Synth1 V1.11
Ver1.11 (2010.5.9)
* Sound Engine
o The sub oscillator was added.
+ The same pitch as oscillator1 or one octave under can be selected.
+ When OSC1 is eight multiple unison, the suboscillator becomes similar, too.
+ FM modulation also influences the suboscillator as well as OSC1.
+ The suboscillator doesn't influence the AM modulation.
+ When the amount of the suboscillator is raised, the entire volume is automatically adjusted not to grow.
+ The wave pulse of the suboscillator always becomes a square wave regardless of a pulse width parameter.
o The saw wave was changed from rising type to the descent type.
+ To operate the suboscillator effectively, it changed.
+ The amplitude value by 0 phases changed from 0 to +1.
o The accuracy of the envelope of Amplifier has been improved.
o The limiter algorithm of Filter is changed, and the noise has been improved only a little.
o The performance of OSC1 at eight unisons has been improved a little.
* System requirements
o It did not operate in CPU that did not support SSE2.
+ It seems to cause the expansion of the source code when keeping supporting it any further. To our regret, it was assumed operation off the subject.
+ The error message is displayed in the upper part of the panel when operating with CPU that doesn't correspond, and the sound is not generated.
* Small improvement and change of GUI
o A part of objection of the parameter name was corrected.
o The patch selection window etc. were shut with the escape key.
* BugFix
o Problem of operation of sustaining pedal
o Problem that old FM setting value remained at voice trigger
o Problem that loudness at unison has changed in old version
o Problem that gain knob of Amplifier did not occasionally work
o Problem that patch change with program change spin button was not made good after it writes it in another bank
o Problem with thing that Synth1 window flickers according to environment
o Problem that position where parameter selection window etc. are displayed does clip to primary monitor in multimonitor environment
El añadir un Suboscilador ha sido una genialidad. Con las mismas formas de onda del Oscilador 1. Da un grosor al sonido al mejor estilo Moog. Y las otras mejoras que va implementando...
Sin duda el Synth1 es el "sinte" virtual. Chapeau ante este extraordinario y genial desarrollador japonés.