Nuevas versiones de Reaper

#1 por Fernan486 el 23/05/2009
Este post no tiene otro fin que el de mantenernos informados cada vez que salga una nueva versión de reaper, por aquello de "no quedarse desactualizado".

Usaremos siempre el mismo esquema para anunciar los lanzamientos:

Alguien escribió:

Título (versión o actualización): Reaper 3.00

Cuerpo: mejoras, las podéis copiar en inglés de la misma página o pasarlas al español

*Carriles de Automatización
*Carpetas (Pistas) anidadas
*Proyectos en Pestañas Múltiples
*Soporte de medios Multicanal, incluyendo formato MOGG
*Controles Para Parámetros de Efectos en paneles de control del mixer y la lista de pistas junto a la ventana de arreglos.
*Barra de herramientas configurable (acciones por iconos)
*Soporte de Controladores de juego y joystick MIDI Programables
*Edición MIDI InLine
*Editar Múltipls items MIDI en un solo editor
*Sincronizar Editor MIDI a la vista de arreglo, inlcuyendo items en bucles
*Exportar proyecto MIDI con soporte para el mapeo de tempo
*Filtro de eventos MIDI
*Controles MIDI para pistas (manejo de cambios bancos/programas, sysex y automatización de CC's)
*Mejoras en la sincronización MIDI hardware
*Soporte completo de Sysex
*Motor de renderizado de gráficos completamente nativo (mejor apariencia y desempeño)
*Mejoras en el uso de memoria
*Control tipo "takeover" suave (incluyendo los parámetros de efectos)

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Así podremos recoger en este apartado todas las actualizaciones que vayan saliendo.

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  • -7%
    Modal Argon8 (B-Stock)
    559 €
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  • -30%
    Behringer X-Touch Compact
    259 €
    Ver oferta
  • -6%
    Elektron Digitakt II (B-Stock)
    939 €
    Ver oferta
#2 por Mercado_Negro el 03/06/2009
REAPER 3.01 - 2 de Junio, 2009


* Windows (4.4MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG)
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG)


+ Right-click FX button to add FX from user folder or saved FX chain
+ Show newly scanned FX in their own folder in FX browser
+ Faster display when opening FX browser or right-click FX menu
+ Fixed shortcut assignment to numpad 5 (and divide, decimal on some keyboards)
+ Middle mouse button sets play cursor in MIDI editor
+ Scrollbar resize handle works in MIDI editor
+ Fixed various nitpicks only seen when adv pref "large window frames" is on
+ VST: corrected audioMasterGetOutputLatency to match cubendo's behavior when used from VSTs with delay comp
+ MIDI editor: fix for reloading the same text strings file
+ MIDI export, .syx import, bank/string filenames now support unicode
+ Fix for MIDI items changing when changing project settings
+ Support for up to 30 MIDI input ports, 32 MIDI output ports (up from 24/24)
+ Fixed MIDI editor actions to change timebase view
+ Fixed reading of license keyfiles with Mac newline format
+ Fixed recording to unsaved projects with relative project media path set(again)
+ ReaControlMIDI: separate selection of LSB cc messages
+ MIDI editor: moving notes one octave moves one octave rather than 12 visible pitches
+ FX Browser: Added "Recently used FX" folder
#3 por SiroVai el 07/06/2009
REAPER 3.02 - June 6, 2009


* Windows (4.4MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Changes: The steady stream of goodness continues.

* Fixes to APE, OGG, and MP3 writing in certain consolidate instances
* Fixed consolidate having issue with certain content/output sinks
* Fixed Unicode file support for DirectShow video files (avi/mpg/etc)
* Fixed CoreAudio aggregate/multi-buffer audio bug
* JS: threaded memory manager fixes (for when starting playback with graphic JSs loaded)
* Fixed bug sending events at end of MIDI file in certain instances
* More useful dialog message when unable to encode MP3
* OSX: improved GUI compatibility for some plugins
* OSX graphics tweaks
* MIDI editor: major performance improvement when editing small MIDI items in large projects
* Quick FX add menu when clicking FX slots on the extended mixer
* Windows: Low-level change to external MIDI output handling
* MIDI output timing, CPU, bandwidth, consistency, and stability improvements
* Global envelope menu selection to show/hide all track envelopes in project
* Tweaks to control surface plug-in since midi output is nicely threaded on Windows
#4 por Mercado_Negro el 16/06/2009
REAPER 3.03 - 15 de Junio, 2009


Windows (4.4MB installer)
Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta


* Fixes for action to crossfade at selection
* Crossfade at selection automatically splits an enclosing item
* VKB performance improvement (especially on WINE)
* Peak caches: better validation of timestamps for varying timezones and filesystems
* Draw correct crossfades when an item sits on top of another item
* X key is mapped to crossfade selected items action by default
* Fixed delay compensation of untouched track channels for VSTs with latency decrease (ReaFIR etc)
* Fixed delay compensation on untouched track channels for JS (including ReaMote)
* ReaMote: fixed network thrashing with automated fx parameters
* MIDI editor: removed snap behavior where snapping is disabled more than 100px from grid
* Render: option to render at project samplerate, but output at a different rate (apply SRC last)
* Fixed bug when undoing on certain projects with envelope lanes visible
* Fixed bug storing online rendering to project file
* Online rendering will pause for a few seconds before rendering to allow hardware to switch samplerates if necessary
* Project setting for item mix behavior (items can mix, replace earlier items, or replace enclosing items)
* Actions to enable or disable auto-crossfade on split
* -renderproject hides main window from view
* Fix for plugins that create multiple envelopes when loaded with automation write on
* Fixed MIDI editor actions to move multiple notes up or down
* Track MIDI input can be mapped to any channel
* Fixed move cursor to start of previous measure action when starting on beat
* Preliminary wet/dry knob for FX
* Look for embedded track name event when importing single-track MIDI
* Option to not reset MIDI CC on stop
* Queued (batch) rendering support (Queue render button in render dialog, menu/action to bring up queue)
* MIDI editor: control-drag also copies CC messages when moving CC with notes
* Action to toggle maximize all tracks will maximize first
* Fixed adding tempo events via transport when tempo envelope is hidden
* Support for changing BPM from within ReWire slaves
* User config for external MIDI output threading (restricted to one thread by default)
* Fix for ripple editing + tempo marker issues
* OSX: better hidden-mouse UI behavior (with Synergy detection as well)
* OSX: cleaner looking buttons/popup buttons (todo combo boxes)
* OSX: enabled FX folder rename/delete, drag FX into folder
* OSX: fixed item fadein cursor
* OSX: better support for detecting mouse activation for BFD2 etc
* Internal queue optimizations
#5 por eamblar el 22/06/2009
Por si alguien no se ha enterado

REAPER 3.04 - June 19, 2009

Changes: Fixes and enhancements.

* Joystick MIDI improvements (modeless config, submodes, etc)
* Allow ctrl+drag copy of selected areas of items even with very small selections
* Actions: split selected items at project markers, split selected items at grid
* Action: remove content behind selected items (shift-X by default)
* Crossfade selected items action allows time selection that is completely within both items
* Fixed bug with render dialogs render master not being restored from configuration
* ReaDelay: fixed label of delay length (from QN to 8N)
* Fixed some bugs relating to Unicode conversions when getting long UI strings
* OSX: fixed sending 1 and 2 byte messages to MIDI hardware
* Ctrl+drag (pencil mode) creates empty MIDI item if no item is selected
* SiF meters now show actual signal
* Batch rendering will no longer show save prompt/project properties if preference set
* MIDI editor: fixed sorting and mouse hit testing of overlapping notes
* MIDI editor: Undo/redo of certain actions from within editor updates cached note names
* MIDI editor: fixed scroll issues with last clicked note selection
* MIDI editor: notes are not created when dragging vertically
* MIDI editor: action to cycle through multiple items loaded in one editor (alt+N by default)
* MIDI editor: better paste edit cursor behavior with looped items
* Menu bar shows recording format, device settings, optionally free disk space including time
* Normalize as much as +120dB (up from +36dB)
* Allow resizing tracks in folder compact (not supercompact) mode
* Toolbar icons show current state for many global toggle actions
* Fixed relative filename item paste issues (when option to use relative files before fully qualified path is set)
* Disabling record arm for tracks now sends all notes off
* New JS: adpcm_simulator
* Fixed project load splash screen leak
* Better track vertical resize behaviors with varying arrange view sizes
* Fixed open performance meter causing crashes in certain instances
* VST: Support for plug-ins with Unicode filenames
* VST: UAD plug-ins always get constant blocksizes (so that they can loop without extra latency)
* VST: extra UAD mutexing on opening of UI
#6 por Mercado_Negro el 02/07/2009
REAPER 3.05 - 1ero de Julio, 2009


* Windows (4.3MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Cambios: Mejor Desempeño, estabilidad y apariencia.

* Significant audio processing performance improvements, especially in larger projects
* FX processing improvements for all Cockos plugins
* Processing performance improvements for MIDI-only tracks
* Significant graphics optimizations
* Pasting items in large projects is faster
* Fixed dragging items vertically across multiple tracks
* Media explorer remembers the last directory visited when reopened
* Global automation override is saved with project
* JS sysex support: midisyx(frameoffset,msgbuf,len)
* FX parameter adjustment undo point is set immediately if the plugin informs the host the move is done
* Fixed random creation of different-length takes in loop recording
* Faster bulk-arming of tracks via action
* Seek is less likely to unnecessarily scroll the view
* Properly resize last track in folder when compacting
* FX quick-add menu contents are sorted alphabetically
* Safer VST unloading while playing
* Use envelope lane button hover states
* Dont allow dragging a folder track into its own children
* Copy MIDI item editor settings (note shape, etc) when copying MIDI items
* Dont autoclose audio device when media explorer is previewing
* Fixed waveout/directsound issues on failed initialization
* Better folder remembering on render/consolidate, better default record path (rather than path to app)
* MIDI editor: option to set default color map (in prefs/media/midi)
* Support for mcp_master_sendlist_* theme images
* ReaTune updates for multiple project and better take-fx support in manual mode, slight visual overhaul
* Color-themeable fade area shading for media items
* Color-themeable blinking edit cursor
* Optional color-themeable play cursor (with width control)
* Themes can set blend mode on fade handle edges/snap offset drawing
* More efficient time selection highlight drawing in default theme
* Fixed action for toggle recarm on all selected tracks
* Better cue label positioning for stereo items etc
* Actions to toggle item normalize/multiple item normalize, un-normalize
* Special-case mutexing for ET-200/Rez/Oatmeal, generalizable on request for other plug-ins
* Will now prompt you to select an audio device if you have not yet selected one
* OSX: better view of some unthemed windows in docker
* OSX: better AU initialization for some plugins
* Improved tempo/time signature marker editing behavior
* Open file in external editor supports unicode filenames
* Custom toolbar icon assigned to "bounce live output to disk" will light up while recording
* Preference whether to auto-show FX window after adding via quick-add menu
* Warn if unable to save changes because project file is read-only
* Fix for problems unloading plugins that run message loop during effClose (i.e. Guru)
* Fixed bug with mixed native/OS text rendering colors being incorrect
#7 por feremin el 14/07/2009
Tengo la versión 2.06 totalmente funcional y desde hace más de 30 días y me sigue funcionando. Me han aconsejado actualizarme a la 3.05, y como reaper ya no es gratuito ¿si pasan los 30 días sin comprar la licencia el reaper no arranca?
La versión 2.06 creéis que con lo que tiene de herramientas podría satisfacer a un usuario que no quiera complicarse mucho y de hacer una maquetilla decente?O para que me entere mejor , ¿la versión 2.06 no tiene alguna herrmienta básica que creáis imprescindible para hacer un trabajo medio decente en cuanto a nivelación pistas, borrado de sonido de fondo, insertar efectos con vsit etc.
#8 por vidalsh el 14/07/2009
reaper caduca a los 30 dias, pero se puede seguir utilizando plenamente funcional, tu decides si quieres comprar una licencia o no.
#9 por Mercado_Negro el 21/07/2009
REAPER 3.06 - 20 de Julio, 2009


* Windows (4.3MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Cambios: Automatización para la gente.

* Automation: drag, copy and paste automation with items, within or across tracks
* Automation: improvements when "add envelope points when moving items" enabled (right-click env toolbar button)
* Automation: recording does not write redundant points (more efficient)
* Automation: improvements when "reduce envelope point data when recording automation" enabled
* Automation: FX envelope control panel buttons stay lit if parameter modulation or MIDI learn is active
* Automation: alt+click deletes an envelope point
* Automation: fixed send automation control panel display when writing or overriding automation
* Audio: audio device channel remapping/aliasing support, separate configuration for each audio device
* Recording: pre-roll monitors track media, action to toggle recording pre-roll
* Render: rendering stems supports writing project markers as cues
* Project: no prompt to save, or display project settings, when loading an existing project in a new tab
* Project: track auto-naming no longer skips leading numbers
* Preferences: more configurable track record parameters
* Performance: better RAM/CPU behavior with accidental feedback routing
* FX: cache undo states for plugins with slow save/load operations
* FX: fixed undo point creation when plugin shown in FX chain window
* FX: fixed memory leak when loading undo states for some VSTs
* FX: fixed parameter modulation save/load/undo problems
* FX: save parameter modulation with track templates/chains/paste
* FX: show total track PDC in FX button tooltip
* FX: performance meter shows PDC by track
* FX: fixed track/mixer FX param knob rotation range
* FX: fixed EastWest Play (and possibly other plugins) not showing GUI correctly
* FX: all IK plugins blacklisted from precise loop buffer handling (glitching at loop end is preferable to crashing)
* FX: UAD plugins are set offline after render (fixes rendering at different block size)
* ReaEQ: update settings on "reset band to +0 dB" context menu action
* MIDI: undo/redo no longer sends note-off to all tracks
* MIDI: fixed import of .mid files with trailing non-note events exactly on the beat
* MIDI: glue now supports text events
* MIDI inline editor: fixed inserting notes at mouse cursor, not advancing main edit cursor
* MIDI editor: action to invert current selection
* MIDI editor: fixed moving multiple notes in looped items via keyboard actions
* MIDI editor: fixed bug when adding sysex manually
* MIDI editor: text events are now pooled across items and copied with items
* MIDI editor: fixed initialization of lane combo boxes
* JS: many optimizations for JS that do MIDI only (no @sample code, or in_pin/out_pin:none)
* JS: midi_transpose works on notes that are sustaining when you move the sliders
* JS: support for longer line lengths for slider definitions
* JS: better support for locales that use , instead of . for decimal
* JS: update dropdown boxes on sliderchange call
* JS: fixed gfx_drawchar/gfx_drawnumber() not forcing screen update
* Actions: select any track 1-99 (ctrl: extend, shift: contiguous, alt: invert)
* Actions: set loop points to selected items
* GUI: user preference for drawing pretty filled automation envelopes
* GUI: optional/themeable editing guide lines when moving items
* GUI: shift + middle mouse button does hand-scroll (and user preferences for it)
* GUI: docker/project tabs show feedback when clicking close-tab buttons
* GUI: option to show solid edge on loop selection and/or time selection
* GUI: optimized screen drawing to reduce potential overdraws
* GUI: separate user preferences for antialiased peaks/waveforms vs. antialiased fades/envelopes
* GUI: fixed drawing crossfades when overlapping items are shown in lanes
* GUI: track meters hold peaks as low as -150 dB
* OSX: toolbar can be customized
* OSX: VST/AU with carbon views now hide properly when docked

Esta actualización es INCREÍBLE! Especial para los amantes de las automatizaciones :)
#10 por pylorca el 14/08/2009

Changes: Better, stronger, faster.

* Actions: toggle show master tempo envelope
* Actions: faster actions to explode audio by channel, much faster actions to explode MIDI by channel or pitch
* Actions: separate actions to jump to previous/next beat/measure vs moving edit cursor only
* Actions: fixed occasional disappearing key shortcut
* Automation: fixed possible crash when deleting FX envelope
* Automation: shift+ctrl+drag locks envelope point move to either horizontal or vertical (like in MIDI editor)
* Bounce: display in transport displays bounced length
* Editing: fixed bug when moving items across hidden tracks
* GUI: significant CPU optimizations when drawing time selection, antialiased peaks, fades, envelopes, filled envelopes
* GUI: dim track I/O button when master/parent send disabled (themeable using track_io_dis and mcp_io_dis)
* GUI: fixed bug in HSV blend mode
* GUI: fixed edge line drawing for time/loop selections when decoupled
* GUI: fixed filled envelope clipping bug
* GUI: separate theme elements for fade quiet zone and fade area color fill
* JS: updated Liteon FX
* Media explorer: checkbox for starting media preview on the bar while project is playing back
* Media explorer: fixed context menu on Vista/Win7
* Media explorer: show preview graphics for MIDI items
* Metronome: fixed output selection menu
* MIDI editor: event filter stays on top, can be toggled on/off
* MIDI editor: CC lane dropdowns show which message types are currently in use
* MIDI editor: inserting notes in drum modes uses smaller of grid size or 32nd notes
* MIDI editor: view preference to always display note velocity
* MIDI editor: action to move edit cursor to play cursor
* MIDI editor: action to set selected note lengths to grid size
* MIDI editor: better paste-extends-source behavior when using unlooped items
* MIDI editor: no loop end marker for unlooped MIDI items
* MIDI editor: fixed clipboard leak in certain paste actions
* MIDI editor: fixed screen redraws/flashes when selecting notes in list view
* MIDI editor: action to import lyric events from text file
* MIDI editor: better display of text/sysex event editing vs adding, better copy-drag behavior
* MIDI editor: clicking empty space in the lane deselects text/sysex events
* MIDI editor: fixed copy/paste of text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed file-based MIDI item text/sysex event undo/redo
* MIDI editor: fixed memory leak when deleting text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed step sequencer note entry when inline editor is open
* MIDI editor: fixed text event editing on OS X
* MIDI editor: fixed text event hit testing in certain instances
* MIDI inline editor: actions dialog can now run actions
* MIDI: don't create a new MIDI item when punch recording if there is already a suitable item to record into
* MIDI: fixed overdub recording when extending source and record pdc disabled
* MIDI: record overdub/replace modes with record PDC disabled now compensated for track PDC
* OSX: default to Cocoa UI for AU plug-ins that support it
* OSX: fixed manually editing JS parameter values
* Peaks/waveforms: recording items are drawn more smoothly and consistently, update faster by default (configurable)
* Playback: preserve PDC delayed monitoring now compensates for both track and master/parent PDC
* Project: fixed project template being inserted when opening existing project in new tab
* Project: setting maximum project length prevents zooming out much past that length
* ReaEQ: more regular grid lines
* ReaFIR: more regular grid lines
* ReaVerb, ReaSamplomatic: now multi-project aware (for save-as with media)
* ReaSamplomatic: fixed noise bug with zero release time
* Recording: fixed recording pre-roll sample rounding problem
* Render: fixed render dialog peaks display when certain stem options set
* Render: more helpful error message if target directory does not exist
* Render: saving project to RPP via render dialog now adds project to recent list
* Render: Shup button sends to user default upload target
* Screensets: better multiproject track view support
* Screensets: screenset window now updates on save-project action
* Shutdown: cancelling save while Windows is shutting down cancels system shutdown
* Shutdown: more stable sequence with undo history open
* Solo: fixed glitches when unsoloing with routing and PDC
* Spaghetti cormorant
* TCP/Mixer: create sends by dragging IO button to another track
* TCP/Mixer: alt+click on IO button toggles master/parent send
* TCP: bulk mute/solo by dragging mute/solo button to another track
* Tempo envelope: snap points to grid when adding and snapping enabled
* VST: faster startup scan of plug-ins that have not changed
* VST: more efficient automation for new envelopes or envelopes with square point shape
* VST: correct return value for audioMasterAutomate
#11 por Maniak el 16/08/2009
REAPER 3.102 - August 15, 2009

Changes: Better, stronger, faster.

* 3.102: OSX: Fixed MIDI explode by channel and pitch
* 3.102: OSX: Fixed scroll during track moving
* 3.102: Fixed issue with projects that reference missing .mid files
* 3.102: Fixed bugs relating to ghost midi clips
* 3.102: Fixed junk characters in some pan law dialogs
* 3.102: Added some missing default theme elements
* 3.102: Record PDC disabled track option now compensates for audio buffer size
* 3.102: Solo and SiF now work better with MIDI sends (unsoloed MIDI sends are not sent at all)
* 3.102: Allow 23.976 framerate for sync
* 3.101: Fixed high CPU use on zoomed-in recording items
* 3.101: Fixed grid line drawing of 1/3 beats
* Actions: toggle show master tempo envelope
* Actions: faster actions to explode audio by channel, much faster actions to explode MIDI by channel or pitch
* Actions: separate actions to jump to previous/next beat/measure vs moving edit cursor only
* Actions: fixed occasional disappearing key shortcut
* Automation: fixed possible crash when deleting FX envelope
* Automation: shift+ctrl+drag locks envelope point move to either horizontal or vertical (like in MIDI editor)
* Bounce: display in transport displays bounced length
* Editing: fixed bug when moving items across hidden tracks
* GUI: significant CPU optimizations when drawing time selection, antialiased peaks, fades, envelopes, filled envelopes
* GUI: dim track I/O button when master/parent send disabled (themeable using track_io_dis and mcp_io_dis)
* GUI: fixed bug in HSV blend mode
* GUI: fixed edge line drawing for time/loop selections when decoupled
* GUI: fixed filled envelope clipping bug
* GUI: separate theme elements for fade quiet zone and fade area color fill
* JS: updated Liteon FX
* Media explorer: checkbox for starting media preview on the bar while project is playing back
* Media explorer: fixed context menu on Vista/Win7
* Media explorer: show preview graphics for MIDI items
* Metronome: fixed output selection menu
* MIDI editor: event filter stays on top, can be toggled on/off
* MIDI editor: CC lane dropdowns show which message types are currently in use
* MIDI editor: inserting notes in drum modes uses smaller of grid size or 32nd notes
* MIDI editor: view preference to always display note velocity
* MIDI editor: action to move edit cursor to play cursor
* MIDI editor: action to set selected note lengths to grid size
* MIDI editor: better paste-extends-source behavior when using unlooped items
* MIDI editor: no loop end marker for unlooped MIDI items
* MIDI editor: fixed clipboard leak in certain paste actions
* MIDI editor: fixed screen redraws/flashes when selecting notes in list view
* MIDI editor: action to import lyric events from text file
* MIDI editor: better display of text/sysex event editing vs adding, better copy-drag behavior
* MIDI editor: clicking empty space in the lane deselects text/sysex events
* MIDI editor: fixed copy/paste of text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed file-based MIDI item text/sysex event undo/redo
* MIDI editor: fixed memory leak when deleting text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed step sequencer note entry when inline editor is open
* MIDI editor: fixed text event editing on OS X
* MIDI editor: fixed text event hit testing in certain instances
* MIDI inline editor: actions dialog can now run actions
* MIDI: don't create a new MIDI item when punch recording if there is already a suitable item to record into
* MIDI: fixed overdub recording when extending source and record pdc disabled
* MIDI: record overdub/replace modes with record PDC disabled now compensated for track PDC
* OSX: default to Cocoa UI for AU plug-ins that support it
* OSX: fixed manually editing JS parameter values
* Peaks/waveforms: recording items are drawn more smoothly and consistently, update faster by default (configurable)
* Playback: preserve PDC delayed monitoring now compensates for both track and master/parent PDC
* Project: fixed project template being inserted when opening existing project in new tab
* Project: setting maximum project length prevents zooming out much past that length
* ReaEQ: more regular grid lines
* ReaFIR: more regular grid lines
* ReaVerb, ReaSamplomatic: now multi-project aware (for save-as with media)
* ReaSamplomatic: fixed noise bug with zero release time
* Recording: fixed recording pre-roll sample rounding problem
* Render: fixed render dialog peaks display when certain stem options set
* Render: more helpful error message if target directory does not exist
* Render: saving project to RPP via render dialog now adds project to recent list
* Render: Shup button sends to user default upload target
* Screensets: better multiproject track view support
* Screensets: screenset window now updates on save-project action
* Shutdown: cancelling save while Windows is shutting down cancels system shutdown
* Shutdown: more stable sequence with undo history open
* Solo: fixed glitches when unsoloing with routing and PDC
* Spaghetti cormorant
* TCP/Mixer: create sends by dragging IO button to another track
* TCP/Mixer: alt+click on IO button toggles master/parent send
* TCP: bulk mute/solo by dragging mute/solo button to another track
* Tempo envelope: snap points to grid when adding and snapping enabled
* VST: faster startup scan of plug-ins that have not changed
* VST: more efficient automation for new envelopes or envelopes with square point shape
* VST: correct return value for audioMasterAutomate
#12 por eamblar el 28/08/2009
REAPER 3.103 - August 27, 2009


* Windows (4.3MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Changes: Morsels of goodness

* x64 version: 32-bit VST bridging support
* MIDI list editor: fixed possible duplicate event creation when filter on
* Render: disabled opening project from shell during render
* MIDI list editor: fixed inline editing of pitch values
* VST: better audioMasterGetOutputLatency reporting when stopped
* VST: reverted 3.1 optimization that seemed to cause problems with a few plug-ins
* VST: special case for Fretted Synth

OS Requirements:

Windows (32-bit): Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7 or WINE (limited support for W98/ME).
Windows (64-bit): Windows XP/Vista/7 x64 (requires x64 compatible drivers and plug-ins).
OS X: 10.4 or 10.5, PPC or Intel (Intel recommended).
#13 por wzmzw el 29/08/2009
REAPER 3.104 - August 29, 2009


Windows (4.3MB installer)
Windows x64 (4.7MB installer)
OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Changes: Incremental love

MIDI editor: fixed shift+click for multiple selection in piano roll
MIDI editor: fixed unlooped item marquee selection past end of item
Updated libvorbis to 1.2.3
Temporary removal of experimental VST bridging
#14 por Mercado_Negro el 21/09/2009
REAPER 3.11 - 20 de septiembre del 2009

Windows (4.3MB instalador)
Windows x64 (4.7MB instalador)
OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Changes: Automation drawing, plug-in firewalling, lots of other goodness

* Automation: freehand envelope drawing (ctrl+drag by default, optionally ctrl+alt+drag)
* Multiproject: support for playing background projects with current, option to sync start times
* Take: realtime reverse take
* Toolbar: arm a custom toolbar button by right-clicking, click an item in the arrange view to run it
* VST: configurable bridging/firewalling on x64 and x86 (prefs/VST, per VST option in FX browser)
* Action: crossfade any overlapping selected items
* Action: toggle master track and tempo envelope visibility together
* Action window: allow removal of multiple key bindings at once
* ASIO: fixed compatibility with Zoom R16 (and possibly other devices)
* Automation: envelope data reduction during recording is now on by default
* Automation: add a point anywhere in an envelope lane by clicking
* Automation: envelope lanes now respect locking
* CD burning: better gapless CD image generation, more accurate marker/region track generation
* CD burning: allow recording multiple copies from single render, better error messages
* Cleaner display of track information on routing/fx/envelope windows/tooltips/etc
* Editing: fixed shift+click for multiple selection in arrange view
* Editing: do not allow track envelopes to move vertically when ripple edit is enabled
* Fades: option to disable autofades/autocrossfades for MIDI items
* FX autobuild routing: clearer indication that cancelling autobuild will still load the FX
* FX chains: loading FX chains will search the path of the .rfxchain for media files (for reasamplomatic/reaverb)
* FX window: UTF-8 support for preset/program combo boxes
* Help: useful information (info or context sensitive help) displayed below TCP section
* JS: fixed a bug causing potential crashes when parameters automated
* JS: new slider() function to get a slider by index (values 1..64)
* License keys: updated text for non-commercial to be more accurate (personal/small business)
* Loop recording: fixes for rounding errors causing items to be slightly too long
* MCU: better support for emulated surfaces that do not notify touch state
* Media explorer: menu options to enable RPP preview, disable tempo sync
* MIDI editor: velocity lane editing affects only selected notes if there is a selection visible
* MIDI editor: show MIDI track input on piano keys
* MIDI editor: less eager to show empty space to the left of the MIDI item
* MIDI editor: fixed drawing controller data over existing data on another channel
* MIDI editor: actions to move to previous/next lyric
* MIDI editor: fixed blinking cursor reappearing when offscreen
* MIDI: in-project MIDI preview should now interrupt audio less
* Mixer: improved extended mixer FX context menu layout
* OSX: fixed low latency MIDI output mode
* OSX: fixed menu key binding labels
* OSX: fixed MIDI note name editing
* OSX: AU compatibility improvements
* OSX: fixed key assigning special keys in actions window
* OSX: fixed keyboard navigation in file open/save dialogs
* OSX: holding shift during startup now prevents REAPER from loading last project (like on Win32)
* OSX: fixed routing dialog scroll issues on 10.4
* Pan: allow settings as low as +1/-1% with control+drag
* Peak building now handles multiple projects nicely
* Pencil mode: obey loop preference when drawing empty MIDI item
* Project settings: project media browse dialog better deals with relative paths
* ReaSamplomatic5000: ability to fully buffer smaller audio samples (better performance)
* ReaSamplomatic5000: removed pan automation zipper noises
* ReaSamplomatic5000: volume/rate/etc automation now affects playing samples
* ReaSamplomatic5000: parameter for MIDI pitch bend amount (default is 2 semitones, can do up to 12)
* ReaSamplomatic5000: safer thread-source management
* ReaSamplomatic5000: notify undo state when sample changed
* ReaVerb: less RAM use during file loading
* Safer memory management in undo, ReaVerb, and other areas
* Snap: relative snap support
* Snap: when grid-snap settings follow visible grid, do not snap if grid is not visible
* Selection: faster selection of multiple tracks in some cases where other windows are open
* Take: fixes/improvements to loop section
* TCP: Fixed track VU meter glitch
* TCP/mixer: mousewheel support on FX knobs and sends
* Tempo markers: manual edit of position defaults to timeline units (, min:sec, etc)
* Undo: fixed multiproject undo system bugs
* Undo window: safer destroy on exit
* User preference: default track height in new projects, set to medium (was small) by default
* Virtual MIDI keyboard: arrow keys can be passed through to main window
* VST: per instance option to disable PDC
* VST: safer preset changes with some buggy plugins
* Windows Vista/7: validate ini file path before using (to ensure that it is writeable)
* Windows: fixed some issues with long strings in text boxes
#15 por SiroVai el 04/10/2009
REAPER 3.12 - October 3, 2009


* Windows (4.3MB installer)
* Windows x64 (4.9MB installer)
* OS X Intel (7.2MB DMG) beta
* OS X PPC (5.3MB DMG) beta

Changes: REX and CD burning for all platforms, lots of other goodies

* Automation lanes: fixed possible crash when removing FX parameter envelopes
* CD burning: fixes to native XP mode track divisions
* Extensions API: GetSetMediaItemInfo() fixes for fade shape settings
* Fade drawing: when using full-area filling, fixed drawing when zoomed in
* FX: per-FX buggy plugin compatibility mode (assumes plugin is not threadsafe, needs constant precleaned buffers, etc)
* Hardware outputs: post-fader track outputs obey track polarity control
* MIDI editor: show notes pressed as long as the input note is pressed
* OSX: improved drag/drop support
* OSX: support for control+alt+drag to render to new file (drag to desktop, finder, sampler, etc)
* OSX: CD burning support
* OSX: REX support
* OSX: special casing for POD Farm VST misreporting view type (VST 2.4 should be composited view)
* OSX: fix for some AUs that do not export automatable parameters until after audio streams are initialized
* OSX: added correct file locking to prevent writing files open for read
* Pencil mode: fixed fade/autofade settings for newly drawn media items
* ReaControlMIDI: support for raw mode (0-127 access to all CC messages)
* ReaControlMIDI: envelopes and TCP knobs report the same value as the slider (0-127, 0-16383, or on/off)
* ReaControlMIDI: support for storing/sending sysex dumps up to 64KB
* ReaScript: run Python or Perl scripts that call Reaper API functions
* ReaScript: assign reascripts to key commands or toolbar buttons
* VST bridging: optimized plug-ins that call for tempo information
* VST bridging/firewalling: per plug-in option to embed UI (not as compatible, less crash-resilient)
* VST: safer querying of text strings from certain plug-ins
* Win32: async file reading now has more grace on error
* Win32: file locking improvements (no longer allow writing to media files that are open and online in REAPER, etc)
* x64: VST bridging performance improvements, ReaRoute performance improvements
* x64: will now use same config path as x86 (unless appdata/REAPER64 is valid)
* x64: REX support (via bridging)
* x64: fix for certain (broken) ASIO drivers
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