Astral Projection, lean esto sobre ellos

#1 por metcom el 02/04/2011
i want to tell you a true story about a not true artists...
Astral projection tour in portugal was the most disapointing thing i ever saw (and listen)... they had 2 dates in portugal one in oporto and another one in Lisbon... they asked for:

2 Pioneer Cdj 1000mk2
1 Mixer Pioneer Djm600
1 mixer Mackie with 24 tracks
2 Norldleads
1 midi keyboard Edirol

ok with all this material they were going to touch in something... WRONG!!!

first date in Oporto they were so drunk and lots of other illegal things that the only thing they could do was to put a cd in a cdj and touch play!!! they didn´t made anything else, just one track of the mixer and one cdj!!! A playback fake from one of the most recognized artists in the trance cene... one of them (the guy with the long hair) were so drunk that he couldn´t be on stage, the other was speaking with everybody... the strangest was that they opened the laptops to make the fake more credible!!!

Lisbon, again drunk, again the same material they asked, but this time they didn´t used the cdj... they used a Ipod!!! uhau is this true??? yes it is and Astral did it!!!

and the top of the top´s: one of them were so drunk that he falled from the stage with the face in the floor!!!! yeah what a great artists you are . . .

then they wanted to receive the money and the conversation was:
astral proj.: "WHERE IS MY MONEY!"???!!!
party producer: "WHERE IS MY LIVE ACT"???!!!
astral proj.: "I WANT MY MONEY"!!!! IM FROM ISRAEL"???!!!
party producer: "OH YEAH; AND IM FROM PORTUGAL"!!!! and the party producer beat in him twice

this is a true story and if you want to book astral proj. in the material list put a Ipod because they will need it hehehe

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#2 por Yoberog el 02/04/2011
Ejem... ¿Un copy-paste de un troll en un foro del 2007?

Que guay.
#3 por powerstudios el 03/04/2011
hay tantos fakes y no lo sabemos``
la gente oye pum,pum,pum``y le da igual si es un ipod,un pionner,o una lavadora, :lol:
de echo el 98% no saben que es ni una interfaz,ni tienen por que saberlo claro,
yo no he pinchado nunca,pero mañana salgo a pinchar,y monto un set de la ostia,
estoy convencido que la gente fliparia``y no e pinchado nunca¡
pero quien se va a dar cuenta???? quizá nadie¡
#4 por DEA el 04/04/2011
Hoy en dia los live son una mierda le dan al play y a mover los brazos,el ultimo que vi potente fue The Delta en el 2004 y Bamboo forest hace mas de una decada......
#5 por OKTEK el 04/04/2011
Ableton ha hecho mucho daño en ese sentido :-(
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