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Cubase Pro 10 brings a host of new features to your studio to enhance your workflow and help add extra creativity.
VariAudio 3 - Pitch and Time Correction
VariAudio has been improved and its features expanded upon. Adjust formants, transitions and pitch shifts with ease.
Redesigned Channel Strip
The channel strip has been redesigned with an attractive new UI for easy readability. There are also extended metering elements for visual feedback when editing your audio.
Mix Console Snapshots
Miz Console snapshots allow you to easily switch and compare different mixes, from different EQ settings on one track to the whole mix. This is great when stuck between two mixes and want to quickly decide which one to use, or to highlight improvements that could be made.
Audio Alignment
New the Cubase 10 is the audio alignment tool. This will automatically assit in aligning multiple audio recordings, perfect for double tracking vocals and guitars.
New VariAudio 3, improved in every way for perfect vocal editing
New Audio alignment tool, easily sync your backing vocals
New Mixer snapshots, create alternate mixes and compare them instantly
New Distroyer plugin, brand new non linear distortion plugin, very thought after by producers
New redesigned console Channel strip, with better visual feedback, control and functionality
New Vintage Verbs for REVerence, new collection of vintage reverb impulses
New Groove Agent SE 5, based on the brand new Groove Agent 5, includes "The Kit", and 20 new Beat Agents for electronic music production