El DRIVER ALTERNATIVO al DigidesignAudioDrivers_v74_42004 es éste:
Ploytec USB AUDIO DRIVER , es un driver genérico:
Te crea para que suene Windows en DAW el "Audio device in USB bus".
Eso sí, DESINSTALA el DigidesignAudioDrivers_v74_42004, si quieres porque te lo machaca.
The USB Audio ASIO driver is the solution. It enables buffersizes down to 32 samples (0.73 ms) and creates an ultra highspeed USB audio connection, bypassing the operating system's audio.
This does not only give you low latencies, but better sound quality also.
SoundManager (Mac) and MultiMedia Extensions (MME / Win) use non-highend sample rate conversion in order to sync the different audio signals from applications to the sample rates used on the external soundcard. And sometimes there's not even a way to control the rate to be the prefered one. (E.g. 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz.)
Tampoco es la perfección pero yo lo prefiero.
Ah, Rapeko, la tuya es sin duda la mejor solución si tienes otras escuchas más.