Preguntilla sobre rs-7000

#1 por ArsenalOfLondon el 15/11/2004
Hola una pregunta sobre la RS

¿Habeis probado a pasar los patrones de la RM a RS?

Me gustaria saber si siguen sonando igual que en RM porque si es asi seria una pasada,aunque pienso que si en RS le aplicas el compresor sonaria mas potente y con mas pegada que en RM y supungo que al tener mas polifonia sonaria mucho mejor los patrones,¿no?

Me han comentado que se pueden pasar sin problemas
¿Me lo podeis confirmar?
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#2 por ArsenalOfLondon el 15/11/2004
¿Nadie lo sabe?

Aparte me ha llegado este comunicado de

¿Que siginifica?

Have you ever thought you might like to meet another RS7000 user to talk about the RS, swap tips, ideas and tracks? Well how about attending the largest gathering of RS7000 users EVER in one place not only to talk RS stuff but also take part in the biggest RS7000 jam in history. On December the 11th 2004 you could be apart of Yamaha history by attending "Therapy", an event organised collectively by and Yamaha UK to give you the opportunity to meet other users, meet music industry specialists and Yamaha themselves. In one of London's premier music venues you can play and mix your tracks on the 6k Turbosound rig in Studio B at Terminal Studios and chill out and play on some of Yamaha's newest toys on offer at the moment in Studio 5. Yamaha will be in attendance together with Darren Round from Records/Liquid Music Inc for production and record deal advice and Sam Reeve from Retek/Tidy Trax/Network for the same.

There are only 25 tickets available for this exclusive event and ALL RS7000 users from all communities are more than welcome to attend so spread the word. Tickets cost £20 and they will sell fast!

Do you fancy it??
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