
#1 por DORUMALAIA el 04/07/2006
Doru would be happy from the place he is now, if you will appreciate further on everthing he created throughout
the years in the field of music (the free samples and refills which you are offered for free even now) and the opportunity to buy

samples on sale at the modest price of 29$.
His greatest happiness was to offer you the fruits of his work,he honoured and loved you as you would have been

his brothers.
He was very proud and satisfied to have you by his side (through your thanks).
If you consider that Doru was indeed a value in the field at music (the friend of all musicians) present show his

work to other musicians who hodn't met him. For future I and his good friend Daniel work to most wonderful his projects .

The new samples and 90 melodies in midi format is ready for download now, Enjoy!
Please excusees for my very bad english !
With great esteem for the musicians from the whole world,
Cristina Malaia.
OFERTASVer todas
  • -32%
    Casio AP-650 MBK Celviano
    795 €
    Ver oferta
  • -25%
    Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 3rd Gen
    298 €
    Ver oferta
  • -10%
    Komplete Kontrol M32 edición limitada
    98 €
    Ver oferta
#2 por Neosynth el 04/07/2006
:shock: upsssssssss, esto esta codificao......

mi no entender, illo mi no entender .

un traductor por favor que yo el ingles lo suspendia siempre :desdentado:
#3 por Debussy el 04/07/2006
Pero esto es publicidad, no?

A mi me gusta más el francés, da más gustito :D
#4 por Neosynth el 04/07/2006
pues no se Debussy, yo de ingles ni papa, y si hablamos de
frances hummmmmmmmmm :oops: ................, no se ,no se.

tampoco entiendo na :desdentado:
Ramoff Fromit
#5 por Ramoff Fromit el 04/07/2006
Quie dicen que te venden samples y refills a un precio modico que se lo puede guardar para el todito.
Por no ser mas expeditivo.
#6 por PedroMiras el 04/07/2006
chicos un poco de respeto a la mujer de un musico que nos dejo hace poco y que durante años nos ha ofrecido miles de samples gratuitamente y tan solo esta brindandoos la oportunidad de adquirir un paquete entero de nuevos samples a un modico precio.

menos mofa y mas informacion...
#7 por PedroMiras el 04/07/2006
hi Cristina !!
thanks for this information and best regards of the many musicians and producers of this site.

and many thanks for all of your work in the maintenance of duru's world music.
#8 por olesuprimo el 04/07/2006
PedroMiras escribió:
hi Cristina !!
thanks for this information and best regards of the many musicians and producers of this site.

and many thanks for all of your work in the maintenance of duru's world music.

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