Es decir, pueden existir varios modos de solucionarlo, ellos podrían hacer algo para solventarlo pero se han lavado las manos y han decidido que "te las apañas tú".
Muchos problemas y bugs en Reason 12
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-48%Behringer Powerplay P16-M Personal Mixer
-13%Roland Juno-D6
-11%Arturia Minilab 3
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Reason 12.2.3 Release Notes
Added new Combinator Widgets (controls and switches)
Improved handling of OpenGL to prevent many graphic artefacts and corruption, especially when using other VSTs that also use OpenGL (e.g. VPS Avenger and IK Multimedia SampleTank 4)
Use sRGB colors on Mac
Improved drawing performance for Rack Extensions with custom displays
Fixed slow drawing performance for combinators without custom backdrops
Updated Save and Load file dialogs on Windows for better HiDPI support
Slightly smoother scrolling in Rack
Better handling of unknown font glyphs
Faster indexing and searching
Indexing of Rack Extensions occurs only once each Reason session
Full scan of user locations is done each startup of Reason
A rescan only of modified folders is performed every hour
Improved handling of shortcuts in browser
Better handling of corrupt browser index database entries
Improved search in network locations on Windows
Reason 12.2.3 Release Notes
Added new Combinator Widgets (controls and switches)
Improved handling of OpenGL to prevent many graphic artefacts and corruption, especially when using other VSTs that also use OpenGL (e.g. VPS Avenger and IK Multimedia SampleTank 4)
Use sRGB colors on Mac
Improved drawing performance for Rack Extensions with custom displays
Fixed slow drawing performance for combinators without custom backdrops
Updated Save and Load file dialogs on Windows for better HiDPI support
Slightly smoother scrolling in Rack
Better handling of unknown font glyphs
Faster indexing and searching
Indexing of Rack Extensions occurs only once each Reason session
Full scan of user locations is done each startup of Reason
A rescan only of modified folders is performed every hour
Improved handling of shortcuts in browser
Better handling of corrupt browser index database entries
Improved search in network locations on Windows
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