la 2.51
JS: new development environment with editor, debugging support (variable watches)
Saving track templates now saves any track media items as well (since people seem to want this)
Loading track templates, fx chains, presets, now prompts for missing media (if REAPER is configured to do so)
Action: move cursor back or forward one beat or measure, move cursor to start of this or next measure
Move to start of current measure action moves back a measure if cursor is already at measure start
Create measure from selection actions optionally set project tempo instead of inserting markers
REX2: adjust imported slice length to hear the longest tail of previous slices underneath later slices
JS: better UI auto-sizing/arrangement
JS: MIDI/midi_CC_mapper, updates to spectropaint, added spectropaint_filter
OSX: fixed keyboard focus issue on many actions
OSX: fixed bug with screensets window (could also affect win32)
OSX: fixed keyboard state loading bug (required manually removing some key assignments -- could also affect win32)
Vegas EDL: load/save of fade shapes, lock state, preserve pitch state, loading of mute state
ReaSynDr: fixed non-multiout mode
Fixed crashes when MIDI files are not found and ignored on project load
Fixed project start time offset when rendering cues
Fixed FX-add recent search combobox height
Fiddly fixes for zero crossing navigation with high frequency content