¿Qué tal un foro de Live?

#16 por alvaro el 11/08/2004
Apoyo la moción....

PD.: Impulse es un poco limitadillo, no creeis ? x lo menos que le hubieran puesto 10 ranuras, cualquier kit tiene eso como minimo... y mas presets. A ver si lo amplian.... de todas formas rompo una lanza a favor de Live.... tras probarlo ahora paso de Cubase y demás....
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#17 por lunatic el 11/08/2004
Maese_sonoro, ha perdido estabilidad, pero bueno, era inevitable abriendo el soporte vst.

#18 por Ziryab el 11/08/2004
Pos sí, estaría mu bien un foro sobre el Live en hispasonic...

es un programón, por un lao, y un nuevo concesto de pograma, por otro. Hispasonic está manquito sin ese foro, o un foro dedicado al software pa directos y actuaciones...

También hay mucho picao del Live de nuevo cuño, que fliparían pillando un foro de Live en castellano (como yo flipé hace ya un tiempo encontrando el de Logic, el foro que me hizo empezar a dedicarle tiempo a Hispasonic).

Por otro lado, si es por exceso de foros, ya hay algún foro por ahí que empieza a olé sospechosamente cuando uno pasa por al lao :twisted:

Soyuz mod
#19 por Soyuz el 11/08/2004
Seguramente lo abramos, a ver antes si Ableton se anima a apoyarlo con algun sorteo o regalo, o a saber (si no, dará igual, pero está bien intentar antes siempre que los fabricantes se mojen un poco).
#20 por herbie el 11/08/2004
Pues yo me apunto, si Live 3 me pareció un concepto nuevo e impresionante, el 4 con todo su soporte tiene que ser acojonante, espero adquirir la actualización pronto.
Foro de Live!!
P.D.: La idea de Soyuz es buena, si decís que tienen tanto cariño por los usuarios de habla hispana a lo mejor se cortan la melena y nos sortean un algo... ;)
#21 por Origami el 12/08/2004
Bueno acabo de leer una entrevista a Skinny Puppy (si alguien quiere oir cómo puede sonar la música electrónica hoy en día por favr q escuche The Greater Wrong of the Right, el último disco de este grupo) y he leído algunas cosillas q dice el productor Mark Walk sobre Ableton Live, así q las reproduzco:

"Walk feels that Live could be an important aspect of the band's sound as it moves forward. “To me, since completing the record, I kind of think that as far as creativity in the desktop world, Live is probably the coolest and most important thing that's happened since Pro Tools,"
#22 por GunMonkey el 15/09/2004

Pasado el periodo estival, recupero el hilo para seguir viendo cuantos somos los interesados en participar en un foro de Ableton Live.

Soyuz escribió:
Seguramente lo abramos, a ver antes si Ableton se anima a apoyarlo con algun sorteo o regalo, o a saber (si no, dará igual, pero está bien intentar antes siempre que los fabricantes se mojen un poco).

Bien por Hispasonic!

Ánimo Soyuz, a ver si les sacas unos controladores como el que le hicieron a Plastikman para su directo!! :wink:

#23 por alvaro el 18/09/2004
Para los q estéis interesados, Ableton acaba de sacar (ayer según parece) una actualización de Live 4.0.1, se trata de la v4.0.3.

Edito para colocaros los fixes realizados, según la web oficial de Ableton:

Alguien escribió:
You DO NOT need to uninstall a previous Live version to install Live 4.0.3. You can install the new version in parallel. Rather the opposite I would recommend to keep your existing Live version until you have checked out Live 4.0.3.

The list of bug fixes and improvements from Live 4.0.2 to Live 4.0.3:

[01] Bug: Plug-Ins with Multiple In/outs

Platform: All

Multiple outs of plug-ins would not be available after loading a song.

Status: Fixed

[02] Bug: Impulse clicks

Platform: All

When an Impulse instrument pad was triggered several times per second it would create clicks in the audio.

Status: Fixed

[03] Bug: MIDI out routing loop

Platform: All

Live would crash when a MIDI out routing loop was created like this:
Track 1 -> Track 2
Track 2 -> Track 3
Track 3 -> Track 2

Status: Fixed

The list of bug fixes and improvements from Live 4.0.1 to Live 4.0.2:

Additional content:

Live 4.0.2 contains two new Lessons: "6-Mix and Remix" and "7-Hands-On Control". Furthermore, all Lessons are now available in all supported languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Japanese).

[01] Bug: ReWire Master

Platform: All

When Live was the ReWire Master, switching to arranger or hiding I/O View caused
an incorrect ReWire Slave to be activated.

Status: Fixed

[02] Bug: ReWire Master to Reason: Loop

Platform: All

When Live was running as ReWire Master for Reason, and the loop was enabled,
sometimes Reason would stand still for one loop cycle.

Status: Fixed

[03] Bug: ReWire Master: Program Changes

Platform: All

When Live was running as ReWire Master, program change messages sent to the
ReWire Slave were not correct.

Status: Fixed

[04] Bug: ReWire Slave: Sample Rate

Platform: All

When running Live as ReWire Slave, only a sample rate of 44100 kHz worked
correctly with some hosts.

Status: Fixed

[05] Bug: Channel Enabling/Disabling for ASIO

Platform: Mac OS 9

Live would freeze when trying to enable/disable channels on multichannel audio

interfaces using ASIO.

Status: Fixed

[06] Bug: Load Documents with Reaktor as AU

Platform: Mac OS X

Live would crash when loading a document containing Reaktor (as AU).
This fix also enables full dynamic parameter support for Audio Units.

Status: Fixed

[07] Bug: Rendering Long Song with Tempo Automation

Platform: All

Under special circumstances Live would crash when a long song with tempo
automation was rendered.

Status: Fixed

[08] Bug: Rendering MIDI Tracks

Platform: All

Rendering MIDI tracks would produce corrupt audio files under some circumstances.

Status: Fixed

[09] Bug: Rendering MIDI with Plug-in Instruments

Platform: All

Often, the first bar was not completely rendered when a MIDI track containing a
plug-in instrument was rendered.

Status: Fixed

[10] Bug: Recording Files Larger Than 2GB

Platform: All

Live would crash when trying to record files larger than 2 GB. Now, when a
recording file approaches the 2GB limit, its track is automatically and
silently disarmed.

Status: Fixed

[11] Bug: Session Overdub Recording with Global Record

Platform: All

When a session clip's loop settings were changed, it would update according to
the clip update rate. Now it takes effect immediately.

Status: Fixed

[12] Bug: Plug-in Instruments: Side Chain

Platform: All

First side chain input bus of instruments with multiple outs did not work.

Status: Fixed

[13] Bug: Plug-in Instruments in Bypass

Platform: All

Plug-In instruments consumed still processor power when bypassed.

Status: Fixed

[14] Bug: Plug-in Content

Platform: Mac only

Some plug-ins did not locate content (ie. Steinberg Plex.)

Status: Fixed

[15] Bug: Sending of NRPNs

Platform: All

NRPNs were not correctly sent through Live and to plug-ins. With this bug fix
the Korg Legacy Collection plug-ins will work in Live.

Status: Fixed

[16] Bug: Missing Notes with Remote25 (USB)

Platform: Mac OS X

There were missed notes when using the Novation Remote25 connected via USB.

Status: Fixed

[17] Bug: Key and MIDI Mapping on Moved Effects/Instruments

Platform: All

When an effect or instrument was moved from one track into another track, all
Key and MIDI mappings were lost.

Status: Fixed

[18] Bug: Key in Dialogs

Platform: Mac only

Sometimes the key did not work in dialogs.

Status: Fixed

[19] Bug: Copy-Modifier Key

Platform: All

When using the Copy-modifier key it was necessary to hold it down before the
mouse down. Now it can be done also after the mouse down.

Status: Fixed

[20] Bug: Japanese Characters in File Name

Platform: Win only

It was not possible to open or save a Live set if the name or the path of the
set contained Japanese characters.

Status: Fixed

[21] Bug: Athlon 64 Compatibility

Platform: Win XP

There were no sound and graphical updates on Athlon 64 machines running on
Windows XP with Service Pack 2 with the new ""Execution Protection"" feature

Status: Fixed

[22] Bug: Hyper Threading Compatibility

Platform: Win only

Audio performance was sometimes worse on computers with Hyper Threading
enabled. For now Live switches to one logical CPU.

Status: Fixed

[23] Bug: Running on Mac OS 10.1.5

Platform: Mac OS 10.1.5

Live would not start on Mac OS 10.1.5

Status: Fixed

[24] Bug: Automation Chooser for Tracks with MIDI Output

Platform: All

For tracks with a MIDI output, Mixer did not appear in the track
automation chooser. Now it shows at least the "Speaker On" entry.

Status: Fixed

[25] Bug: Dragging Looped Arranger Clips

Platform: All

When dragging the left edge of a looped arranger clip to the left, the offset
marker was not folded correctly.

Status: Fixed

[26] Bug: Mouse Wheel in Popup Windows

Platform: All

Sometimes mouse wheel in popup windows did not work as expected.

Status: Fixed

[27] Bug: Play Selection

Platform: All

There were clicks in the audio when play selection (Shift + Space) was used.

Status: Fixed

[28] Bug: Loop with Snap to Grid

Platform: All

When changing the clip loop settings, the loop would snap to the grid even if
the grid was off.

Status: Fixed

[29] Improvement: Previewing While Renaming Files in Browser

Platform: All

When a file was renamed in Live's browser the preview switch was switched off.

[30] Improvement: Swing Value Range

Platform: All

Increased the value range for swing.

[31] Bug: Improvement on Plug-in Parameter Handling when Automations are used.

Platform: All

Under certain circumstances automations in plug-ins that have been saved into songs, didn't playback as expected because the preset value was changed.

Status: Fixed

En particular me resulta bastante reconfortante que hayan resuelto Bug [09], la verdad es q me estaba cansando de tener que renderizar siempre un par de compases antes y luego cortarlo en el editor de audio.
Intruder Baneado
#24 por Intruder el 18/09/2004
Sigo apoyando la idea, pues me voy a pasar al software (ya me vale...) y quería meterme de lleno con Live!
#25 por Briar el 18/09/2004
Me declaro culpable de usar éste programa... Es una apisonadora que convierte unos sucios y retorcidos samples editados por Briar en un perverso tema de infecciosa electrónica que te colapsa la mente...
#26 por djfroko el 18/09/2004
yotambien apoyo, LIVE es un programazo y REWIRE, hay muchas posibilidades
Intruder Baneado
#27 por Intruder el 18/09/2004
¿Y de qué va eso del REWIRE? No hago más que oir hablar de él :P
#28 por alvaro el 18/09/2004
Es un protocolo de enrutamiento de audio (patentado y lecenciado por Propellerhead) entre distintas aplicaciones musicales, algo así como un cable virtual entre Live y, por ejemplo, Cubase, Reason, Melodyne, etc. Uno actúa de maestro o Master (usualmente el secuenciador anfitrión) mientras que otro es esclavo (Slave). Por ejemplo Puedes tener Reason de Esclavo, el cual puedes disparar desde Live, entonces en live observaras la entrada como el medidor de audio de la pista que le hayas asignado se ilumina en naranja cada vez que pulsas play (space). Live puede ser tanto maestro como esclavo Rewire.
#29 por lsw el 20/09/2004
sI, SI, SI!!...

He flipado con la versión 4, y aunque no lo controlo, me parece un programa con un grandíssimo potencial, con un concepto muy rompedor, aunque no es como para desvancar a un secuenciador tipo SX o Reason, tiene otras particularidades que lo hacen único.

Yo tambien voto por que hay una sección propia. De hecho me extraña que no la tenga ya.
#30 por flasram el 20/09/2004
Venga,foro de live ya!
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