Mira, lo que te voy a decir me temo que no te va a servir de nada, pero a riesgo de que me odies por ello, allá va. Pruébalo por ti mismo. Para que te hagas una idea, hay cosas como el nuevo Project Picker que para algunos es una estupidez y para otros una herramienta muy útil. Si vemos que hay gente que no sólo no está de acuerdo sino que está en las antípodas opinando justo lo contrario sobre una misma cosa, es fácil deducir que todos los consejos que te demos van a ser parciales, sesgados y 100% subjetivos. Pruébalo por ti mismo y decide. Sólo tú puedes tomar esa decisión.
Mi consejo: pásate a la 10. Pero de nuevo, repito lo anterior.
Como usuario cotidiando del FL te digo. A mi me tocó desactivarle varias de las opciones nuevas para poder irme acoplando. Digamos el nuevo mixer sólo lo uso cuando estoy finalizando mezcla porque me parece muy grande y me gusta ver todos los tracks mientras mezclo. Por otro lado, el redondeado nuevo de las notas del piano roll, lo odio, me parece que no te da una impresión precisa de donde empiezan y terminan las notas. Afortunadamente se pueden desactivar.
En segundo lugar hay proyectos que hice en 9, sobre todo cosas con interacciones complejas entre el playlist de audio y el de patterns, vocoders y linkeos raros de controles, que cuando las abro en el 10 no me suenan completas, es decir, no me importa bien todo entonces me toca seguirlos trabajando en 9.
Por lo pronto estoy intentando adaptarme al nuevo flujo de trabajo que sí es mucho más versátil que el anterior pero te pide un orden que antes no te pedía para entender tus proyectos y es que muy juiciosamente le pongas nombre a tus patterns. Si no, todo se te va a perder y no vas a entender nada.
Lo mejor de la versión 10 es la posibilidad de linkear controladores midi a altísima velcidad comparada con los anteriores.
Se marca un conmutador, tocas todos los controles de tu VST y luego tocas (en el mismo orden) los knobs de tu controlador y quedan asignados.
Es impresionante la mejora.
Eso es muy interesante, hay que probarlo. ¿Qué conmutador es ese?
Hola, se refiere al "Multilink to controllers" ¿no?.
Si no me equivoco desde la versión beta 7.3 ya estaba. (Desde la 8 oficialmente)
Por cierto respondiendo a la pregunta ¿Merece la pena dar el salto a la versión 10 de FL?... Es cierto que puedes hacer casi lo mismo de una versión a otra. Si ponemos como ejemplo que puedes girar el volante de un coche con y sin dirección asistida. Puedes subir el volumen de tu radio del coche desde el propio botón de la radio o desde el volante. Puedes encender la luces de tu coche manualmente o poner el modo auto para que se enciendan solas.... etc. Seguro que te inclinas por esas segundas opciones.
En definitiva que muchos de los cambios son para facilitar aún más el flujo de trabajo.
Algunos de estos cambios de la versión 9.1 a la 10. ( ¿Tonterías? ¡Bienvenidas sean! )
(En esta lista no figuran los cientos de correcciones entre estas versiones)
New project browser.
Patcher plugin.
ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin.
Alt key flips snapping instead of forcing it off.
New "Frozen LFO" option in envelopes.
"Multilink to controllers" 's popup now features single last tweaked parameter as well.
Score export to PDF file.
New playback/preview tool in playlist (alt+right click).
New "New pattern" button in step seq.
Ctrl+middle click on playlist tracks to resize them.
New "Small scrollbars in editors" option.
Playlist: left shift flips pencil/brush.
Added beats to time segment options in PR/PL.
Piano roll: (shift+)H or J cycles through filled channels.
"Make unique" now warns if the clip is already unique in the playlist.
Alt+click on ghost notes becomes double-right click (and still X1 button).
Filenames stored in project files now packed using known local data paths and system ones,
for better shareability.
Reworked piano roll (vertical zoom).
Mute tool now flips mute state on a whole row when used on side keyboard in piano roll.
Pause key now pauses playback (like ctrl+space).
Added basic support (transport controls) for Kontrolux keyboard.
Added "remember seek time" option (right-click stop button).
Improved deleting of overlapping notes/clips (now only deletes the top one).
Added waveform display helper (Alt+N) to piano roll/event editor (drop sample onto them).
Improved zooming from side keyboard in piano roll.
Added optional more precise playback indicator in PR/PL/EE (view menu).
Alt+click or X2 button on ghosted notes switches to the note's channel.
Shift+wheel now moves channels, mixer tracks, playlist tracks & patterns (in step seq selector) around.
Improved autoscrolling when moving events around.
Song loop marker becomes song loop mode for normal markers, right click freed on time bar.
New handle to rescale scores.
PR's note hint now also adds key name & MIDI note #.
Added "Assign all to->MPC/Trigger Finger/padKontrol pads" option in Slicex.
Improved zooming/scrolling/grids in FL (no more zoom selector) & several plugins.
Improved right-shift+click on markers in audio editors.
Double-right click in PR now mutes (but still selects in stylus mode).
Middle click on PR keyboard to resize it.
New click-free "magic lasso" experimental feature (works well enough in PR, not so much in crowded PL).
X1 mouse button on existing notes starts a selection.
Added "Quick quantize start times" tool.
Changed Caps Lock to allow resizing notes from left to Ctrl+Home (see Edit menu).
Line snap=tick snap at max zoom level.
Browser can be set to auto-hide (docked or floating).
Updated mouse cursors.
New autobackup/autosave system (that also includes the old trash bin folder).
"Close all windows" doesn't hide floating toolbars anymore.
Project browser: "Automation" renamed to "Patterns", patterns in them have proper pattern popup that allow renaming & relocating, patterns have proper colors, and extra mouse buttons move through patterns.
Added "Lock to most used clip" feature to playlist tracks, to mimmic playlist block behavior.
Removed old "Main automation" named pattern from (minimal) templates.
Optimized size of near-empty FLPs a little.
Middle-clicking preset selector brings presets in the browser.
In pattern mode, single-clicking on clips jumps to patterns or channels.
Project browser now lists patterns that have steps in the step seq.
Rendering & loading progress now shows in Windows 7 taskbar button.
Improved channel's "assign free mixer track".
New vertical zoom in envelope editor (shift or alt+wheel, double middle click, etc).
Wrapper: Can now load VST3 and 64bit plugins by dragging the .dll/.vst3 file to the wrapper
Wrapper: Added extra options for fixed size buffers for special cases (mostly hardware-accelerated plugins)
FPC: Pads can have empty names now
FPC: Added wheel support and level zooming for env editor
Fruity Envelope Controller: Added level zooming for env editor
Newtone plugin
Pitcher plugin
Much improved "keep on disk" option.
Piano roll/playlist/event editor: removed "Delete all", cut/copy/delete now applies to all if no (events and time) selection.
Inverted behavior when resizing clips from left side with slip editing.
Prevents early recorded notes when "wait for input" is on but "recording precount" is off.
Improved auto placement of recorded clips in the playlist.
Automation clips & envelope editors: left alt bypasses snap while editing, right alt (& also alt+right click) deletes points, improved step editing (post decimation).
Improved piano roll note display (faster & looks slightly different), ghost notes now really ghosted.
ASIO: now avoids buzzing while lots of underruns occur.
Playlist: tracks can now be resized individually.
F3 in name editor picks last used color.
Added offset feature for better (less bad) DirectSound performances under Vista.
Added new alternate playback tracking mode that doesn't rely on driver, as well as offset.
Added option to mix directly in ASIO's bufferswitch.
New playlist marker options.
Playlist now showing bar #s after 999.
Playlist/piano roll: can now display time segments other than 4 bars (View->Time segments).
Can now relocate project in song mode from piano roll.
Slightly less clicking when switching presets.
Less clicking when relocating songs with audio clips (& granular effect on clips when declicking is generic or above).
Option to move playlist marker content left & right.
Option to play notes crossing playback start position.
Better sorting of MRU colors in name edit.
Improved autoscrolling for some editing features.
Improved playlist Edit->Merge pattern clips.
Piano roll delete/mute doesn't create undo level before actually deleting/muting.
Manual (de)selection now creates undo level.
Shift+up/down now works in playlist too.
New "Merge similar pattern clips" editing feature to merge selected patterns & all their clones.
Playlist: option to disable track grid.
Speeded up playlist display, some new display options.
Time markers now displayed as ticks in main song position slider + their names in its hint.
New "copy/paste value" for envelope (& automation clips) points, compatible with parameter's "copy/paste value".
New "duplicate" (ctrl+B) option in piano roll & playlist.
Event ID ranges are now cached (for speed).
Improved scrolling & optimized refreshes in PR/PL/EE.
"Select time around selection" now selects the zoomed part when no selection.
Activity indicators for playlist tracks.
PR/PL: Insert now cuts events at mouse cursor position.
New "wide tracks" mixer view.
Added support for Cakewalk A-Series controllers.
Added support for M-Audio Oxygen controllers.
Left shift+resize now move splits in piano roll & playlist.
Right shift+resize now rescales events in playlist as well (slightly differently).
Changed "Make unique" and added "Make unique as sample" for audio clips.
Home (begin) key now relocates to the bar that's the nearest to the beginning of the view (ctrl+home starts from zero) in PR/PL.
Improved meters everywhere.
Automation clips & internal controllers don't prevent using event automation for the same parameter anymore.
Changed way channel pitch bend is automated, to allow proper use of link smoothing.
When an automation clip is created for tempo or channel pitch bend, a default "sane" range is assigned to the clip.
Little speedup in Fruity Limiter, Maximus, Vocodex.
Edison/Slicex/Fruity Convolver: holding shift while dropping files appends audio to the existing data (ctrl still replaces regions).
Markers now imported from MIDI files to the playlist.
Little improvements in step edit mode (inserted notes are selected, can now relocate using time bar in PR).
New waveform (peak tracking) view for mixer meters.
Added "Current clip source" list in playlist track menu (listing the clips sources used in the track).
New triple buffering ASIO mode.
Wrapper: added messages while plugin is loading and when it's failed to load
Wrapper: added 32bit bridged mode to run VST 1, 2 and 3 plugins in a separate process, to let them use more memory (not supported for DirectX plugins)
Wrapper: added support for 64bit VST 1, 2 and 3 plugins (not supported for DirectX plugins)
FPC: small changes to saving/loading
Maximus: improved crossover.
#9 El mixer lo puedes poner como el de la versión 9 a través de una opción en su menú. Creo que era desactivando: View->View Wide Tracks
Un saludo.
#10 Gracias por la informacion! Eso me ahorrará problemas mientras me voy acostumbrando.