Marc Almond vuelve a grabar

#1 por Endre el 16/04/2005
De su web oficial:

«17 February 2005. Marc has just returned from Russia where he has recorded four new tracks for a special Russia only release of 'Heart On Snow'. For further details see Marc's Diary in Marc's Pages in the Backstage area.

Marc returns to hospital on Saturday to have what is hoped will be the final operation on his shoulder. This will hopefully allow more movement of his right arm which is currently very restricted. The plans for a concert in the Spring appear to have been a bit optimistic and he won't be able to return to performing until a later date. There are no plans at present as it is not known how long it will take for Marc to recover enough to be able to undertake live performing.»
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#2 por Briar el 16/04/2005
Seguro que tanto sufrimiento produce un buen disco...
#3 por Endre el 16/04/2005
Heart on Snow ya era un buen disco; estas nuevas grabaciones son para producir una edición ampliada.

Los discos de Almond se han destacado siempre por una gran expresión. No sé si el dolor le habrá estimulado de alguna manera o los opiáceos lo mantenían alejado, pero confío en el trabajo de este hombre.
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