Buenas noches, guau Pablo_F que cantidad de información... lo primero darte las gracias por toda la molestia de buscarme informacion y de ofrecerme ayuda, he estado mirando las webs esas que me has pasado y la que esta en ingles me ha venido genial por que al chaval aparentemente le pasaba algo muy parecido a mi, al final lo he conseguido configurar bien y va de perlas pero ha sido de la manera mas tonta.
Te explico, despues de probar todo lo que me has dicho, grupos, memlock, rules.d, incluso me instale el firecontrol para el reseteo del bus pues cuando hacia el Discover y el ListDevices del ffado-test me salia esto:
- Discover:
=== 1394 PORT 0 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
00731928859: Error (configrom.cpp)[ 148] initialize: Could not parse config rom of node 0 on port 0
=== 1394 PORT 1 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
0 0x001e8c0001c6d137 0x00001E8C 0x00000000 Linux - ohci1394 -
no message buffer overruns
- ListDevices:
00713299385: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 332] discover: Starting discovery...
00713299944: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713301484: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713303031: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713304571: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713306102: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713308194: Error (configrom.cpp)[ 148] initialize: Could not parse config rom of node 0 on port 0
00713308213: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 376] discover: Could not read config rom from device (node id 0). Skip device discovering for this node
00713308698: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713310226: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713311756: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713313303: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713314836: Debug (ieee1394service.cpp)[ 521] readNoLock: raw1394_read failed: node 0xFFC0, addr = 0x0000FFFFF0000400, length = 1
00713316967: Error (configrom.cpp)[ 148] initialize: Could not parse config rom of node 0 on port 0
00713316990: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 551] discover: Could not read config rom from device (node id 0). Skip device discovering for this node
00713317006: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 639] discover: Discovery finished...
00713317025: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1184] showDeviceInfo: ===== Device Manager =====
00713317038: Debug (Element.cpp)[ 121] show: Element DeviceManager
00713317055: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1192] showDeviceInfo: --- IEEE1394 Service 0 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
State: 2
00713317140: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1192] showDeviceInfo: --- IEEE1394 Service 1 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
State: 2
no message buffer overruns
entonces recapitulando hice un "lsmod | grep 1394" y me salia esto:
egaroth@javier:~$ lsmod | grep 1394
raw1394 29448 0
ohci1394 34500 0
ieee1394 102048 2 raw1394,ohci1394
vamos que no estaba cargado el modulo de firewire aun haciendo modprobe sobre ieee1394 y raw1394, el caso es que reiniciaba y habia veces que si estaba cargado pero intentaba conectarlo y petaba y se descargaba, habia veces que al reiniciar no estaba cargado ni se cargaba haciendo modprobe...
Despues de una hora y media dando vueltas decido darme por vencido por hoy y apagar el modulo de sonido (he de comentar que tengo enganchado el modulo con alimentacion externa porque pensaba que los W de mi F.A. no serian suficientes para hacerla andar) pues bien, por hacer la prueba desenchufo la corriente externa y dejo que el pc alimente al firewire y tachaaaaaannnn! Al instante hago modprobe y lsmod grep 1394 y mira:
egaroth@javier:~$ lsmod | grep 1394
dv1394 21288 0
raw1394 29448 0
ohci1394 34500 1 dv1394
ieee1394 102048 3 dv1394,raw1394,ohci1394
despues hago ffado-test Discover:
=== 1394 PORT 0 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
0 0x000aac07001b9058 0x00000AAC 0x00000007 TerraTec Electronic GmbH - PHASE X24 FW
1 0x0000000000024278 0x00000000 0x00000000 Linux - ohci1394 -
=== 1394 PORT 1 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
0 0x001e8c0001c6d137 0x00001E8C 0x00000000 Linux - ohci1394 -
no message buffer overruns
y despues ffado-test ListDevices:
00870804861: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 332] discover: Starting discovery...
00870902777: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 163] showSetting: Group: (null)
00870902884: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting: vendorid = 140733193390764 (0xFFFF809800000AAC)
00870902930: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting: modelid = 140733193388039 (0xFFFF809800000007)
00870902978: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting: vendorname = TerraTec Electronic GmbH
00870903020: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting: modelname = Phase X24 FW (model version 7)
00870903069: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting: driver = 140733193388033 (0x7F6700000001)
00870903111: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 209] showSetting: mixer = Phase24Control
00870903174: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 185] showSetting: xmit_max_cycles_early_transmit = 140733193388036 (0x7F6700000004)
00870903339: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 594] discover: driver found for device 0
00870931527: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 734] loadFromCache: filename /home/egaroth/.ffado/cache/000aac07001b9058/0000006003050704.xml
00870966342: Debug (serialize_libxml.cpp)[ 230] checkVersion: Cache version: 1.999.43, expected: 1.999.43.
00873633004: Debug (avc_unit.cpp)[ 489] discoverPlugConnections: Discovering PCR plug connections...
00873681788: Debug (avc_unit.cpp)[ 500] discoverPlugConnections: Discovering External plug connections...
00873768829: Debug (bebob_avdevice_subunit.cpp)[ 102] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873768849: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873768872: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873768888: Debug (bebob_avdevice_subunit.cpp)[ 102] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873768907: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873768921: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00873769112: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 758] loadFromCache: could create valid bebob driver from /home/egaroth/.ffado/cache/000aac07001b9058/0000006003050704.xml
00873773581: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 631] discover: discovery of node 0 on port 0 done...
00873773639: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 639] discover: Discovery finished...
00873773689: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1184] showDeviceInfo: ===== Device Manager =====
00873773712: Debug (Element.cpp)[ 121] show: Element DeviceManager
00873773728: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1192] showDeviceInfo: --- IEEE1394 Service 0 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
State: 2
00873773796: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1192] showDeviceInfo: --- IEEE1394 Service 1 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
State: 2
00873773867: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1202] showDeviceInfo: --- Device 0 ---
00873773887: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 480] showDevice: Device is a BeBoB device
00873773908: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 228] showDevice: Attached to port.......: 0 (ohci1394)
00873773927: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 229] showDevice: Node...................: 0
00873773943: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 231] showDevice: Vendor name............: TerraTec Electronic GmbH
00873773962: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 233] showDevice: Model name.............: PHASE X24 FW
00873773977: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 235] showDevice: GUID...................: 000aac07001b9058
00873773997: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 240] showDevice: Assigned ID....: dev0
00873774011: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1205] showDeviceInfo: Clock sync sources:
00873774050: Debug (avc_unit.cpp)[ 815] getActiveSyncInfo: Active Sync Connection: Internal (CSP), 'MSU Synch Output' -> 'MSU Synch Input'
00873774071: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1214] showDeviceInfo: Type: Internal , Id: 70, Valid: 1, Active: 1, Locked 1, Slipping: 0, Description: Internal (CSP)
No me lo puedo creer de verdad, esta funcionando al 100%, he probado el midi y sigo sin poder creermelo, ¿por que alimentandose de fuera no funciona? Si vuelvo a pinchar la alimentacion externa no se carga el driver y en cuanto la desconecto si... no lo entiendo...
Bueno por si acaso si alguien más la tiene y no consigue hacerla andar que pruebe a quitar la alimentacion externa y que pille la corriente del pc.
Muchas gracias Pablo_F y tambien a monon que en su día me dijo por donde empezar para configurarla. Un saludo. Javier.