain (decay) characteristics. The TEF system allows our engineers to see a room's time, frequency, and energy domain properties as 2D and 3D graphic information, and with proper analysis and interpretation this data can provide valuable insights not available by other methods. This can be useful when analyzing existing spaces with problematic time-smearing issues due to early reflections.
When assessing a building as a potential site for an audio production facility it is sometimes necessary to take measurements of existing noise conditions. This helps us to design a cost effective solution that takes into consideration actual site conditions rather than theoretical conditions.
Other test methods include room boundary testing for sound isolation evaluation (both between the building and the outside world, and between rooms within the building), as well as noise level tests to determine whether HVAC systems and other potential noise sources are being properly contained.
Wes Lachot Design Group
A800MKIII escribió:las únicas mediciones que pueden realizarse ANTES de hacer nuestro estudio de grabación son aquellas destinadas a determinar cuanto aislamiento necesitamos y no ninguna relacionada con la cantidad o el tipo del tratamiento acústico de las salas
artem escribió:No estoy de acuerdo con este punto; las mediciones previas a la construcción son necesarias para calibrar el modelo de simulación.
Pj. Obtener un mapeado del TR previo a la construcción, te permitirá calibrar y afinar el modelo de simulación (teórico) para poder testear el comportamiento y resultados de la sala con diferentes diseños, materiales, configuraciones que quieras implementar...
Otra cosa es que tires de librillo y una vez construido midas para terminar de afinar (y entonces verificas la desviación de la simulación)
aracustica escribió:GRACIAS
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