Problema con inicio de secuencia

Coco Crash
#1 por Coco Crash el 15/05/2009
Buenas a todos. Mi problema es el siguienteResulta que al secuenciar un sonido del sinte access virus ti dsktop con una akai mpc 2500, al darle a play desde el secuenciador akai y empezar a modificar el sonido de la secuencia desde el sinte, todo va bien. El problema es cuando paro la secuencia y le vuelvo a dar a play desde la mpc! que se me desconfigura el sonido (conservando la secuencia) y vuelve al tono tipico del principio sin modificarlo. Creo que es problema del sinte pero no estoy seguro.
Si alguien me pudiera echar una mano me serviria de gran ayuda.
Muchas gracias ;)
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#2 por D4v1d el 15/05/2009
psicodelic te explico,yo por ejemplo ago una secuencia en el fruity loops,por ejemplo y al pasarlo a midi coje los parametros de los sonidos general midi,por ejemplo el sonido 1 de general midi es grand piano,pues si yo uso en otro secuenciador esa secuencia midi el virus me cambia al preset init por toda la cara,aunque lo cambie cuando suena la segunda nota vuelve al init.

como lo soluciene pues antes de pasar esa secuencia a midi me asegure que en general midi no hubiera ningun preset de sonido,osea sonido en none.

mira a ver si el midi que graba la mpc coje caracteristicas de general midi y las pones a 0 si puedes,si no te ara eso todo el rato.

espero aberte ayudado
#3 por D4v1d el 15/05/2009
osease cambia los valores de la secuencia midi de alguna manera,esos midis que usas tendran dichos valores para cambiar a un sonido inicial,si no es eso ni idea pero a mi me pasaba :)
Beat Bender
#4 por Beat Bender el 16/05/2009
Creo que tienes que cambiar el parametro Program Change de la MPc y dejarlo a zero como comenta el amigo...

En la MPC1000 con JJ OS esta a la derecha de la pantalla MAIN y pone PC, si cambias ese parametro, vas cambiando de preset en la maquina que controles, supongo que el problema te vendra de ahi.

Puede que necesites instalarle el JJ OS a la 2500 tambien, sera mas estable i ganaras algunas funciones extras...

El gratis tiene esto:

Basic specification is the same as AKAI OS.
[STOP] + DATA WHEEL ==> LCD contrast.

1. [MODE] +PAD11 (GLOBAL PROGRAM EDIT) is added.

2. Tracks 61-64 were made into the audio track.

3. [MODE]+PAD10(OTHER) =>F3[FOOTSW] => ERASE is added.

4. Q-Link is added to the window of Timing Correct.

5. A "Step sound play" function is added to GRID.

6. Customizable Click/Metronome Sounds

7. Q-Link is added to the window of Tempo Change.

8. [MODE]+PAD1(SLIDER) =>TRACK (All Pad) is added to Assign Pad.

9. The following function is added to TRIM.

El JJ OS XL es de pago y cuesta 113 dolares. No busques crackearlo, el codigo lo da tu maquina, asi que tienes que pagarlo si lo quieres.

El XL tienes esto:

1. Increased maximum number of programs from 24 to 99.

2. Change of the screen of [MODE]+PAD11 (GLOBAL PROGRAM EDIT), and the addition of a parameter

3. GRID mode of ALL PAD

4. T.C. is added to GRID.

5. Addition of Simult PAD


7. Start point and End point of SAMPLE are added to the parameter of Q-LINK.

8. MIDI is added to GRID.

9. The length of "Duration" is changed possible to "TC VALUEX200%".

10. F4 [toPAD] is added to the "Keep or Retry" window of RECORD

11. Splash Screen addition

12. An audio track can be used up to 32 tracks.

13. Simult Sequence is added.

14. The number of notes of a sequence is changed into 300,000 notes.

15. VELOCITY is added to the parameter of Q-Link.

16. MIDI CONTROL CHANGE is added to Q-Link.

17. AUDIO is added to GRID.

18. Voice Monitor is added to OTHER mode.

19. "Insert silence" was added to EDIT of TRIM.

20. "BIT CONVERT" was added to EDIT of TRIM.

21. "RING MODULATION" was added to EDIT of TRIM.

22. Selection of OUT is added to the window of "Click/Metronome".

23. Alternate loop addition to TRIM.

24. Selection in play mode is added to [NEXT SQ].

25. The motor of HDD is stopped except LOAD and SAVE mode.


27. The display of SWING (SWNG) and SHIFT (SHFT) is added to GRID (DRUM).

28. MASTER TEMPO is added.

29. F2 (ALL Tr) is added to the window of the "Timing Correct" window F5 (FIX).

30. Non-Destructive Chop is added to TRIM.

31. A sample list is always sorted and is displayed. Moreover, deletion of two or more samples can be performed

32. Combine addition to TRIM.

33. Fade-in/out addition to TRIM.

34. Program PAD mode addition to TRIM.

35. Pad Locate addition to Audio Track.

36. Song to Sample is added to SONG.

37. Grid addition to a MAIN screen.

38. The TRACK MUTEM mode can perform change of an active track.

39. CHOP is added to the parameter of Q-Link.

40. MIDI IN (MIDI CC Number02 or 74 => Filter Cutoff)

41. MIDI IN (MIDI CC Number71 => Filter resonance)

42. ADSR (AMP/FILTER/PITCH) addition

43. Pad Aftertouch addition

44. Sample Layer Crossfade addition

45. Portamento addition

46. Track Mixer addition

47. INST program addition

48. Pattern addition

49. In TRIM mode, if PAD9-PAD12 are struck, a sample will be reproduced by ONE SHOT.

50. "Strength" is added to a "Timing Correct" window.

51. Wait for key addition

52. CHORD functional addition

53. "New Program name" and "New Folder name" are memorized.

54. Rearrangement of a sequence can be performed.

55. A setup of Q-Link can be performed on a main screen.

56. Customize of the MAIN key and a NUMERIC key

57. Bars loop

58. ALL PAD and A BAR are added to ERASE in real time.

59. Every mode can perform change of a track in a [MODE]+DATA wheel.

60. Level addition to NORMALIZE in TRIM

61. Arpeggiator addition

62. The ZERO CROSS key is added to the "Joint" window of TRIM.

63. Addition of a "Pad event move to other track" window

64. Cross fade loop addition to TRIM

65. LEVEL MUTE addition to TRACK MUTE

66. It is a MIX addition to EDIT of TRIM. (Two samples are mixed)

67. Two or more sample assignment (Audio Track)

There is no mixer automation.
Q- Link can be set only to an active track. (It cannot be set as a pad)
A note variation does not work except the screen of MAIN, SLIDER, TRACK MUTE, and NEXT SEQ.
NOTE REPEAT does not work to MIDI keyboard.

Please be sure to carry out contrast adjustment of LCD, and sensitivity adjustment of PAD first.

A following screen or a following user interface is changed.


The function which is in AKAI OS and is not in JJ OS-XL

Cannot do the save/load to an internal memory
Writing from memory card and HDD to CD.

There is not [MODE]+PAD7.

PAN and LEVEL are deleted.

Direct recording
Continuous track.

Auto phrase loop.

Mixer automation
Sample layer 4
AMP Velocity =>Attack
AMP Velocity =>START
PITCH Velocity =>Pitch
Filter Time
Filter Amount
Filter Velocity =>Time
Filter Velocity =>Amount
Filter Velocity =>Frequncy

Coco Crash
#5 por Coco Crash el 17/05/2009
hola de nuevo jeje. Y donde cambio ese parametro? Creo que ya entiendo lo que me decis. Os referis a que el virus tiene los programas del 0 al 127 y la mpc empieza en el 1 porque no tiene cero no?
Gracias ;)
Coco Crash
#6 por Coco Crash el 17/05/2009
tengo el sistema jj os anterior al de pago. el ultimo gratis
gracias xd
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