Holofonía (sonido 3D y Hugo Zucarelli)

#166 por nearfield el 22/11/2008
¿En qué universidad estás haciendo una tesis para acabar teleco?
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#167 por letusa_play el 27/01/2009
Hola maestro Zucarelli!
Le cuento que estoy preparando mi tesis en grabación binaural y me encantaría que me hechara la mano, he buscado holofonia pero sobre todo he buscado informacion de usted en internet y no encuentro nada. Solo 3 ejemplos de grabación holofonica. Le dejo mi correo, seria un placer que me contestara.
messenger y mail:

#168 por yorch el 27/01/2009
Pues yo también estudié la Head Related Transfer Function, y es la solución que se lleva tomando para cosas como estas, junto con la grabación binaural usando dummy-heads. ¿Qué diferencias hay entre esto y la solución de Zucarelli? Si alguien lo puede explicar o dar más información, lo agradezco.
#169 por Agusto el 31/01/2009
He estado escuchando con auriculares distintas grabaciones holofónicas, algunas de las cuales fueron posteadas aquí, y evidentemente el efecto logrado es apasionante desde la primer escucha.

Pero luego de superada esta primer instancia, no se quedan con la sensación/necesidad de que el sonido “venga” de nuestro frente, de adelante?
También yo sentí que alguien caminaba a mi alrededor con la caja de cerillas, pero ese ejemplo es una situación y un tipo de sonido muy particular (q no deja de ser válido como ejemplo). Y de todas maneras, el efecto era más real cuando “venía” de atrás, atrás/arriba, atrás/abajo, etc.

En el ejemplo de nombre “25_olo_session.wma” (música) que anda por ahí posteado, la espacialidad que se logra es fantástica, mucho mejor que el estéreo convencional, y con una gran sensación 3D (lo de 4D lo dejamos para otro día…).
Pero sigo sintiendo, como con el resto de los ejemplos, que todo esta mayormente a mis espaldas, o mejor dicho, que en cierta medida el espacio frontal se aplana. Como la sensación de querer darme vuelta y poder escucharlos de frente.

Realmente me he quedado sorprendido de la buena disposición de Zuccarelli para escribir en este y otros foros.
Espero que se aparezca nuevamente por aquí, y pueda dar su sincera opinión acerca de esta y otras dudas que andan en la vuelta.

Desde acá mi admiración ante su trabajo.
#170 por Headi el 13/02/2009
Appeal to a comrade nick nearfield, who stubbornly continues talking bullshit about what technology Zucarelli an ordinary binaural based on the model HRTF.

Mr nearfield - shut your fucking mouth to talking about what you dont know!

Holophonics is not just binaural! And localization in holophonics sound not transmitted through the model HRTF.

I dont understand why you are so opinionated?

Are you listening record with matches, when you can hear how they sink and rise up and down absolutely realistic, not psychologically illusion like simple dummy head (HRTF)? Normal binaural not transmit real 3d space, but psychologically it simulates the distortion due to frequency response and phase, while only a stereo.

Just listen samples of Zukarelii sounds, idiot.
#171 por nearfield el 13/02/2009
Dear Headi.

I've been pleasingly surprised by your knowledge on the subject and your dominion of Shakespeare's language. Recently I received a request of a researcher in the field of the auralisation and I'm seriously considering that you are the appropriate person and if you are interested, I offer you a recommendation letter.

Please send your impressive curriculum and find the place where you belong:
Alguien escribió:
Senior research fellow in urban acoustics
Acoustics Group at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK

The Acoustics Group at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK, is currently seeking to appoint a senior research fellow under the EU Marie Curie fellowship scheme. Together with a team, the fellow will be working on a project on Auralisation in the field of urban acoustics. The project is to apply acoustics-related computer science/simulation and 3D virtual reality simulation to the field of environmental acoustics, and to evaluate this through subjective tests. Applicants from a range of backgrounds are welcome. The Fellow could work on one or more of those aspects, depending on his/her background. The fellowship is for researchers of EU citizenship with at least 10 years research experience (normally from the starting year of PhD). The duration of the fellowship is 12 months starting anytime from now. It is also suitable for senior colleagues (up to Professorial level) to have a period of sabbatical or research leave. The living allowance will be ~€79,313 per year. Additional allowances are available for mobility, travel and career exploratory. For potential applicants, please contact Professor J Kang (j.kang@sheffield.ac.uk) as soon as possible. The research group’s web site is http://www.shef.ac.uk/acoustics.

#172 por Headi el 14/02/2009
nearfield escribió:
Dear Headi.

I've been pleasingly surprised by your knowledge on the subject and your dominion of Shakespeare's language. Recently I received a request of a researcher in the field of the auralisation and I'm seriously considering that you are the appropriate person and if you are interested, I offer you a recommendation letter.

Please send your impressive curriculum and find the place where you belong:
Alguien escribió:
Senior research fellow in urban acoustics
Acoustics Group at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK

The Acoustics Group at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK, is currently seeking to appoint a senior research fellow under the EU Marie Curie fellowship scheme. Together with a team, the fellow will be working on a project on Auralisation in the field of urban acoustics. The project is to apply acoustics-related computer science/simulation and 3D virtual reality simulation to the field of environmental acoustics, and to evaluate this through subjective tests. Applicants from a range of backgrounds are welcome. The Fellow could work on one or more of those aspects, depending on his/her background. The fellowship is for researchers of EU citizenship with at least 10 years research experience (normally from the starting year of PhD). The duration of the fellowship is 12 months starting anytime from now. It is also suitable for senior colleagues (up to Professorial level) to have a period of sabbatical or research leave. The living allowance will be ~€79,313 per year. Additional allowances are available for mobility, travel and career exploratory. For potential applicants, please contact Professor J Kang (j.kang@sheffield.ac.uk) as soon as possible. The research group’s web site is http://www.shef.ac.uk/acoustics.


Put these links into your fucking ass, motherfucker.

"Zuccarelli le agregó a su cabeza llamada Ringo una emisión de sonido interna de referencia, así los micrófonos graban la intereferencia creadas entre ambos sonidos (exterior y el propio), consiguiendo la tridimensionalidad del sonido.

La holofonía se diferencia de la técnica de Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF), en que esta última trata de simular mediante el procesamiento de la señal lo que la holofonía registra de manera directa.

Why don't you just listen to "Holophonics Matchbox" sample by Hugo Zukarelii to make sure that? Unlike conventional binaural, holophonics transmits real sense of the vertical sound. (microphone in the artificial head is not sufficient for the transfer of real localization. Also needed more interference with the signal, which ear produces itself.).
If you have any brains, stop talking bullshit, just listen to holophonics samples and compare with simple binaural records.
#173 por Tecladista el 14/02/2009
Que groseritud de cosas #-o Editado: #$%
#174 por nearfield el 14/02/2009
A mí me pareció muy divertido, con ese vocabulario comprendo que ganará más vendiendo crack en South Central que de investigador en Sheffield.

Pero mi preferido es el que hace una tesis para acabar una carrera de ingeniería en Madrid. Curiosamente en España las ingenierías se acaban con un proyecto o con un trabajo pero no con una tesis.

Apuesto a que comprobando las IP veríamos que más de un nick es la misma persona.
#175 por Tecladista el 14/02/2009
nearfield escribió:

Apuesto a que comprobando las IP veríamos que más de un nick es la misma persona.

Eso lo sospeché desde que vi al "nuevo" solamente con 1 ó 2 mensajes =P~ y siendo tan puntual. :lol:
#176 por Headi el 15/02/2009
Ok, mister nearfield
It seems you do not want to change your opinion.
And nothing can convince you that holophonics differs from the usual binaural technology based only on HRTF.
But answer me please at least one question.
Have you listened "the matches" sample record in the binaural and holophonics versions?
#177 por Headi el 15/02/2009
Just listen and compare the feeling of vertical localization.

Holophonic http://www.mightyfreestuff.com/audioill ... 436681.mp3

Binaural http://www.henryolonga.net/www.3Dimensi ... tchbox.wav
#178 por nearfield el 16/02/2009
Headi escribió:
Ok, mister nearfield
It seems you do not want to change your opinion.

1) You obviously don't speak Spanish (this forum language) and can't understand what we are talking about
2) You obviously don't know anything about HRTF or psychoacoustics and learning Spanish wouldn't be enough to understand a word
3) You didn't gave any technical reason, obviously you can't
4) You insult me

How would I get convinced?

The fact is that you listened a pair of samples and decided that Zuccarelli is a kind of God, then you started searching the net using those terrible translators and when you read me telling that was not true and there's no miracle you thought you had the right to call me motherfucker without any technical explanation.

Of course I can be wrong, but I am an experienced professional acoustician, I've listened those samples (that's very easy and even you can hear), I've studied psychoacoustics and I've read Zuccarelli's patent and I found nothing new.

Just two questions:
How old are you?
Who the hell you think you are?
#179 por Headi el 17/02/2009
Yes, I try to master these primitive Google translator. And this may be part of the problem is not our understanding. Obviously that would be wiser not to spend our time in the showdown with me, you're right. You say that you are a professional in sound. And I - yet just unbalanced young person with an inferiority complex. I think you think so, and maybe you're right. Because of the language barrier is difficult to understand at what rank the person said.
But I want to ask you one last question. If known to date model HRTF describes the entire mechanism of the perception of sound localization, why none of the implementations HRTF model is not even close to comparable to a real sense of three-dimensional space?
Technology Mr Zukarelli the only one that sends precisely localize well, especially in the vertical, which in the normal binaural no. Yes, Mr. Zukarelli technology based on HRTF, too, but in my opinion, there is something else that makes the model even more fulfilling than officially acknowledged. That's why I came to you in a dispute, that after reading your criticism of technology golofoniks (yes, I do not understand Spanish and I use a translator, sadly).
#180 por Headi el 17/02/2009
p.s. I would like to tell you something about the translator. perhaps you have not noticed, but Google translator can translate slang phrases are totally different to those which were traditionally in the English language. This may be the reason that my expressions were too offensive in translation (much worse than I had in view), I now realized this, and I am sorry about this, and I want to publicly bring you my apologies.
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