MaaBo escribió:
Ahora a ver si alguna tribu del Amazonas se manifiesta al respecto y nos clarifica nuestra situación legal y democrática.
He ahí el nivel de seriedad de los que siguen apoyando esta pantomina de régimen.
Despierten del sueño infantil de los 80 señores.
Soyuz escribió:
es de un grupo de diputados daneses
Está firmada por su ministro de exteriores, su ministro de fomento y unos cuantos más que representan 7 partidos de los 9 que tiene su parlamento. Sellado y con membrete oficial del parlamento danés.
Es efectivamente una carta del parlamento danés.
Open letter from Danish MPs to the Spanish Government Concerning the current political situation in Catalonia
Concerning the current political situation in Catalonia
We as elected members of the Danish Parliament, Folketinget, would like to express our deep concern regarding the situation in Catalonia, which has reached a critical point.
We call on the Spanish government to play a constructive role and encourage political dialogue, at once.
This week we have seen again, and after six years in a row, around one million people in Catalonia taking the streets in a peaceful way, claiming for a referendum.
We don't understand why the Spanish authorities are not reacting to those claims, and why there is not a willingness to engage in a dialogue and try to address this political problem.
In a democracy, threats and judiciary and legal responses are not the solution. Political tensions in any European democratic country should be primarily dealt by politicians, not by judges or police forces.
The debates in the Catalan Parliament - in fact, in any given democratic Parliament - cannot lead to a court case brought by the Spanish Government against its President and bureau, amid further erosion of the separation of powers.
The repressive actions of the last days, the increasing threats to civil servants, MPs, mayors, media, companies and citizens won't be the solution to a political problem.
We, MPs representing a democratic country, are increasingly puzzled and concerned about this apparent lack of political skills to address what is, essentially, a political challenge.
It is necessary to engage, as soon as possible, in a political dialogue: the only way to soften tensions and accompany transformations. Agreement and good collaboration will be the only possible outcome.
Yours sincerely,
Holger K. Nielsen, The Socialist People's Party, former
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Uffe Elbæk, The Alternativet,
former Minister of Culture
Nikolaj Villumsen, The Red-Green Alliance
Magni Arge, Tjódveldi
Rasmus Nordqvist, The Alternativet
Christian Juhl, The Red-Green Alliance
Alex Ahrendtsen, Danish People's Party
Lars A. Rasmussen, The Social Democratic Party
Sjurdur Skaale, Javnaðarflokkurin
Jan Erik Messmann, Danish People's Party
Rene Gade, The Alternativet
Christian Poll, The Alternativet
Nikolaj Amstrup, The Alternativet
Ulla Sandbæk, The Alternativet
Pelle Dragsted, The Red-Green Alliance
Rune Lund, The Red-Green Alliance
Søren Søndergaard, The Red-Green Alliance