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#16 por claudia21 el 27/06/2005
hola wikter, he probado ese programa y mas de lo mismo. Me salen los canales midi pero no recibe ni envia nada. Es como si todo funcionara, no sale ningún error pero no hace nada. Un saludo
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#17 por Wikter el 27/06/2005
Entonces, es que windows no te ha detectado el interface.
Estan bien instalados los drivers???
Que se enciendan las luces no tiene nada que ver.

Prueba a eliminar los controladores y volverlos a instalara... o a reiniciar el sistema... o sencillamente, cambia la clavija de conector USB.
#18 por claudia21 el 27/06/2005
He cambiado el cable de usb, he reiniciado, he cambiado los drivers y nada el interface no hace nada. Alguien tiene este interface ???
#19 por Wikter el 28/06/2005
Malas noticias Claudia...

Alguien escribió:

a Professional user from USA writes:
i bought this unit to have peace in mind but i only had that whne i connected it to a mac, as soon as i wanted to use it with a windows system then i never worked and i found out that i needed an upgrade by purchasing the chip ROMS for windows/USB. since i'm not the original owner of the unit, i had to pay for the chips EVEN THOUGH it's written and engraved on the MTP AV USB macintosh-windows compatible. i did order the chips, got only one chip.. the usb one is missing. it's been a month now i was trying to get help from technical support and customer service, but never got it, attitude and wrong information about why my package is missing the chip and when it's gonna be sent .. very rude service, and i'll never buy a motu product again.
#20 por claudia21 el 08/07/2005
Hola Wikter, ya he resuelto el problema con la motu, era simplemente conectar el cable de sincronismos a una tarjeta de audio de pc y listo. Ya rutea todo. Un saludo
#21 por Wikter el 10/07/2005
bueno... pues, mejor eso que nada.
Noz vemozzz!!!
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