Literatura tecnica

#1 por chuaito el 20/12/2006
Hola creo que vendria bien para todos los que pisamos de vez encuando este foro y que además nos gusta la síntesis, la programación y todo lo relacionado con el audio ya sea de forma teórica o práctica, hacer entre todos una lista de libros que nos hayan venido bien y que recomendemos para todos aquellos que empiezan y para todos aquellos que seguimos y que por unas cosas o otras no conocemos determinados titulos ya sean en castellano o en ingles (si alguien quiere otros idiomas... por mi en valenciano también)

Yo empezaré citando el que creo que es uno de los mejores libros en castellano sobre teoría de audio y sisntesis tanto analogica como introducción a la digital.

Síntesis y muestreo de sonido de Martin Russ. Creo que este es básico.

A ver si entre todos hacemos una buena lista para continuar aprendiendo.
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    Audix FP-7 F9 Drumset 70th Bundle
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    Behringer SU9920
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#2 por marcianus el 18/01/2007
Es un tocho/ladrillo (mas de 1000 paginas) ya muy antiguo (es de 1996), pero de lectura agradable

The Computer Music Tutorial
Curtis Roads

The Computer Music Tutorial is a comprehensive text and reference that covers all aspects of computer music, including digital audio, synthesis techniques, signal processing, musical input devices, performance software, editing systems, algorithmic composition, MIDI, synthesizer architecture, system interconnection, and psychoacoustics. A special effort has been made to impart an appreciation for the rich history behind current activities in the field.

Profusely illustrated and exhaustively referenced and cross-referenced, The Computer Music Tutorial provides a step-by-step introduction to the entire field of computer music techniques. Written for nontechnical as well as technical readers, it uses hundreds of charts, diagrams, screen images, and photographs as well as clear explanations to present basic concepts and terms. Mathematical notation and program code examples are used only when absolutely necessary. Explanations are not tied to any specific software or hardware.

Curtis Roads has served as editor-in-chief of Computer Music Journal for more than a decade and is a recognized authority in the field. The material in this book was compiled and refined over a period of several years of teaching in classes at Harvard University, Oberlin Conservatory, the University of Naples, IRCAM, Les Ateliers UPIC, and in seminars and workshops in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Curtis Roads is Associate Professor of Media Arts and Technology, with a joint appointment in the Department of Music, at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Foreword: New Music and Science
John Chowning ix
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xix
I Fundamental Concepts 1
Overview to Part I 3
1 Digital Audio Concepts
Curtis Roads and John Strawn 5
2 Music Systems Programming
Curtis Abbott 49
II Sound Synthesis 81
Overview to Part II 83
3 Introduction to Digital Sound Synthesis
Curtis Roads and John Strawn 85
4 Sampling and Additive Synthesis 115
5 Multiple Wavetable, Wave Terrain, Granular, and Subtractive Synthesis 157
6 Modulation Synthesis 213
7 Physical Modeling and Formant Synthesis 263
8 Waveform Segment, Graphic, and Stochastic Synthesis 317
III Mixing and Signal Processing 347
Overview to Part III 349
9 Sound Mixing 353
10 Basic Concepts of Signal Processing 387
11 Sound Spatialization and Reverberation 449
IV Sound Analysis 493
Overview to Part IV 495
12 Pitch and Rhythm Recognition 497
13 Spectrum Analysis 533
V The Musician's Interface 611
Overview to Part V 613
14 Musical Input Devices 617
15 Performance Software 659
16 Music Editors 703
17 Music Languages 783
18 Algorithmic Composition Systems 819
19 Representations and Strategies for Algorithmic Composition 853
VI Internals and Interconnections 911
Overview to Part VI 913
20 Internals of Digital Signal Processors 915
21 MIDI 969
22 System Interconnections 1017
VII Psychoacoustics 1049
Overview to Part VII 1051
23 Psychoacoustics in Computer Music
John W. Gordon 1053
Appendix 1071
Fourier Analysis
Curtis Roads and Philip Greenspun 1073
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