pido disculpas por lo tocino que soy.
Sahul : Sería legal subirlo a descargas de HISPASONIC ?. O ,en la duda, no lo subimos?.
Si se puede subir. ¿Cómo se hace?.
Vendaval es un egoistaaaa...que no ha compartío esa maravilllllaa
qué yuyu...tengo un cacharro de 1000 euros que ocupa apenas 200 bytes.,...jijiji, devaluao por bugs hasta...800?
Jodé me pone dura y to!!
Es fea y alucinante, como la mismísima María Martillo!
PLParEQ3 actualizada a la 1.60 con un montón de funciones nuevas (y menos bugs):
"more usability issues.. smoothed the slow-drag in numeric panels, added 3 amplitude ranges to the graph (6 dB, 12 dB, 24 dB), fixed K-meters so that they decay even when audio is stopped. Cleaned up graph display and knob behavior.
1. Single click on all but drop-down menu fields in each filter highlights that filter and takes immediate action in that field. E.g., clicking once on the enable buttons anywhere immediate enables that filter. Same with the PL button and numeric text fields.
2. Single-click Bypass button sends the sytem into "wire with delay" mode.
3. Toggle between Stereo/Middle/Side and Stereo/Left/Right, by clicking on the M/S or L/R column heading at the top of the table.
4. Holding down the Alt-key while dragging the graph knob restricts the movement to either horizontal (frequency) or vertical (gain) directions.
5. Holding down the Control-key while dragging the graph knob changes the Q of the filters.
6. Holding down the Shift-key (as always) puts you into slow-drag mode with finer control over target placement.
7. All and any combinations of Shift, Alt, and Control function as you would expect during drag.
8. An articulated readout of filter Frequency, Q, and Gain follows the graph knob around as you drag it.
9. Filters default to Phase-Linear mode as requested by our ME clients.
10. Selecting any Filter Type from the drop down menu automatically starts it off as enabled and in Phase Linear mode.
11. Filters default to Q = 0.5 for our ME friends..."
"2. Single-click Bypass button sends the sytem into "wire with delay" mode. "
Concretamente ¿traducido que quiere decir? Es que encuentro que el plugin tiene una latencia apreciable.
Aunque carga mucho la cpu, muy bueno!.
asd, la verdad que no sé a que se refiere ese punto concreto, lo miraré. Respecto a la latencia, pues sí, es una EQ de fase lineal y ese nivel de calidad implica una latencia bastante gordota, ocurre igual por ejemplo con la EQ de Waves Mastering o con la Firium de EA.