Reason dentro de Cubase

#1 por akenaton83 el 10/02/2007
Tengo una duda, ¿como puedo utilizar El Reason dentro de cubase?. Gracias, un saludo.
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#2 por undercore el 10/02/2007
Launching and quitting
When using ReWire, the order in which you launch and quit the two programs is very important:

1. First launch Cubase SX.

2. Enable one or several Reason ReWire channels in the ReWire Device dialog in Cubase SX.
See "Activating ReWire channels" below for details.

3. Launch Reason.
It may take slightly longer for Reason to start when you are using ReWire.

Depending on the operating system and your setup, you may get a warning saying that the MIDI inputs couldn���t be opened. This has nothing to do with ReWire in itself, it���s just that the mixer application may have ���grabbed��� the MIDI interface already. Since you can route MIDI to Reason via ReWire, this is not a problem. Simply click OK to continue the launch.

When you are finished, you also need to quit the applications in a special order:

1. First quit Reason.

2. Then quit Cubase SX.

Routing Audio
Activating ReWire channels
ReWire2 supports streaming of up to 256 separate audio channels. The number of available ReWire audio channels in Reason is 64. Using the ReWire Device panels in Cubase SX, you can specify which of the available channels you want to use:

1. Pull down the Devices menu and select Reason. All recognized ReWire compatible applications will be available on the menu.
The ReWire panel appears. This consists of a number of rows, one for each available ReWire channel.

The ReWire panel for Reason.

2. Click on the green buttons in the "Active" column to activate/deactivate the desired channels.
The buttons light up to indicate activated channels. Please note that the more ReWire channels you activate, the more processing power is required.

3. If desired, double click on the labels in the right column, and type in another name.
These labels will be used in the Cubase SX Mixer to identify the ReWire channels.

How the ReWire channels are handled in Cubase SX
When you activate ReWire channels in the ReWire Device panels, they will become available as channel strips in the Mixer. The ReWire channel strips have the following properties:

ReWire channels appear to the right of the track-based (audio and MIDI) channel strips.
ReWire channels may be any combination of mono and stereo.
ReWire channels have the same functionality as regular audio channels.
This means you can set volume and pan, add EQ, insert and send effects and route the channel outputs to Groups or Buses. All settings can be automated using the Read/Write functions.
Preparations for routing audio from Reason
When you route audio from Reason to Cubase SX, you make use of the Hardware Interface at the top of the rack. Basically, each output in the Hardware Interface is connected to a separate ReWire channel. Therefore:

To take full advantage of the mixing features in Cubase SX you need to connect the different Reason devices directly to the Hardware Interface.
For example, if your Reason Song contains eight different instrument devices and you connect these to separate inputs on the Hardware Interface, they will appear on separate ReWire channels in the Cubase SX Mixer. You can then use the mixing facilities in Cubase SX to adjust volume and pan, add effects and equalizing etc. - individually for each Reason device!
If you instead connect all your Reason devices via a Mixer to the stereo input pair on the Hardware Interface, all sounds will appear mixed on a single ReWire stereo channel pair. While this works perfectly fine, you won't be able to mix and process the devices separately in Cubase SX.

Using the transport and tempo controls
This is only relevant if the synthesizer application has some sort of built-in sequencer or similar.

When you run ReWire, the transports in the two programs are completely linked. It doesn't matter in which program you Play, Stop, Fast Forward or Rewind. However, recording (if applicable) is still completely separate in the two applications.

Loop settings
The Loop in Reason will be completely linked to the Cycle in Cubase SX. This means that you can move the start and end point for the loop or turn the loop on or off in either program, and this will be reflected in the other.

Tempo settings
As far as tempo goes, Cubase SX is always the Master. This means that both programs will run in the tempo set in Cubase SX.

However, if you are not using the Tempo track in Cubase SX, you can adjust the tempo in either program, and this will immediately be reflected in the other.

If you are using the Tempo track in Cubase SX (if Master is activated on the Transport bar), you should not adjust the tempo in Reason, since a tempo request from ReWire will automatically deactivate the Master switch in Cubase SX!

Routing MIDI via ReWire2
When using Cubase SX with Reason, additional MIDI outputs will automatically appear on the MIDI Output pop-up menus for MIDI tracks. This allows you to play Reason devices via MIDI from Cubase SX, using it as one or several separate MIDI sound sources.

The MIDI outputs for a Reason song. Here, each output goes directly to a device in the Reason rack.

ReWire 2 supports bi-directional MIDI communication of up to 4080 MIDI channels (255 devices with 16 channels each).
Routing MIDI to Reason
The following description shows how to direct MIDI to devices in Reason using Cubase SX as the host application:

1. In Cubase SX, select a MIDI track that you want to route to a device in Reason.

2. Pull down the MIDI Output menu for the track (in the Inspector or track list).
All devices in the current Reason Song are listed on the pop-up menu, along with the conventional, "physical" MIDI outputs.

3. Select a Reason device from the pop-up menu.
The output of the MIDI track is now routed to that device.

If you now play back a MIDI part on the track, the MIDI notes will be sent to the Reason device - just as if the track were connected to any regular MIDI sound source.
The sound of the device will be sent back into Cubase SX via ReWire - which channel it will appear on depends on how you have routed the device to the Hardware Interface in Reason, as discussed above.
To play the device "live", you need to select the proper MIDI input for the track in Cubase SX (the input to which your MIDI keyboard is connected) and activate the Monitor button for the track.
When the Monitor button is activated, all incoming MIDI (i.e. what you play on the keyboard) is immediately sent to the track's MIDI Output (i.e. to the Reason device).
Rendering Audio
Most often, there is no need to convert individual ReWire channels to regular audio tracks! The channels already appear in Cubase SX's Mixer, and you can typically perform the same kind of real-time processing as with regular audio channels (effects, EQ, volume, pan and mute automation, etc.).

Still, you may need to convert the ReWire channels to audio tracks, for example if you want to continue working in Cubase SX only. Proceed as follows:

1. Make sure Reason plays back properly via ReWire.
For rendering, you should route all ReWire channels to the same master output

2. In the Cubase SX Mixer, activate Solo for the ReWire channel you want to convert to a regular audio track.
Make sure no other channel is Soloed.

3. Go to Cubase SX's Project window and set the left and right locator to encompass the whole song (or a section, if that's what you want).
Make sure the Cycle (loop) function is turned off.

4. Activate the "Import to Pool" and "Import to Track" options and fill in the rest of the dialog as desired.
You can choose to include any Cubase SX mixer automation, select a file format and file name, etc.

5. Click Save.
The ReWire channel is now rendered to a new audio file on disk. A clip referring to the file will appear in the Pool, and an audio event playing this clip will be created and placed on a new audio track, starting at the left locator.

If you now play back the audio track you will hear exactly what was played on the ReWire channel.
This means you should keep that ReWire channel muted (or deactivated) now, since otherwise you would hear the sound twice - once via ReWire and once from the audio track.
To convert all your ReWire channels this way, simply proceed as above (but solo other ReWire channels in the Cubase SX Mixer).
Converting ReWire channels this way results in a number of audio files that can be very large (depending on the length of the song). Make sure you have enough disk space!

http://www.propellerheads.se/ seccion articulos, rewire
#3 por akenaton83 el 10/02/2007
En castellano por favor, gracias.
#4 por undercore el 10/02/2007

abre cubase sx, activa los canales rewire en dispositivo>reason
abre resaon, conecta cada maquina de reason a una salida del interface que hay en la parte superior
crea una pista midi en cubase y en el menu out elige el modulo de reason que quieras...y ya ta

tambien puedes traducir el tocho con algun traductor...que ahi te lo explican mejor
#5 por Jhonaz el 22/02/2012
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